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2021 Jan (74)
1. Mycoheterotrophy.
Curr Biol
2023 Jun 5
Merckx VSFT, Gomes SIF.
2. Kleptoplasty.
Curr Biol
2023 Jun 5
Christa G.
3. Mistletoes.
Curr Biol
2023 Jun 5
Whiteman NK.
4. Botrytis cinerea.
Curr Biol
2023 Jun 5
Chen T, Zhang Z, Chen Y
5. Vertical farming.
Curr Biol
2023 Jun 5
Ji Y, Kusuma P, Marcelis LFM.
6. Acacia ants.
Curr Biol
2023 Jun 5
Palmer TM.
7. Ustilago maydis.
Curr Biol
2023 Jun 5
Djamei A.
8. No plant is an island.
Curr Biol
2023 Jun 5
Renner SS.
9. Plant virology.
Curr Biol
2023 Jun 5
Xavier CAD, Whitfield AE.
10. Plant specialized metabolism.
Curr Biol
2023 Jun 5
Huang XQ, Dudareva N.
11. Rachael Jack.
Curr Biol
2023 Jun 5
Jack R.
12. Plant domestication and agricultural ecologies.
Curr Biol
2023 Jun 5
Fuller DQ, Denham T, Allaby R.
13. Pollination by sexual deception.
Curr Biol
2023 Jun 5
Peakall R.
14. Hidden worlds within flowers.
Curr Biol
2023 Jun 5
Raguso RA.
15. The evolution of flower colour.
Curr Biol
2023 Jun 5
Kellenberger RT, Glover BJ.
16. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi as biofertilisers.
Curr Biol
2023 Jun 5
Salvioli di Fossalunga A, Bonfante P.
17. Impacts of large herbivores on terrestrial ecosystems.
Curr Biol
2023 Jun 5
Pringle RM, Abraham JO, Anderson TM
18. Mycorrhizal mycelium as a global carbon pool.
Curr Biol
2023 Jun 5
Hawkins HJ, Cargill RIM, Van Nuland ME
19. Non-prey biotic interactions in carnivorous plants.
Curr Biol
2023 Jun 5
Montero H, Fukushima K.
20. Volatile-mediated plant-plant communication and higher-level ecological dynamics.
Curr Biol
2023 Jun 5
Kessler A, Mueller MB, Kalske A
21. Diversity and regulation of symbiotic nitrogen fixation in plants.
Curr Biol
2023 Jun 5
Xu P, Wang E.
22. Contrasting self-recognition rejection systems for self-incompatibility in Brassica and Papaver.
Curr Biol
2023 Jun 5
Goring DR, Bosch M, Franklin-Tong VE.
23. Broadening the focus of forest conservation beyond carbon.
Curr Biol
2023 Jun 5
Buřivalová Z, Yoh N, Butler RA
24. Plant disease risk is modified by multiple global change drivers.
Curr Biol
2023 Jun 5
Laine AL.
25. The coming golden age for lichen biology.
Curr Biol
2023 Jun 5
Scharnagl K, Tagirdzhanova G, Talbot NJ.
26. Microglia modulate general anesthesia through P2Y(12) receptor.
Curr Biol
2023 Jun 5
Cao K, Qiu L, Lu X
27. Plant-pathogen management in a native forest ecosystem.
Curr Biol
2023 Jun 5
Mainwaring JC, Vink JNA, Gerth ML.
28. Attackers gain the upper hand over plants in the face of rapid global change.
Curr Biol
2023 Jun 5
Austin AT, Ballaré CL.
29. Antagonistic interactions between odorants alter human odor perception.
Curr Biol
2023 Jun 5
Fukutani Y, Abe M, Saito H
30. Disynaptic inhibition shapes tuning of OFF-motion detectors in Drosophila.
Curr Biol
2023 Jun 5
Braun A, Borst A, Meier M.
31. Photosynthetic sucrose drives the lateral root clock in Arabidopsis seedlings.
Curr Biol
2023 Jun 5
Kircher S, Schopfer P.
32. Categorical representation of abstract spatial magnitudes in the executive telencephalon of crows.
Curr Biol
2023 Jun 5
Wagener L, Nieder A.
33. Precision genome editing of crops for improved disease resistance.
Curr Biol
2023 Jun 5
Greenwood JR, Zhang X, Rathjen JP.
34. Tissue-specific regulation of volatile emissions moves predators from flowers to attacked leaves.
Curr Biol
2023 Jun 5
Munawar A, Xu Y, Abou El-Ela AS
35. Cyclic structure with cellular precision in a vertebrate sensorimotor neural circuit.
Curr Biol
2023 Jun 5
Yang R, Vishwanathan A, Wu J
36. Interommatidial cells build a tensile collagen network during Drosophila retinal morphogenesis.
Curr Biol
2023 Jun 5
Ready DF, Chang HC.
37. Extreme genome diversity and cryptic speciation in a harmful algal-bloom-forming eukaryote.
Curr Biol
2023 Jun 5
Wisecaver JH, Auber RP, Pendleton AL
38. Historical genomes elucidate European settlement and the African diaspora in Delaware.
Curr Biol
2023 Jun 5
Fleskes RE, Owsley DW, Bruwelheide KS
39. Cumulative early-life adversity does not predict reduced adult longevity in wild gorillas.
Curr Biol
2023 Jun 5
Morrison RE, Eckardt W, Stoinski TS
40. Muscle-directed mechanosensory feedback activates egg-laying circuit activity and behavior in Caenorhabditis elegans.
Curr Biol
2023 Jun 5
Medrano E, Collins KM.
41. Unanticipated broad phylogeny of BEN DNA-binding domains revealed by structural homology searches.
Curr Biol
2023 Jun 5
Pan A, Zeng Y, Liu J
42. Air-quality networks collect environmental DNA with the potential to measure biodiversity at continental scales.
Curr Biol
2023 Jun 5
Littlefair JE, Allerton JJ, Brown AS
43. Modulation of prey size reveals adaptability and robustness in the cell cycle of an intracellular predator.
Curr Biol
2023 Jun 5
Santin YG, Lamot T, van Raaphorst R
44. Vaginas.
Curr Biol
2023 Jun 19
Keeffe RM, Brennan PLR.
45. Killer whales.
Curr Biol
2023 Jun 19
Weiss MN, Croft DP.
46. Åke Lindström.
Curr Biol
2023 Jun 19
Lindström Å.
47. Fungal-induced fossil biomineralization.
Curr Biol
2023 Jun 19
Luo M, Li Z, Su M
48. Pain: The agony and the AstC.
Curr Biol
2023 Jun 19
Sizemore TR, Carlson JR.
49. Mosquito biology: Scents and selectability.
Curr Biol
2023 Jun 19
Gupta S, Blake AJ, Riffell JA.
50. Categorising: Inside the crow's brain.
Curr Biol
2023 Jun 19
Butterworth B.
51. The spongy moth, Lymantria dispar.
Curr Biol
2023 Jun 19
Rindos M, Liebhold AM.
52. Evolution: Assembling the deuterostome body plan.
Curr Biol
2023 Jun 19
Smith MR.
53. Perceptual learning: Training together makes us better.
Curr Biol
2023 Jun 19
Rosedahl L, Watanabe T.
54. Spatial navigation: Alzheimer's pathology disrupts movement-based navigation.
Curr Biol
2023 Jun 19
Bhasin G, Calvin-Dunn KN, Hyman JM.
55. Dyadic visual perceptual learning on orientation discrimination.
Curr Biol
2023 Jun 19
Zhang Y, Bi K, Li J
56. Neuroscience: Fish and fly headed in the same direction.
Curr Biol
2023 Jun 19
Heinze S.
57. The role of self-occluding contours in material perception.
Curr Biol
2023 Jun 19
Marlow PJ, Prior de Heer B, Anderson BL.
58. Evolution: The rise and fall of island dwarfs and giants.
Curr Biol
2023 Jun 19
Matthews TJ.
59. Dynamic BMP signaling mediates notochord segmentation in zebrafish.
Curr Biol
2023 Jun 19
Peskin B, Norman J, Bagwell J
60. Climbing plants beat trees to soil nutrient patches.
Curr Biol
2023 Jun 19
Putz FE.
61. Natural variation of GmRj2/Rfg1 determines symbiont differentiation in soybean.
Curr Biol
2023 Jun 19
Li Y, Wang C, Zheng L
62. Cambrian stem-group ambulacrarians and the nature of the ancestral deuterostome.
Curr Biol
2023 Jun 19
Li Y, Dunn FS, Murdock DJE
63. Fast prediction in marmoset reach-to-grasp movements for dynamic prey.
Curr Biol
2023 Jun 19
Shaw L, Wang KH, Mitchell J.
64. Implicit learning of the one-back reinforcement matching-mismatching task by pigeons.
Curr Biol
2023 Jun 19
Peng DN, Zentall TR.
65. Human scent guides mosquito thermotaxis and host selection under naturalistic conditions.
Curr Biol
2023 Jun 19
Giraldo D, Rankin-Turner S, Corver A
66. How many metazoan species live in the world's largest mineral exploration region?
Curr Biol
2023 Jun 19
Rabone M, Wiethase JH, Simon-Lledó E
67. Herbivore-driven disruption of arbuscular mycorrhizal carbon-for-nutrient exchange is ameliorated by neighboring plants.
Curr Biol
2023 Jun 19
Durant E, Hoysted GA, Howard N
68. Comparative connectomics and escape behavior in larvae of closely related Drosophila species.
Curr Biol
2023 Jun 19
Zhu J, Boivin JC, Pang S
69. Magnetic actuation of otoliths allows behavioral and brain-wide neuronal exploration of vestibulo-motor processing in larval zebrafish.
Curr Biol
2023 Jun 19
Beiza-Canelo N, Moulle H, Pujol T
70. Evolutionary analysis of cellular reduction and anaerobicity in the hyper-prevalent gut microbe Blastocystis.
Curr Biol
2023 Jun 19
Záhonová K, Low RS, Warren CJ
71. Grid cell disruption in a mouse model of early Alzheimer's disease reflects reduced integration of self-motion cues.
Curr Biol
2023 Jun 19
Ying J, Reboreda A, Yoshida M
72. The V-type ATPase enhances photosynthesis in marine phytoplankton and further links phagocytosis to symbiogenesis.
Curr Biol
2023 Jun 19
Yee DP, Samo TJ, Abbriano RM
73. Translocation of shorebird siblings shows intraspecific variation in migration routines to arise after fledging.
Curr Biol
2023 Jun 19
Loonstra AHJ, Verhoeven MA, Both C
74. Distinct frequencies balance segregation with interaction between different memory types within a prefrontal circuit.
Curr Biol
2023 Jun 19
Bracco M, Mutanen TP, Veniero D
75. Alleviation of thermal nociception depends on heat-sensitive neurons and a TRP channel in the brain.
Curr Biol
2023 Jun 19
Liu J, Liu W, Thakur D
76. The origin and evolution of sex chromosomes, revealed by sequencing of the Silene latifolia female genome.
Curr Biol
2023 Jun 19
Yue J, Krasovec M, Kazama Y
77. Mycology: The overlooked but obvious process of fungal-induced fossil biomineralization.
Curr Biol
2023 Jun 19
Turnau K.
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