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2022 Dec (2)
20 2 (33)
1. Does environmental replication contribute to Bacillus anthracis spore persistence and infectivity in soil?
Res Microbiol
20 2 3
Hsieh HY, Stewart GC.
2. Vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium and the emergence of new sequence types associated with hospital infection.
Res Microbiol
20 2 3
O'Toole RF, Leong KWC, Cumming V
3. Early expression of capsule during Bacillus anthracis germination.
Res Microbiol
20 2 3
Fastenackels S, Mock M, Tournier JN
4. Physico-chemical characterization of single bacteria and spores using optical tweezers.
Res Microbiol
20 2 3
Nilsson DPG, Jonsmoen UL, Malyshev D
5. Assessment of calcium hypochlorite for Bacillus anthracis spore surface's decontamination.
Res Microbiol
20 2 3
Verguet N, Mondange L, Nolent F
6. High-throughput functional profiling of the human fungal pathogen Candida albicans genome.
Res Microbiol
20 2 3
Chauvel M, Bachellier-Bassi S, Guérout AM
7. Plasmid pMO1 from Marinitoga okinawensis, first non-cryptic plasmid reported within Thermotogota.
Res Microbiol
20 2 3
Lossouarn J, Nesbø CL, Bienvenu N
8. l-tyrosine modulates biofilm formation of Bacillus cereus ATCC 14579.
Res Microbiol
20 2 3
Huijboom L, Tempelaars M, Fan M
9. Biofilm formation and antibiotic resistance profiles of water-borne pathogens.
Res Microbiol
20 2 3
Koskeroglu K, Barel M, Hizlisoy H
10. Role of lactoyl-glutathione lyase of Salmonella in the colonization of plants under salinity stress.
Res Microbiol
20 2 3
Karmakar K, Chakraborty S, Kumar JR
11. Identification of pH-specific protein expression responses by Campylobacter jejuni strain NCTC 11168.
Res Microbiol
20 2 3
Ramires T, Wilson R, Padilha da Silva W
12. BarA/UvrY differentially regulates prodigiosin biosynthesis and swarming motility in Serratia marcescens FS14.
Res Microbiol
20 2 3
Liu X, Xu D, Wu D
13. Antifungal azoles trigger a xenobiotic detoxification pathway and chitin synthesis in Neurospora crassa.
Res Microbiol
20 2 3
Víglaš J, Olejníková P.
14. Comparative genomic analysis of the Dietzia genus: an insight into genomic diversity, and adaptation.
Res Microbiol
20 2 3
Santos RGD, Hurtado R, Rodrigues DLN
15. Skin microbiome of people living at the Dead Sea area - The lowest place on earth.
Res Microbiol
20 2 3
Harel N, Reshef L, Biran D
16. Experimental evolution forcing Oenococcus oeni acid tolerance highlights critical role of the citrate locus.
Res Microbiol
20 2 3
Julliat F, Eicher C, Tourti N
17. Core genome multilocus sequence typing scheme for Bacillus cereus group bacteria.
Res Microbiol
20 2 3
Tourasse NJ, Jolley KA, Kolstø AB
18. Polyphosphate accumulation and cell-surface properties by autochthonous bacteria from Argentinian Patagonia.
Res Microbiol
20 2 3
Correa Deza MA, Lobo CB, Ferrero MA
19. Atg8 and Ire1 in combination regulate the autophagy-related endoplasmic reticulum stress response in Candida albicans.
Res Microbiol
20 2 3
Du J, Zhao H, Zhu M
20. Involvement of RNA chaperone hfq in the regulation of antibiotic resistance and virulence in Shigella sonnei.
Res Microbiol
20 2 3
Wang Y, Teng Y, Geng J
21. Transcriptome analysis reveals a common adaptive transcriptional response of Candida glabrata to diverse environmental stresses.
Res Microbiol
20 2 3
Rai MN, Rai R, Sethiya P
22. Bivalent copper ions presence triggers removal and homeostatic mechanisms in the metal-resistant microorganism Apiotrichum loubieri M12.
Res Microbiol
20 2 3
Bonilla JO, Callegari EA, Paez MD
23. Agrobacterium fabrum gene atu1420 regulates the pathogenicity by affecting the degradation of growth- and virulence-associated phenols.
Res Microbiol
20 2 3
Wang H, Zhang M, Wang E
24. Key amino acids residues enhance the ability of CpcR to activate cry gene expression in Bacillus thuringiensis.
Res Microbiol
20 2 3
Zhang R, Luo Y, Gang L
25. Alterations of growth, biofilm-forming, and gene expression of Bordetella pertussis by antibiotics at sub-minimum inhibitory concentrations.
Res Microbiol
20 2 3
Delik E, Eroğlu B, Çolak ÇY
26. Transcript profiling reveals the role of PDB1, a subunit of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex, in Candida albicans biofilm formation.
Res Microbiol
20 2 3
Rai LS, Chauvel M, Permal E
27. Are Bacillus thuringiensis strains like any other Bacillus cereus strains? Phenotypic-based tools to locate Bacillus thuringiensis in the diversity of the Bacillus cereus sensu lato group.
Res Microbiol
20 2 3
Trunet C, Cauquil A, Hymery N
28. Physiological consequences of inactivation of lgmB and lpxL1, two genes involved in lipid A synthesis in Bordetella bronchiseptica.
Res Microbiol
20 2 3
Pérez-Ortega J, van Harten RM, Haagsman HP
29. Phylogenomics and molecular marker-based analyses of the order Nevskiales: proposal for the creation of Steroidobacterales ord. nov. and Peristeroidobacter gen. nov.
Res Microbiol
20 2 3
Montecillo JAV.
30. The NF-κB factor Relish is essential for the epithelial defenses protecting against δ-endotoxin dependent effects of Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis infection in the Drosophila model.
Res Microbiol
20 2 3
Mouawad C, Awad MK, Liegeois S
31. Sulfoacidibacillus ferrooxidans, gen. nov., sp. nov., Sulfoacidibacillus thermotolerans, gen. nov., sp. nov., and Ferroacidibacillus organovorans, gen. nov., sp. nov.: Extremely acidophilic chemolitho-heterotrophic Firmicutes.
Res Microbiol
20 2 3
Johnson DB, Holmes DS, Vergara E
32. Metabolomics profiling of culture medium reveals association of methionine and vitamin B metabolisms with virulent phenotypes of clinical bloodstream-isolated Candida albicans.
Res Microbiol
20 2 3
Kanchanapiboon J, Maiuthed A, Rukthong P
33. Plasmid - Chromosome interplay in natural and non-natural hosts: global transcription study of three Bacillus cereus group strains carrying pCER270 plasmid.
Res Microbiol
20 2 3
Nevers A, Kranzler M, Perchat S
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