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2021 Jan (74)
1. Jumbo phages.
Curr Biol
2023 Jul 24
Harding KR, Kyte N, Fineran PC.
2. Craig Montell.
Curr Biol
2023 Jul 24
Montell C.
3. Extremophilic and extremotolerant fungi.
Curr Biol
2023 Jul 24
Gostinčar C, Stajich JE, Gunde-Cimerman N.
4. The insect cryptonephridial complex.
Curr Biol
2023 Jul 24
Beaven R, Halberg KV, Denholm B.
5. Using eDNA to find Micrognathozoa.
Curr Biol
2023 Jul 24
Giribet G, Wangensteen OS, Garcés-Pastor S
6. Endosymbionts: Bacterial hijacking of fungi?
Curr Biol
2023 Jul 24
Dijksterhuis J.
7. Puberty in a Mesozoic reptile.
Curr Biol
2023 Jul 24
Li Q, Liu J, Klein N
8. Systematic underestimation of human hand weight.
Curr Biol
2023 Jul 24
Ferrè ER, Joel J, Cadete D
9. Social evolution: Life is better in groups.
Curr Biol
2023 Jul 24
Kingma SA.
10. Electroreception: Worms leap to insects for dispersal.
Curr Biol
2023 Jul 24
Zhang X, Xu XZS.
11. Systems neuroscience: Foraging through serotonin's tangled web.
Curr Biol
2023 Jul 24
Yemini E.
12. Static electricity passively attracts ticks onto hosts.
Curr Biol
2023 Jul 24
England SJ, Lihou K, Robert D.
13. Visual perception: Contours that crack the ambiguity conundrum.
Curr Biol
2023 Jul 24
Fleming RW.
14. Evolution: How sweat bees gained and lost eusociality.
Curr Biol
2023 Jul 24
Lacy KD, Kronauer DJC.
15. Spd-2 gene duplication reveals cell-type-specific pericentriolar material regulation.
Curr Biol
2023 Jul 24
O'Neill RS, Sodeinde AK, Welsh FC
16. The role of the parafascicular thalamic nucleus in action initiation and steering.
Curr Biol
2023 Jul 24
Fallon IP, Hughes RN, Severino FPU
17. Invariant neural dynamics drive commands to control different movements.
Curr Biol
2023 Jul 24
Athalye VR, Khanna P, Gowda S
18. Metabolic evolution in response to interspecific competition in a eukaryote.
Curr Biol
2023 Jul 24
Ghedini G, Marshall DJ.
19. Social modulation of oogenesis and egg laying in Drosophila melanogaster.
Curr Biol
2023 Jul 24
Bailly TPM, Kohlmeier P, Etienne RS
20. Seamount mining test provides evidence of ecological impacts beyond deposition.
Curr Biol
2023 Jul 24
Washburn TW, Simon-Lledó E, Soong GY
21. Sleep-like changes in neural processing emerge during sleep deprivation in early auditory cortex.
Curr Biol
2023 Jul 24
Marmelshtein A, Eckerling A, Hadad B
22. Predictive saccades and decision making in the beetle-predating saffron robber fly.
Curr Biol
2023 Jul 24
Talley J, Pusdekar S, Feltenberger A
23. Systemic coagulopathy promotes host lethality in a new Drosophila tumor model.
Curr Biol
2023 Jul 24
Hsi TC, Ong KL, Sepers JJ
24. Higher temperatures directly increase germ cell number, promoting feminization of red-eared slider turtles.
Curr Biol
2023 Jul 24
Tezak B, Straková B, Fullard DJ
25. Extensive representation of sensory deviance in the responses to auditory gaps in unanesthetized rats.
Curr Biol
2023 Jul 24
Awwad B, Jankowski MM, Polterovich A
26. Positive interactions between mycorrhizal fungi and bacteria are widespread and benefit plant growth.
Curr Biol
2023 Jul 24
Berrios L, Yeam J, Holm L
27. Interspersed expression of CUP-SHAPED COTYLEDON2 and REDUCED COMPLEXITY shapes Cardamine hirsuta complex leaf form.
Curr Biol
2023 Jul 24
Bhatia N, Wilson-Sánchez D, Strauss S
28. RHO GTPase of plants regulates polarized cell growth and cell division orientation during morphogenesis.
Curr Biol
2023 Jul 24
Mulvey H, Dolan L.
29. Sea robins.
Curr Biol
2023 Jul 10
Allard CAH, Herbert AL, Kingsley DM
30. Shai Shaham.
Curr Biol
2023 Jul 10
Shaham S.
31. Kinematic priming of action predictions.
Curr Biol
2023 Jul 10
Scaliti E, Pullar K, Borghini G
32. Signaling in plant development and immunity through the lens of the stomata.
Curr Biol
2023 Jul 10
Chen L, Torii KU.
33. Decapitation in the long-necked Triassic marine reptile Tanystropheus.
Curr Biol
2023 Jul 10
Spiekman SNF, Mujal E.
34. Claustral neurons projecting to frontal cortex restrict opioid consumption.
Curr Biol
2023 Jul 10
Terem A, Fatal Y, Peretz-Rivlin N
35. Modulation and neural correlates of postmating sleep plasticity in Drosophila females.
Curr Biol
2023 Jul 10
Duhart JM, Buchler JR, Inami S
36. Transcription activator-like effector protects bacterial endosymbionts from entrapment within fungal hyphae.
Curr Biol
2023 Jul 10
Richter I, Wein P, Uzum Z
37. Grasses exploit geometry to achieve improved guard cell dynamics.
Curr Biol
2023 Jul 10
Durney CH, Wilson MJ, McGregor S
38. Input density tunes Kenyon cell sensory responses in the Drosophila mushroom body.
Curr Biol
2023 Jul 10
Ahmed M, Rajagopalan AE, Pan Y
39. Liverwort bHLH transcription factors and the origin of stomata in plants.
Curr Biol
2023 Jul 10
Chang G, Ma J, Wang S
40. Specialized acquisition behaviors maintain reliable environmental transmission in an insect-microbial mutualism.
Curr Biol
2023 Jul 10
Villa SM, Chen JZ, Kwong Z
41. Caenorhabditis elegans transfers across a gap under an electric field as dispersal behavior.
Curr Biol
2023 Jul 10
Chiba T, Okumura E, Nishigami Y
42. Oncogenic Ras deregulates cell-substrate interactions during mitotic rounding and respreading to alter cell division orientation.
Curr Biol
2023 Jul 10
Ganguli S, Wyatt T, Nyga A
43. Post-injury hydraulic fracturing drives fissure formation in the zebrafish basal epidermal cell layer.
Curr Biol
2023 Jul 10
Kennard AS, Sathe M, Labuz EC
44. In Indonesia and beyond nature conservation needs independent science.
Curr Biol
2023 Jul 10
Laurance WF, Mudhoffir AM, Pusparini W
45. Genomes of the extinct Bachman's warbler show high divergence and no evidence of admixture with other extant Vermivora warblers.
Curr Biol
2023 Jul 10
Wood AW, Szpiech ZA, Lovette IJ
46. Creation of an albino squid line by CRISPR-Cas9 and its application for in vivo functional imaging of neural activity.
Curr Biol
2023 Jul 10
Ahuja N, Hwaun E, Pungor JR
47. A brain atlas for the camouflaging dwarf cuttlefish, Sepia bandensis.
Curr Biol
2023 Jul 10
Montague TG, Rieth IJ, Gjerswold-Selleck S
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