期刊文献 > Electrophoresis期刊 选择月份
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2022 Nov (4)
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2022 Sep (2)
2022 Aug (1)
20 2 (43)
1. Studying molecular interactions via capillary electrophoresis and microscale thermophoresis: A review.
20 2 3
Asmari M, Michalcová L, Ibrahim AE
2. Strategies for capillary electrophoresis: Method development and validation for pharmaceutical and biological applications-Updated and completely revised edition.
20 2 3
Krebs F, Zagst H, Stein M
3. Next-generation liquid biopsy instruments: Challenges and opportunities.
20 2 3
Zhu S, Fang Y, Guo K
4. Speeding up SDS-PAGE: Theory and experiment.
20 2 3
Koshkina MK, Shelomov MD, Pometun AA
5. Fractionation of bacteria by electrophoresis as pre-separation method before MALDI-MS detection.
20 2 3
Błońska D, Kłodzińska E, Buszewski B.
6. Development of a novel two-dimensional gel electrophoresis protocol with agarose native gel electrophoresis.
20 2 3
Nakagawa M, Tomioka Y, Sakuma C
7. Appearance of ghost bands in gel electrophoresis depending on agarose concentration.
20 2 3
Raab J, Fink B, Bauer M.
8. Recent advances in multimode microfluidic separation of particles and cells.
20 2 3
Song Y, Li D, Xuan X.
9. Electropatterning-Contemporary developments for selective particle arrangements employing electrokinetics.
20 2 3
Lomeli-Martin A, Ahamed N, Abhyankar VV
10. A gravity-independent single-phase electrode reservoir for capillary electrophoresis applications.
20 2 3
Drevinskas T, Noell AC, Kehl F
11. Selection of phage-displayed antibodies with high affinity and specificity by electrophoresis in microfluidic devices.
20 2 3
Sanluis-Verdes A, Peñaherrera A, Torán JL
12. An interlaboratory capillary zone electrophoresis-UV study of various monoclonal antibodies, instruments, and ε-aminocaproic acid lots.
20 2 3
Wiesner R, Zagst H, Lan W
13. Rapid quality assessment of Gentianae Macrophyllae Radix based on near-infrared spectroscopy and capillary electrophoresis.
20 2 3
Zhang Z, Hao N, Wang L
14. Research progress on pesticide residue detection based on microfluidic technology.
20 2 3
Zhu L, Wu M, Li R
15. β-Cyclodextrin and folic acid host-guest interaction binding parameters determined by Taylor dispersion analysis and affinity capillary electrophoresis.
20 2 3
Dai Y, Sun C, Yang Y
16. Short-chain polyphosphates: Extraction effects on migration and size estimation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae extracts with polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.
20 2 3
Manoukian L, Stein RS, Correa JA
17. Catalytic activity of glucose oxidase after dielectrophoretic immobilization on nanoelectrodes.
20 2 3
Prüfer M, Stanke S, Bier FF
18. Proteomics analysis of human breast milk by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2D-PAGE) coupled with mass spectrometry to assess breast cancer risk.
20 2 3
Aslebagh R, Whitham D, Channaveerappa D
19. MPKin-YSTR: Interpretation of Y chromosome STR haplotypes for missing persons cases.
20 2 3
Ge J, Crysup B, Peters D
20. Monovalent cation localization in DNA A-tracts with different sequences.
20 2 3
Stellwagen E, Stellwagen NC.
21. Discovery of Elaphuri Davidiani Cornu-specific peptide biomarkers by peptidomics analysis-based method.
20 2 3
Liu R, Wang Q, Xiao D
22. An integrated digital polymerase chain reaction chip for multiplexed meat adulteration detection.
20 2 3
Yu C, Dai S, Zhang Z
23. Enantiomeric analysis of drugs in water samples by using liquid-liquid microextraction and nano-liquid chromatography.
20 2 3
Salido-Fortuna S, Bosco CD, Gentili A
24. Dielectric characterization of Babesia bovis using the dielectrophoretic crossover frequency.
20 2 3
Oladokun R, Adekanmbi E, Ueti M
25. Systematic selection of ancestry informative SNPs for differentiating Han, Japanese, Dai, and Kinh populations.
20 2 3
Wan W, Zhang H, Ren Z
26. A dielectrophoresis-based platform of cancerous cell capture using aptamer-functionalized gold nanoparticles in a microfluidic channel.
20 2 3
Vu-Dinh H, Quang LD, Lin YR
27. Analysis of five rare alleles at the STR loci D1S1656, D12S391, D13S317, Penta D, and D2S441.
20 2 3
Wang Y, Gao A, Dong Z
28. The surface conductance of red blood cells and platelets is modulated by the cell membrane potential.
20 2 3
Hughes MP.
29. Dielectrophoresis microbial characterization and isolation of Staphylococcus aureus based on optimum crossover frequency.
20 2 3
Rozaini AZA, Abdulhameed A, Deivasigamani R
30. Detection of LPS-induced macrophage activation with single-cell resolution through DC insulator-based electrokinetic devices.
20 2 3
Liu Y.
31. Analysis of DNA methylation markers for tissue identification in individuals with different clinical phenotypes.
20 2 3
Silva DSBS, Ecker H, Walcott J
32. Mitochondrial DNA control region typing from highly degraded skeletal remains by single-multiplex next-generation sequencing.
20 2 3
Vinueza-Espinosa DC, Cuesta-Aguirre DR, Malgosa A
33. Lipidomic study and diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma tumor with rapid evaporative ionization mass spectrometry.
20 2 3
Wang H, Li T, Shen Q
34. Enhancement of dielectrophoresis-based particle collection from high conducting fluids due to partial electrode insulation.
20 2 3
Luna R, Heineck D, Hinestrosa JP
35. Concentration of lambda concatemers using a 3D printed device.
20 2 3
Rau S, Huynh T, Larsen A
36. Liposomal doxorubicin and free doxorubicin in vivo quantitation method developed on CE-LIF and its application in pharmacokinetic analysis.
20 2 3
Tie C, Jiang X, Zhu C
37. Tunable magnetophoretic method for distinguishing and separating wear debris particles in an Fe-PDMS-based microfluidic chip.
20 2 3
Zhao K, Wei Y, Zhao P
38. Determination of acidity constants of pyridines, imidazoles, and oximes by capillary electrophoresis.
20 2 3
Hajduk A, Ulrich N.
39. Development of a highly sensitive imaged cIEF immunoassay for studying AAV capsid protein charge heterogeneity.
20 2 3
Ramírez F, Wu J, Haitjema C
40. Quantitative model for predicting the electroosmotic flow in dual-pole nanochannels.
20 2 3
Khosravikia M.
41. Genome-wide association studies combined with k-fold cross-validation identify rs17822931 as an ancestry-informative marker in Han Chinese population.
20 2 3
Li Z, Wu J, Yang J
42. Testing of two SNP array-based genealogy algorithms using extended Han Chinese pedigrees and recommendations for improved performances in forensic practice.
20 2 3
Liu J, Wei YL, Yang L
43. Temperature gradient focusing of bio-analyte in a microfluidic channel dealing with non-Newtonian electrolyte considering temperature-dependent zeta potential.
20 2 3
Dutta A, Santra AK, Ganguly R.
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