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1. Apomixis.
Curr Biol
2023 Apr 24
Wang Y, Underwood CJ.
2. Asifa Akhtar.
Curr Biol
2023 Apr 24
Akhtar A.
3. Integrating neuroplasticity and evolution.
Curr Biol
2023 Apr 24
Axelrod CJ, Gordon SP, Carlson BA.
4. Evolutionary origin of the neural tube in basal deuterostomes.
Curr Biol
2023 Apr 24
Adameyko I.
5. Narcolepsy: Mending a broken neural circuit that controls arousal.
Curr Biol
2023 Apr 24
Vanini G.
6. Habitat complexity affects microbial growth in fractal maze.
Curr Biol
2023 Apr 24
Arellano-Caicedo C, Ohlsson P, Bengtsson M
7. Evolutionary contingency in lingulid brachiopods across mass extinctions.
Curr Biol
2023 Apr 24
Liang Y, Strotz LC, Topper TP
8. Proprioception gates visual object fixation in flying flies.
Curr Biol
2023 Apr 24
Rimniceanu M, Currea JP, Frye MA.
9. Female dominance hierarchies influence responses to psychosocial stressors.
Curr Biol
2023 Apr 24
Smith-Osborne L, Duong A, Resendez A
10. Chronic sleep loss sensitizes Drosophila melanogaster to nitrogen stress.
Curr Biol
2023 Apr 24
Bedont JL, Kolesnik A, Pivarshev P
11. Socio-sexual touch: On the hunt for a pleasure signal in the mouse brain.
Curr Biol
2023 Apr 24
Lenschow C, Lima SQ.
12. Aggression: The dark side of mirror neurons sheds light on their functions.
Curr Biol
2023 Apr 24
Ferrari PF, Méndez CA, Coudé G.
13. The multifaceted genomic history of Ashaninka from Amazonian Peru.
Curr Biol
2023 Apr 24
Capodiferro MR, Chero Osorio AM, Rambaldi Migliore N
14. A developmental shift in habituation to pain in human neonates.
Curr Biol
2023 Apr 24
Rupawala M, Bucsea O, Laudiano-Dray MP
15. Immortal orexin cell transplants restore motor-arousal synchrony during cataplexy.
Curr Biol
2023 Apr 24
Pintwala SK, Fraigne JJ, Belsham DD
16. S-acylation stabilizes ligand-induced receptor kinase complex formation during plant pattern-triggered immune signaling.
Curr Biol
2023 Apr 24
Hurst CH, Turnbull D, Xhelilaj K
17. Multilevel social structure predicts individual helping responses in a songbird.
Curr Biol
2023 Apr 24
Camerlenghi E, Nolazco S, Farine DR
18. Cones and cone pathways remain functional in advanced retinal degeneration.
Curr Biol
2023 Apr 24
Ellis EM, Paniagua AE, Scalabrino ML
19. Sex-dependent control of pheromones on social organization within groups of wild house mice.
Curr Biol
2023 Apr 24
Zilkha N, Chuartzman SG, Sofer Y
20. Mesodinium.
Curr Biol
2023 Apr 10
Moeller HV, Johnson MD.
21. Elephant banana peeling.
Curr Biol
2023 Apr 10
Kaufmann LV, Becker R, Ochs A
22. Thomas A. Richards.
Curr Biol
2023 Apr 10
Richards TA.
23. Mamie Phipps Clark.
Curr Biol
2023 Apr 10
Goode J.
24. Cross-modal modulation gates nociceptive inputs in Drosophila.
Curr Biol
2023 Apr 10
Pan G, Li R, Xu G
25. Distinct hippocampal-prefrontal neural assemblies coordinate memory encoding, maintenance, and recall.
Curr Biol
2023 Apr 10
Domanski APF, Kucewicz MT, Russo E
26. Perceived time expands and contracts within each heartbeat.
Curr Biol
2023 Apr 10
Arslanova I, Kotsaris V, Tsakiris M.
27. Meiosis: Actin and microtubule networks drive chromosome clustering in oocytes.
Curr Biol
2023 Apr 10
Nikalayevich E, Terret ME.
28. Volume-transmitted GABA waves pace epileptiform rhythms in the hippocampal network.
Curr Biol
2023 Apr 10
Magloire V, Savtchenko LP, Jensen TP
29. Engaging in word recognition elicits highly specific modulations in visual cortex.
Curr Biol
2023 Apr 10
White AL, Kay KN, Tang KA
30. Neuronal birthdate reveals topography in a vestibular brainstem circuit for gaze stabilization.
Curr Biol
2023 Apr 10
Goldblatt D, Huang S, Greaney MR
31. Declines of bees and butterflies over 15 years in a forested landscape.
Curr Biol
2023 Apr 10
Ulyshen M, Horn S.
32. Control of vegetative reproduction in Marchantia polymorpha by the KAI2-ligand signaling pathway.
Curr Biol
2023 Apr 10
Komatsu A, Kodama K, Mizuno Y
33. Activation of human visual area V6 during egocentric navigation with and without visual experience.
Curr Biol
2023 Apr 10
Aggius-Vella E, Chebat DR, Maidenbaum S
34. Human glucose rhythms and subjective hunger anticipate meal timing.
Curr Biol
2023 Apr 10
Isherwood CM, van der Veen DR, Hassanin H
35. Asymmetric mechanotransduction by hair cells of the zebrafish lateral line.
Curr Biol
2023 Apr 10
Kindig K, Stepanyan R, Kindt KS
36. Dodecaploid Xenopus longipes provides insight into the emergence of size scaling relationships during development.
Curr Biol
2023 Apr 10
Miller KE, Cadart C, Heald R.
37. K63-linked ubiquitin chains are a global signal for endocytosis and contribute to selective autophagy in plants.
Curr Biol
2023 Apr 10
Saeed B, Deligne F, Brillada C
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