期刊文献 > Electrophoresis期刊 选择月份
2023 Sep (3)
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2023 Feb (5)
2023 Jan (16)
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2022 Nov (4)
2022 Oct (2)
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2022 Aug (1)
20 2 (43)
1. A correlation of conductivity medium and bioparticle viability on dielectrophoresis-based biomedical applications.
2023 Jan 5
Deivasigamani R, Mohd Maidin NN, Abdul Nasir NS
2. High-throughput capillary electrophoresis analysis of biopharmaceuticals utilizing sequential injections.
2023 Jan 31
Kumar R, Sarin D, Rathore AS.
3. Combined electroosmotic and pressure-driven transport of neutral solutes across a rough, porous-walled microtube.
2023 Jan 31
Sengupta S, Dasgupta T, Roy D
4. Quantitation of tryptophan and kynurenine in human plasma using 4-vinylphenylboronic acid column by capillary electrochromatography coupled with mass spectrometry.
2023 Jan 31
Patel VD, Shamsi SA, Miller A
5. Electrophoresis of a small sphere in a cylinder of finite length.
2023 Jan 25
Sherwood JD.
6. An easy and green assay to determine albendazole and ivermectin in veterinary preparations by micellar liquid chromatography.
2023 Jan 25
Pawar RP, Sharma G, Durgbanshi A
7. Automated and parallel microfluidic DNA extraction with integrated pneumatic microvalves/pumps and reusable open-channel columns.
2023 Jan 24
Zhong R, Wang M, Lin B.
8. Static droplet array for the synthesis of nonspherical microparticles.
2023 Jan 2
Yang H, Jiang L, Guo K
9. Evolution of the theoretical description of the isoelectric focusing experiment: III. Carrier ampholyte behavior in transient, bidirectional isotachophoresis.
2023 Jan 2
Vigh G, Gaš B.
10. Western blot normalization: Time to choose a proper loading control seriously.
2023 Jan 16
Wang Q, Han W, Ma C
11. Sample plug induced peak splitting in capillary electrophoresis studied using dual backscattered interferometry and fluorescence detection.
2023 Jan 15
De Silva M, Dunn RC.
12. Direct pumping of polar fluids with traveling-wave dielectrophoresis.
2023 Jan 15
Xu Y, Brown KA.
13. A hydrodynamic injection approach for capillary electrophoresis using rotor-stator valves.
2023 Jan 14
Ferreira Santos MS, Zamuruyev K, Mora MF
14. Hair analysis as a new tool to monitor adherence to long-term therapy to statins.
2023 Jan 14
Ballotari M, Taus F, Gottardo R
15. Evolution of the theoretical description of the isoelectric focusing experiment: I. The path from Svensson's steady-state model to the current two-stage model of isoelectric focusing.
2023 Jan 14
Vigh G, Gas B.
16. Evolution of the theoretical description of the isoelectric focusing experiment: II. An open system isoelectric focusing experiment is a transient, bidirectional isotachophoretic experiment.
2023 Jan 14
Vigh G, Gaš B.
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