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20 2 (65)
1. RNA therapeutics.
20 2 3
Hastings ML, Krainer AR.
2. On the origin of life: an RNA-focused synthesis and narrative.
20 2 3
Fine JL, Pearlman RE.
3. Artifacts and biases of the reverse transcription reaction in RNA sequencing.
20 2 3
Verwilt J, Mestdagh P, Vandesompele J.
4. Promoter-independent synthesis of chemically modified RNA by human DNA polymerase θ variants.
20 2 3
Tredinnick T, Kent T, Minakhin L
5. Ancestry of RNA/RNA interaction regions within segmented ribosomes.
20 2 3
Rivas M, Fox GE.
6. Structural basis for RNA-duplex unwinding by the DEAD-box helicase DbpA.
20 2 3
Wurm JP.
7. The life and times of a tRNA.
20 2 3
Phizicky EM, Hopper AK.
8. Single-molecule RNA in situ detection in clinical FFPE tissue sections by vsmCISH.
20 2 3
Jiang M, Wei K, Li M
9. "Crowd-control" by RNA: a pervasive theme in biology.
20 2 3
Bracken CP.
10. Nanopore sequencing of internal 2'-PO(4) modifications installed by RNA repair.
20 2 3
White LK, Strugar SM, MacFadden A
11. bakR: uncovering differential RNA synthesis and degradation kinetics transcriptome-wide with Bayesian hierarchical modeling.
20 2 3
Vock IW, Simon MD.
12. Nuclear SRP9/SRP14 heterodimer transcriptionally regulates 7SL and BC200 RNA expression.
20 2 3
Gussakovsky D, Booy EP, Brown MJF
13. Co-phase separation of Y14 and RNA in vitro and its implication for DNA repair.
20 2 3
Yu CL, Chuang TW, Samuel SY
14. Double-stemmed and split structural variants of fluorescent RNA Mango aptamers.
20 2 3
Herrera-Gutierrez J(#), Burden SJ(#), Kobernat SE
15. No evidence for epitranscriptomic m(5)C modification of SARS-CoV-2, HIV and MLV viral RNA.
20 2 3
Huang A, Rieper L, Rieder D
16. Small-molecule Ro-08-2750 interacts with many RNA-binding proteins and elicits MUSASHI2-independent phenotypes.
20 2 3
Walters K, Sajek MP, Murphy E
17. Structural analysis of MALAT1 long noncoding RNA in cells and in evolution.
20 2 3
Monroy-Eklund A, Taylor C, Weidmann CA
18. RNA in situ conformation sequencing reveals novel long-range RNA structures with impact on splicing.
20 2 3
Margasyuk S, Kalinina M, Petrova M
19. Molecular basis for GIGYF-TNRC6 complex assembly.
20 2 3
Sobti M, Mead BJ, Stewart AG
20. Occurrence and classification of T-shaped interactions between nucleobases in RNA structures.
20 2 3
Ali Z, Kukhta T, Jhunjhunwala A
21. Transcriptome-wide probing reveals RNA thermometers that regulate translation of glycerol permease genes in Bacillus subtilis.
20 2 3
Jolley EA, Yakhnin H, Tack DC
22. Nanopore-based RNA sequencing deciphers the formation, processing, and modification steps of rRNA intermediates in archaea.
20 2 3
Grünberger F, Jüttner M, Knüppel R
23. Structure and ion-dependent folding of k-junctions.
20 2 3
Li M, Deng J, Peng X
24. Structural and dynamic effects of pseudouridine modifications on noncanonical interactions in RNA.
20 2 3
Vögele J, Duchardt-Ferner E, Kruse H
25. Nanoblot: an R-package for visualization of RNA isoforms from long-read RNA-sequencing data.
20 2 3
DeMario S, Xu K, He K
26. Interactions between terminal ribosomal RNA helices stabilize the E. coli large ribosomal subunit.
20 2 3
Nissley AJ, Kamal TS, Cate JHD.
27. Disruption of the Aspergillus fumigatus RNA interference machinery alters the conidial transcriptome.
20 2 3
Kelani AA, Bruch A, Rivieccio F
28. The DUF3715 domain has a conserved role in RNA-directed transposon silencing.
20 2 3
Schöpp T, Prigozhin DM, Douse C
29. Anionic G•U pairs in bacterial ribosomal rRNAs.
20 2 3
Westhof E, Watson ZL, Zirbel CL
30. Identification of RNA-binding proteins' direct effects on gene expression via the degradation tag system.
20 2 3
Worner K, Liu Q, Maschhoff KR
31. Comparison of TRIBE and STAMP for identifying targets of RNA binding proteins in human and Drosophila cells.
20 2 3
Abruzzi KC(#), Ratner C(#), Rosbash M.
32. In vivo structure probing of RNA in Archaea: novel insights into the ribosome structure of Methanosarcina acetivorans.
20 2 3
Williams AM, Jolley EA, Santiago-Martínez MG
33. Fluorescent labeling of RNA and DNA on the Hoogsteen edge using sulfinate chemistry.
20 2 3
Bassi T(#), Hirlinger A(#), Grayson L
34. Recoding UAG to selenocysteine in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
20 2 3
Hoffman KS, Chung CZ, Mukai T
35. Formamide significantly enhances the efficiency of chemical adenylation of RNA sequencing ligation adaptors.
20 2 3
Hildebrand SR, Hedger AK, Yamada K
36. Processing and decay of 6S-1 and 6S-2 RNAs in Bacillus subtilis.
20 2 3
Wiegard JC, Damm K, Lechner M
37. Computational design and experimental verification of pseudoknotted ribozymes.
20 2 3
Najeh S(#), Zandi K(#), Kharma N
38. Autorecoding A-to-I RNA editing sites in the Adar gene underwent compensatory gains and losses in major insect clades.
20 2 3
Duan Y, Ma L, Song F
39. Exploring the targeting spectrum of rocaglates among eIF4A homologs.
20 2 3
Naineni SK, Cencic R, Robert F
40. Which came first: the chicken, the egg, or guanine?
20 2 3
Kankia B.
41. Phosphorylation controls the oligomeric state of She2 and mRNA localization in yeast.
20 2 3
Farajzadeh N(#), Shahbabian K(#), Bouaziz Y
42. Principles, mechanisms, and biological implications of translation termination-reinitiation.
20 2 3
Sherlock ME, Baquero Galvis L, Vicens Q
43. Phase-separated ribosome-nascent chain complexes in genotoxic stress response.
20 2 3
Németh-Szatmári O, Nagy-Mikó B, Györkei Á
44. Mouse nuclear RNAi-defective 2 promotes splicing of weak 5' splice sites.
20 2 3
Flemr M, Schwaiger M, Hess D
45. Spatial arrangement of functional domains in OxyS stress response sRNA.
20 2 3
Štih V, Amenitsch H, Plavec J
46. tRNA(Tyr) has an unusually short half-life in Trypanosoma brucei.
20 2 3
Silveira d'Almeida G, Casius A, Henderson JC
47. clipplotr-a comparative visualization and analysis tool for CLIP data.
20 2 3
Chakrabarti AM, Capitanchik C, Ule J
48. Consequences of depleting TNRC6, AGO, and DROSHA proteins on expression of microRNAs.
20 2 3
Johnson KC, Johnson ST, Liu J
49. Translation reinitiation after uORFs does not fully protect mRNAs from nonsense-mediated decay.
20 2 3
Russell PJ, Slivka JA, Boyle EP
50. Dynamically regulated transcription factors are encoded by highly unstable mRNAs in the Drosophila larval brain.
20 2 3
Thompson MK, Ceccarelli A, Ish-Horowicz D
51. Direct sequencing of total Saccharomyces cerevisiae tRNAs by LC-MS/MS.
20 2 3
Jones JD, Simcox KM, Kennedy RT
52. Generation of a new Adar1p150 (-/-) mouse demonstrates isoform-specific roles in embryonic development and adult homeostasis.
20 2 3
Liang Z, Goradia A, Walkley CR
53. SAFB associates with nascent RNAs and can promote gene expression in mouse embryonic stem cells.
20 2 3
Cherney RE, Eberhard QE(#), Giri G(#)
54. Minimizing amplification bias during reverse transcription for in vitro selections.
20 2 3
Lucas JK, Gruenke PR, Burke DH.
55. Multidimensional plasticity jointly contributes to rapid acclimation to environmental challenges during biological invasions.
20 2 3
Huang X, Li H, Shenkar N
56. Dysregulation of murine long noncoding single-cell transcriptome in nonalcoholic steatohepatitis and liver fibrosis.
20 2 3
Karri K, Waxman DJ.
57. Shutdown of multidrug transporter bmrCD mRNA expression mediated by the ribosome-associated endoribonuclease (Rae1) cleavage in a new cryptic ORF.
20 2 3
Deves V, Trinquier A, Gilet L
58. Translation regulation by a guanidine-II riboswitch is highly tunable in sensitivity, dynamic range, and apparent cooperativity.
20 2 3
Focht CM, Hiller DA, Grunseich SG
59. A temporal difference in the stabilization of two mRNAs with a 3' iron-responsive element during iron deficiency.
20 2 3
Connell GJ, Abasiri IM(#), Chaney EH(#).
60. Localization of unlabeled bepirovirsen antisense oligonucleotide in murine tissues using in situ hybridization and CARS imaging.
20 2 3
Spencer-Dene B(#), Mukherjee P(#), Alex A
61. Improved enzymatic labeling of fluorescent in situ hybridization probes applied to the visualization of retained introns in cells.
20 2 3
Xiao W, Yeom KH, Lin CH
62. The importance of m(6)A topology in chicken embryo mRNA: a precise mapping of m(6)A at the conserved chicken β-actin zipcode.
20 2 3
Baron F, Zhang M, Archer N
63. Duf89 abets lncRNA control of fission yeast phosphate homeostasis via its antagonism of precocious lncRNA transcription termination.
20 2 3
Sanchez AM, Garg A, Schwer B
64. Cysteine tRNA acts as a stop codon readthrough-inducing tRNA in the human HEK293T cell line.
20 2 3
Valášek LS, Kučerová M, Zeman J
65. Initiation of translation on nedicistrovirus and related intergenic region IRESs by their factor-independent binding to the P site of 80S ribosomes.
20 2 3
Miścicka A(#), Lu K(#), Abaeva IS
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