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2023 Sep (54)
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2021 Jan (74)
1. California singing fish.
Curr Biol
2023 Mar 27
Bass AH.
2. The plant cuticle.
Curr Biol
2023 Mar 27
González-Valenzuela L, Renard J, Depège-Fargeix N
3. Dora Biro.
Curr Biol
2023 Mar 27
Biro D.
4. Genetic diseases: How the noise fits in.
Curr Biol
2023 Mar 27
Levchenko A.
5. Extreme plasticity of reproductive state in a female rodent.
Curr Biol
2023 Mar 27
Freeman AR, Lee DN, Allen JJ
6. The heterochronic LIN-14 protein is a BEN domain transcription factor.
Curr Biol
2023 Mar 27
Greene S, Huang J, Hamilton K
7. Multiple ubiquitin E3 ligase genes antagonistically regulate chloroplast-associated protein degradation.
Curr Biol
2023 Mar 27
Mohd Ali S, Li N, Soufi Z
8. Injury primes mutation-bearing astrocytes for dedifferentiation in later life.
Curr Biol
2023 Mar 27
Simpson Ragdale H, Clements M, Tang W
9. Emergence, continuity, and evolution of Yersinia pestis throughout medieval and early modern Denmark.
Curr Biol
2023 Mar 27
Eaton K, Sidhu RK, Klunk J
10. Recording electrical activity from the brain of behaving octopus.
Curr Biol
2023 Mar 27
Gutnick T, Neef A, Cherninskyi A
11. Seabird morphology determines operational wind speeds, tolerable maxima, and responses to extremes.
Curr Biol
2023 Mar 27
Nourani E, Safi K, de Grissac S
12. Brood parasitism risk drives birds to breed near humans.
Curr Biol
2023 Mar 27
Zhang J, Santema P, Li J
13. Decoupled spatiotemporal patterns of avian taxonomic and functional diversity.
Curr Biol
2023 Mar 27
Jarzyna MA, Stagge JH.
14. Fragmented habitat compensates for the adverse effects of genetic bottleneck.
Curr Biol
2023 Mar 27
Löytynoja A, Rastas P, Valtonen M
15. Conservation of the PBL-RBOH immune module in land plants.
Curr Biol
2023 Mar 27
Chu J, Monte I, DeFalco TA
16. Rapid formation of new migration route and breeding area by Arctic geese.
Curr Biol
2023 Mar 27
Madsen J, Schreven KHT, Jensen GH
17. Increased alcohol dehydrogenase 1 activity promotes longevity.
Curr Biol
2023 Mar 27
Ghaddar A, Mony VK, Mishra S
18. Purple photosymbioses.
Curr Biol
2023 Mar 13
Muñoz-Gómez SA, Hess S.
19. John Tuthill.
Curr Biol
2023 Mar 13
Tuthill J.
20. Specification and evolution of lateral roots.
Curr Biol
2023 Mar 13
Lakehal A, Dob A, Beeckman T.
21. Earliest Triassic ichthyosaur fossils push back oceanic reptile origins.
Curr Biol
2023 Mar 13
Kear BP, Engelschiøn VS, Hammer Ø
22. Extreme snowstorms lead to large-scale seabird breeding failures in Antarctica.
Curr Biol
2023 Mar 13
Descamps S, Hudson S, Sulich J
23. Systematic analysis of RhoGEF/GAP localizations uncovers regulators of mechanosensing and junction formation during epithelial cell division.
Curr Biol
2023 Mar 13
di Pietro F, Osswald M, De Las Heras JM
24. Putative pectate lyase PLL12 and callose deposition through polar CALS7 are necessary for long-distance phloem transport in Arabidopsis.
Curr Biol
2023 Mar 13
Kalmbach L, Bourdon M, Belevich I
25. CSF-contacting neurons respond to Streptococcus pneumoniae and promote host survival during central nervous system infection.
Curr Biol
2023 Mar 13
Prendergast AE, Jim KK, Marnas H
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