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2021 Jan (74)
1. Lisa Manning.
Curr Biol
2022 Sep 26
Manning L.
2. Tentacled snakes.
Curr Biol
2022 Sep 26
Catania KC.
3. Intraflagellar transport: Derailing causes turnarounds.
Curr Biol
2022 Sep 26
Mitra A, Peterman EJG.
4. The contribution of Neanderthal introgression to modern human traits.
Curr Biol
2022 Sep 26
Reilly PF, Tjahjadi A, Miller SL
5. Emotional states: Sweet relief for depressed flies.
Curr Biol
2022 Sep 26
Aranha MM, Ramaswami M.
6. Sensory biology: Thirsty glia motivate water consumption.
Curr Biol
2022 Sep 26
Amrein H, Keene AC.
7. Symbiosis: Creating a tractable intracellular insect-microbe association.
Curr Biol
2022 Sep 26
Vigneron A, Kaltenpoth M.
8. Rational engineering of a synthetic insect-bacterial mutualism.
Curr Biol
2022 Sep 26
Su Y, Lin HC, Teh LS
9. Plant physiology: ATP at the center of self-recognition.
Curr Biol
2022 Sep 26
Fujii S.
10. Developmental biology: A dinosaur in a quail egg.
Curr Biol
2022 Sep 26
Ksepka D.
11. Gliotransmission of D-serine promotes thirst-directed behaviors in Drosophila.
Curr Biol
2022 Sep 26
Park A, Croset V, Otto N
12. Neural coding: Looking up and down the visual thalamus.
Curr Biol
2022 Sep 26
Bonato J, Panzeri S.
13. Visual motion: Asymmetrical processing differences between the cerebral hemispheres.
Curr Biol
2022 Sep 26
Pitcher D.
14. Genome evolution: On the nature of trade-offs with polyploidy and endopolyploidy.
Curr Biol
2022 Sep 26
Leitch AR, Leitch IJ.
15. Polyploidy increases storage but decreases structural stability in Arabidopsis thaliana.
Curr Biol
2022 Sep 26
Pacey EK, Maherali H, Husband BC.
16. Neural signatures of evidence accumulation in temporal decisions.
Curr Biol
2022 Sep 26
Ofir N, Landau AN.
17. Stone tools improve diet quality in wild monkeys.
Curr Biol
2022 Sep 26
Izar P, Peternelli-Dos-Santos L, Rothman JM
18. A polarized supercell produces specialized metabolites in cannabis trichomes.
Curr Biol
2022 Sep 26
Livingston SJ, Rensing KH, Page JE
19. Cell biology: Centromere instability and replication stress underlie Xenopus hybrid incompatibility.
Curr Biol
2022 Sep 26
Santinello B, Mellone BG.
20. Molecular conflicts disrupting centromere maintenance contribute to Xenopus hybrid inviability.
Curr Biol
2022 Sep 26
Kitaoka M, Smith OK, Straight AF
21. Interaction of bottom-up and top-down neural mechanisms in spatial multi-talker speech perception.
Curr Biol
2022 Sep 26
Patel P, van der Heijden K, Bickel S
22. Octopamine mediates sugar relief from a chronic-stress-induced depression-like state in Drosophila.
Curr Biol
2022 Sep 26
Hermanns T, Graf-Boxhorn S, Poeck B
23. Conversion of anterograde into retrograde trains is an intrinsic property of intraflagellar transport.
Curr Biol
2022 Sep 26
Nievergelt AP, Zykov I, Diener D
24. A thermometer circuit for hot temperature adjusts Drosophila behavior to persistent heat.
Curr Biol
2022 Sep 26
Alpert MH, Gil H, Para A
25. Look-up and look-down neurons in the mouse visual thalamus during freely moving exploration.
Curr Biol
2022 Sep 26
Orlowska-Feuer P, Ebrahimi AS, Zippo AG
26. Vasopressin neurons in the paraventricular hypothalamus promote wakefulness via lateral hypothalamic orexin neurons.
Curr Biol
2022 Sep 26
Islam MT, Rumpf F, Tsuno Y
27. EML2-S constitutes a new class of proteins that recognizes and regulates the dynamics of tyrosinated microtubules.
Curr Biol
2022 Sep 26
Hotta T, McAlear TS, Yue Y
28. Dual control of formin-nucleated actin assembly by the chromatin and ER in mouse oocytes.
Curr Biol
2022 Sep 26
Wang H, Hu J, Yi K
29. Increasing interhemispheric connectivity between human visual motion areas uncovers asymmetric sensitivity to horizontal motion.
Curr Biol
2022 Sep 26
Chiappini E, Sel A, Hibbard PB
30. Connecting single-cell ATP dynamics to overflow metabolism, cell growth, and the cell cycle in Escherichia coli.
Curr Biol
2022 Sep 26
Lin WH, Jacobs-Wagner C.
31. Broad-spectrum chemicals block ROS detoxification to prevent plant fungal invasion.
Curr Biol
2022 Sep 26
Yang Q, Yang J, Wang Y
32. Intrinsic maturation of sleep output neurons regulates sleep ontogeny in Drosophila.
Curr Biol
2022 Sep 26
Gong NN, Luong HNB, Dang AH
33. Mushroom body input connections form independently of sensory activity in Drosophila melanogaster.
Curr Biol
2022 Sep 26
Hayashi TT, MacKenzie AJ, Ganguly I
34. Microtubule cytoskeleton: Revealing new readers of the tubulin code.
Curr Biol
2022 Sep 26
Wethekam LC, Moore JK.
35. Soybean.
Curr Biol
2022 Sep 12
Fang C, Kong F.
36. David Kleinfeld.
Curr Biol
2022 Sep 12
Kleinfeld D.
37. Transposable elements.
Curr Biol
2022 Sep 12
Hayward A, Gilbert C.
38. Evolution: A can of (flat)worms.
Curr Biol
2022 Sep 12
Charlesworth D.
39. Memory: Dolphins remember incidental events.
Curr Biol
2022 Sep 12
Crystal JD.
40. Extinction: The downsizing of morphospace.
Curr Biol
2022 Sep 12
Davies TJ.
41. Maternity: Oxytocin circuits during birth and lactation.
Curr Biol
2022 Sep 12
Maier E, Brecht M.
42. Plant development: Elementary changes determine leaf shape complexity.
Curr Biol
2022 Sep 12
Byrne ME.
43. Evolution: Hidden homologies may underpin the diversity of arthropods.
Curr Biol
2022 Sep 12
Dearden PK.
44. Stem cells: Mitochondrial biogenesis links growth and EGFR signaling.
Curr Biol
2022 Sep 12
Gervais L, Bardin AJ.
45. Predictive maps in rats and humans for spatial navigation.
Curr Biol
2022 Sep 12
de Cothi W, Nyberg N, Griesbauer EM
46. A unicellular walker controlled by a microtubule-based finite-state machine.
Curr Biol
2022 Sep 12
Larson BT, Garbus J, Pollack JB
47. Intracellular transport: KIF1C produces force along with a few slips.
Curr Biol
2022 Sep 12
Hancock WO.
48. Foraging range scales with colony size in high-latitude seabirds.
Curr Biol
2022 Sep 12
Patterson A, Gilchrist HG, Benjaminsen S
49. Is bin-opening in cockatoos leading to an innovation arms race with humans?
Curr Biol
2022 Sep 12
Klump BC, Major RE, Farine DR
50. Complex representation of taste quality by second-order gustatory neurons in Drosophila.
Curr Biol
2022 Sep 12
Snell NJ, Fisher JD, Hartmann GG
51. Blind cavefish retain functional connectivity in the tectum despite loss of retinal input.
Curr Biol
2022 Sep 12
Lloyd E, McDole B, Privat M
52. Mosquito cryptochromes expressed in Drosophila confer species-specific behavioral light responses.
Curr Biol
2022 Sep 12
Au DD, Foden AJ, Park SJ
53. Possible long-proboscid insect pollinators from the Early Permian of Russia.
Curr Biol
2022 Sep 12
Khramov AV, Naugolnykh SV, Węgierek P.
54. Early evolution of wing scales prior to the rise of moths and butterflies.
Curr Biol
2022 Sep 12
Wang J, Zhang W, Engel MS
55. EGFR signaling activates intestinal stem cells by promoting mitochondrial biogenesis and β-oxidation.
Curr Biol
2022 Sep 12
Zhang C, Jin Y, Marchetti M
56. Recording and manipulation of the maternal oxytocin neural activities in mice.
Curr Biol
2022 Sep 12
Yukinaga H, Hagihara M, Tsujimoto K
57. The homogenization of avian morphological and phylogenetic diversity under the global extinction crisis.
Curr Biol
2022 Sep 12
Hughes EC, Edwards DP, Thomas GH.
58. Sponges sneeze mucus to shed particulate waste from their seawater inlet pores.
Curr Biol
2022 Sep 12
Kornder NA, Esser Y, Stoupin D
59. A causal role for the human subthalamic nucleus in non-selective cortico-motor inhibition.
Curr Biol
2022 Sep 12
Wessel JR, Diesburg DA, Chalkley NH
60. Apical dominance control by TAR-YUC-mediated auxin biosynthesis is a deep homology of land plants.
Curr Biol
2022 Sep 12
Thelander M, Landberg K, Muller A
61. The cellular basis for synergy between RCO and KNOX1 homeobox genes in leaf shape diversity.
Curr Biol
2022 Sep 12
Wang Y, Strauss S, Liu S
62. Transient food insecurity during the juvenile-adolescent period affects adult weight, cognitive flexibility, and dopamine neurobiology.
Curr Biol
2022 Sep 12
Lin WC, Liu C, Kosillo P
63. Non-linear multimodal integration in a distributed premotor network controls proprioceptive reflex gain in the insect leg.
Curr Biol
2022 Sep 12
Gebehart C, Hooper SL, Büschges A.
64. Bacterial immunity: Mobile genetic elements are hotspots for defence systems.
Curr Biol
2022 Sep 12
Chevallereau A, Westra ER.
65. Force generation of KIF1C is impaired by pathogenic mutations.
Curr Biol
2022 Sep 12
Siddiqui N, Roth D, Toleikis A
66. Excitatory and inhibitory neural dynamics jointly tune motion detection.
Curr Biol
2022 Sep 12
Gonzalez-Suarez AD, Zavatone-Veth JA, Chen J
67. The Daphnia carapace and other novel structures evolved via the cryptic persistence of serial homologs.
Curr Biol
2022 Sep 12
Bruce HS, Patel NH.
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