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2021 Jan (74)
1. Apical PAR protein caps orient the mitotic spindle in C. elegans early embryos.
Curr Biol
2023 Sep 9
Stolpner NJ, Manzi NI, Su T
2. Causal role of a promoter polymorphism in natural variation of the Arabidopsis floral repressor gene FLC.
Curr Biol
2023 Sep 9
Zhu P, Schon M, Questa J
3. Distinct pathways of adaptive evolution in Cryptococcus neoformans reveal a mutation in adenylyl cyclase with trade-offs for pathogenicity.
Curr Biol
2023 Sep 8
Hilbert ZA, Bednarek JM, Schwiesow MJW
4. Origins of slow growth on the crocodilian stem lineage.
Curr Biol
2023 Sep 8
Botha J, Weiss BM, Dollman K
5. Direct recruitment of Mis18 to interphase spindle pole bodies promotes CENP-A chromatin assembly.
Curr Biol
2023 Sep 8
London N, Medina-Pritchard B, Spanos C
6. A sex-specific switch in a single glial cell patterns the apical extracellular matrix.
Curr Biol
2023 Sep 8
Fung W, Tan TM, Kolotuev I
7. Selective encoding of reward predictions and prediction errors by globus pallidus subpopulations.
Curr Biol
2023 Sep 6
Farries MA, Faust TW, Mohebi A
8. Photosystems in the eye-like organelles of heterotrophic warnowiid dinoflagellates.
Curr Biol
2023 Sep 6
Cooney EC, Holt CC, Jacko-Reynolds VKL
9. Prediction error in models of adaptive behavior.
Curr Biol
2023 Sep 6
Navarro VM, Dwyer DM, Honey RC.
10. Dimensionality reduction reveals separate translation and rotation populations in the zebrafish hindbrain.
Curr Biol
2023 Sep 6
Feierstein CE, de Goeij MHM, Ostrovsky AD
11. A spatially concerted epidermal auxin signaling framework steers the root hair foraging response under low nitrogen.
Curr Biol
2023 Sep 6
Jia Z, Giehl RFH, Hartmann A
12. Extending the reach of homology by using successive computational filters to find yeast pheromone genes.
Curr Biol
2023 Sep 6
Srikant S, Gaudet R, Murray AW.
13. Genome and transcriptome of Selaginella kraussiana reveal evolution of root apical meristems in vascular plants.
Curr Biol
2023 Sep 6
Liu W, Cai G, Zhai N
14. A brainstem circuit for the expression of defensive facial reactions in rat.
Curr Biol
2023 Sep 5
Callado Pérez A, Demers M, Fassihi A
15. Microtubule detyrosination by VASH1/SVBP is regulated by the conformational state of tubulin in the lattice.
Curr Biol
2023 Sep 5
Yue Y, Hotta T, Higaki T
16. Orbitofrontal cortex conveys stimulus and task information to the auditory cortex.
Curr Biol
2023 Sep 12
Mittelstadt JK, Kanold PO.
17. TFEB.
Curr Biol
2023 Sep 11
Contreras PS, Puertollano R.
18. Hany K.M. Dweck.
Curr Biol
2023 Sep 11
Dweck HKM.
19. Michael Ashburner (1942-2023).
Curr Biol
2023 Sep 11
Rubin GM.
20. Defining eukaryotes to dissect eukaryogenesis.
Curr Biol
2023 Sep 11
Donoghue PCJ, Kay C, Spang A
21. Anguillid eels.
Curr Biol
2023 Sep 11
Williamson MJ, Pike C, Gollock M
22. Vision restoration: Little red booster.
Curr Biol
2023 Sep 11
Wade AR.
23. Inhibitory neurons: VIP neurons expect rewards.
Curr Biol
2023 Sep 11
Zou J, Hires SA.
24. Plant development: How to kill the endosperm.
Curr Biol
2023 Sep 11
Köhler C, Butel N.
25. Programmed DNA elimination in Mesorhabditis nematodes.
Curr Biol
2023 Sep 11
Rey C, Launay C, Wenger E
26. Reproductive biology: A genetic recipe for parthenogenesis.
Curr Biol
2023 Sep 11
Thomalla JM, Wolfner MF.
27. Evolution: The ancient history of cilia assembly regulation.
Curr Biol
2023 Sep 11
Azimzadeh J, Durand B.
28. A genetic basis for facultative parthenogenesis in Drosophila.
Curr Biol
2023 Sep 11
Sperling AL, Fabian DK, Garrison E
29. The invasive ant Solenopsis invicta is established in Europe.
Curr Biol
2023 Sep 11
Menchetti M, Schifani E, Alicata A
30. Plant biology: Young maize leaves 'smell' a volatile danger signal.
Curr Biol
2023 Sep 11
Wu J.
31. Disease ecology: When a GPS logger tells you more than a blood sample.
Curr Biol
2023 Sep 11
Gamble A.
32. Habitat modification destabilizes spatial associations and persistence of Neotropical carnivores.
Curr Biol
2023 Sep 11
Boron V, Deere NJ, Hyde M
33. The eyes anticipate where objects will move based on their shape.
Curr Biol
2023 Sep 11
Stewart EEM, Fleming RW.
34. Visual attention to features and space in mice using reverse correlation.
Curr Biol
2023 Sep 11
Lehnert J, Cha K, Halperin J
35. Immature leaves are the dominant volatile-sensing organs of maize.
Curr Biol
2023 Sep 11
Wang L, Jäggi S, Cofer TM
36. The fate of sex chromosomes during the evolution of monoicy from dioicy in liverworts.
Curr Biol
2023 Sep 11
Singh S, Davies KM, Chagné D
37. Re-examining the role of the dorsal fan-shaped body in promoting sleep in Drosophila.
Curr Biol
2023 Sep 11
De J, Wu M, Lambatan V
38. Highly pathogenic avian influenza affects vultures' movements and breeding output.
Curr Biol
2023 Sep 11
Duriez O, Sassi Y, Le Gall-Ladevèze C
39. Host nutrient sensing is mediated by mTOR signaling in cnidarian-dinoflagellate symbiosis.
Curr Biol
2023 Sep 11
Voss PA, Gornik SG, Jacobovitz MR
40. LysM-mediated signaling in Marchantia polymorpha highlights the conservation of pattern-triggered immunity in land plants.
Curr Biol
2023 Sep 11
Yotsui I, Matsui H, Miyauchi S
41. Body stiffness is a mechanical property that facilitates contact-mediated mate recognition in Caenorhabditis elegans.
Curr Biol
2023 Sep 11
Weng JW, Park H, Valotteau C
42. Incorporating global change reveals extinction risk beyond the current Red List.
Curr Biol
2023 Sep 11
Peng S, Shrestha N, Luo Y
43. Accelerating effects of growing-season warming on tree seasonal activities are progressively disappearing.
Curr Biol
2023 Sep 11
Qiao Y, Gu H, Xu H
44. An RFX transcription factor regulates ciliogenesis in the closest living relatives of animals.
Curr Biol
2023 Sep 11
Coyle MC, Tajima AM, Leon F
45. Endosperm cell death promoted by NAC transcription factors facilitates embryo invasion in Arabidopsis.
Curr Biol
2023 Sep 11
Doll NM, Van Hautegem T, Schilling N
46. Plant-pathogen interactions: The need to evolve to stay the same.
Curr Biol
2023 Sep 11
Rubio-Somoza I, Blázquez MA.
47. Rodent attention: Probing the mouse mind with reverse correlation.
Curr Biol
2023 Sep 11
Ghosh S, Maunsell JHR.
48. A novel kleptoplastidic symbiosis revealed in the marine centrohelid Meringosphaera with evidence of genetic integration.
Curr Biol
2023 Sep 11
Sørensen MES, Zlatogursky VV, Onuţ-Brännström I
49. Temporal matches between monarch butterfly and milkweed population changes over the past 25,000 years.
Curr Biol
2023 Sep 11
Boyle JH, Strickler S, Twyford AD
50. Recruitment of grid-like responses in human entorhinal and piriform cortices by odor landmark-based navigation.
Curr Biol
2023 Sep 11
Raithel CU, Miller AJ, Epstein RA
51. Neural population dynamics of human working memory.
Curr Biol
2023 Sep 11
Li HH, Curtis CE.
52. Hippocampal sharp-wave ripples and their spike assembly content are regulated by the medial entorhinal cortex.
Curr Biol
2023 Sep 11
Zutshi I, Buzsáki G.
53. Global Brassicaceae phylogeny based on filtering of 1,000-gene dataset.
Curr Biol
2023 Sep 1
Hendriks KP, Kiefer C, Al-Shehbaz IA
54. Solar heating may explain extreme diel flight altitude changes in migrating birds.
Curr Biol
2023 Sep 1
Sjöberg S, Andersson A, Bäckman J
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