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1. Molecular mechanisms underlying nitrate responses in plants.
Curr Biol
2022 May 9
Lamig L, Moreno S, Álvarez JM
2. Multicellularity: Amoebae follow the leader to food.
Curr Biol
2022 May 9
Tice AK, Brown MW.
3. Kayla King.
Curr Biol
2022 May 9
King K.
4. Implicit mechanisms of intention.
Curr Biol
2022 May 9
Aflalo T, Zhang C, Revechkis B
5. Sequential sampling from memory underlies action selection during abstract decision-making.
Curr Biol
2022 May 9
Shushruth S, Zylberberg A, Shadlen MN.
6. The cellular slime mold Fonticula alba forms a dynamic, multicellular collective while feeding on bacteria.
Curr Biol
2022 May 9
Toret C, Picco A, Boiero-Sanders M
7. Cullin-5 mutants reveal collective sensing of the nucleocytoplasmic ratio in Drosophila embryogenesis.
Curr Biol
2022 May 9
Hayden L, Chao A, Deneke VE
8. Pattern differentiation and tuning shift in human sensory cortex underlie long-term threat memory.
Curr Biol
2022 May 9
You Y, Novak LR, Clancy KJ
9. Self-incompatibility requires GPI anchor remodeling by the poppy PGAP1 ortholog HLD1.
Curr Biol
2022 May 9
Lin Z, Xie F, Triviño M
10. Microbiomes: How a gut bacterium promotes healthier living in a nematode.
Curr Biol
2022 May 9
MacNeil LT.
11. Biodiversity: The role of interaction diversity.
Curr Biol
2022 May 9
Pugh BE, Field R.
12. Insect neuroscience: Filling the knowledge gap on gap junctions.
Curr Biol
2022 May 9
Aldworth ZN, Stopfer M.
13. Evolution: Various routes to sex determination.
Curr Biol
2022 May 9
Patten MM.
14. Conscious intention: New data on where and how in the brain.
Curr Biol
2022 May 9
Graziano MSA.
15. Tiling mechanisms of the Drosophila compound eye through geometrical tessellation.
Curr Biol
2022 May 9
Hayashi T, Tomomizu T, Sushida T
16. Anatomical distribution and functional roles of electrical synapses in Drosophila.
Curr Biol
2022 May 9
Ammer G, Vieira RM, Fendl S
17. The perception of odor pleasantness is shared across cultures.
Curr Biol
2022 May 9
Arshamian A, Gerkin RC, Kruspe N
18. Cognitive neuroscience: Mental replay in monkeys.
Curr Biol
2022 May 9
Batista AP, Horwitz GD.
19. Aversive conditioning: Principles of memory storage in sensory cortex.
Curr Biol
2022 May 9
Bach DR.
20. Asymmetric architecture is non-random and repeatable in a bird's nests.
Curr Biol
2022 May 9
Adreani NM, Valcu M, Scientists C
21. Autophagy promotes programmed cell death and corpse clearance in specific cell types of the Arabidopsis root cap.
Curr Biol
2022 May 9
Feng Q, De Rycke R, Dagdas Y
22. Isolation, profiling, and tracking of extracellular vesicle cargo in Caenorhabditis elegans.
Curr Biol
2022 May 9
Nikonorova IA, Wang J, Cope AL
23. The diversity of biotic interactions complements functional and phylogenetic facets of biodiversity.
Curr Biol
2022 May 9
Gaüzère P, O'Connor L, Botella C
24. Astrocytic GABA transporter controls sleep by modulating GABAergic signaling in Drosophila circadian neurons.
Curr Biol
2022 May 9
Chaturvedi R, Stork T, Yuan C
25. Cell-wall damage activates DOF transcription factors to promote wound healing and tissue regeneration in Arabidopsis thaliana.
Curr Biol
2022 May 9
Zhang A, Matsuoka K, Kareem A
26. Orbitofrontal cortex governs working memory for temporal order.
Curr Biol
2022 May 9
Johnson EL, Chang WK, Dewar CD
27. Bats mimic hymenopteran insect sounds to deter predators.
Curr Biol
2022 May 9
Ancillotto L, Pafundi D, Cappa F
28. Galectins.
Curr Biol
2022 May 9
Bänfer S, Jacob R.
29. Synergistic interaction of gut microbiota enhances the growth of nematode through neuroendocrine signaling.
Curr Biol
2022 May 9
Lo WS, Han Z, Witte H
30. Force-dependent intercellular adhesion strengthening underlies asymmetric adherens junction contraction.
Curr Biol
2022 May 9
Cavanaugh KE, Staddon MF, Chmiel TA
31. Multiple sex chromosome drivers in a mammal with three sex chromosomes.
Curr Biol
2022 May 9
Saunders PA, Perez J, Ronce O
32. Cytokinin promotes growth cessation in the Arabidopsis root.
Curr Biol
2022 May 9
Liu S, Strauss S, Adibi M
33. Mechanical constraints to cell-cycle progression in a pseudostratified epithelium.
Curr Biol
2022 May 9
Hecht S, Perez-Mockus G, Schienstock D
34. An H2R-dependent medial septum histaminergic circuit mediates feeding behavior.
Curr Biol
2022 May 9
Xu L, Lin W, Zheng Y
35. Median preoptic GABA and glutamate neurons exert differential control over sleep behavior.
Curr Biol
2022 May 9
Machado NLS, Todd WD, Kaur S
36. Neuroscience: Reliable and refined motion computations in the retina.
Curr Biol
2022 May 23
Manookin MB.
37. Connectomics: From form to function in butterfly colour vision.
Curr Biol
2022 May 23
Stöckl A.
38. Vocally mediated consensus decisions govern mass departures from jackdaw roosts.
Curr Biol
2022 May 23
Dibnah AJ, Herbert-Read JE, Boogert NJ
39. Cellular senescence.
Curr Biol
2022 May 23
Varela-Eirín M, Demaria M.
40. Extreme mitochondrial DNA divergence underlies genetic conflict over sex determination.
Curr Biol
2022 May 23
David P, Degletagne C, Saclier N
41. Correlation between ranges of leg walking angles and passive rest angles among leg types in stick insects.
Curr Biol
2022 May 23
Guschlbauer C, Hooper SL, Mantziaris C
42. Surprise and recency in novelty detection in the primate brain.
Curr Biol
2022 May 23
Zhang K, Bromberg-Martin ES, Sogukpinar F
43. Connectome of the lamina reveals the circuit for early color processing in the visual pathway of a butterfly.
Curr Biol
2022 May 23
Matsushita A, Stewart F, Ilić M
44. Distinct inhibitory pathways control velocity and directional tuning in the mouse retina.
Curr Biol
2022 May 23
Summers MT, Feller MB.
45. Fronto-medial theta coordinates posterior maintenance of working memory content.
Curr Biol
2022 May 23
Ratcliffe O, Shapiro K, Staresina BP.
46. Aurora B/C-dependent phosphorylation promotes Rec8 cleavage in mammalian oocytes.
Curr Biol
2022 May 23
Nikalayevich E, El Jailani S, Dupré A
47. Brain rhythms: How control gets into working memory.
Curr Biol
2022 May 23
Berger B, Sauseng P.
48. Evolution: The shape of cetacean skulls through deep time.
Curr Biol
2022 May 23
Meloro C.
49. John Wallingford.
Curr Biol
2022 May 23
Wallingford J.
50. Sleep neuron depolarization promotes protective gene expression changes and FOXO activation.
Curr Biol
2022 May 23
Koutsoumparis A, Welp LM, Wulf A
51. Determining protein polarization proteome-wide using physical dissection of individual Stentor coeruleus cells.
Curr Biol
2022 May 23
Lin A, Piehowski PD, Tsai CF
52. Interneuron control of C. elegans developmental decision-making.
Curr Biol
2022 May 23
Chai CM, Torkashvand M, Seyedolmohadesin M
53. Extracellular ATP facilitates cell extrusion from epithelial layers mediated by cell competition or apoptosis.
Curr Biol
2022 May 23
Mori Y, Shiratsuchi N, Sato N
54. The neural basis of heat seeking in a human-infective parasitic worm.
Curr Biol
2022 May 23
Bryant AS, Ruiz F, Lee JH
55. Natural behavior is the language of the brain.
Curr Biol
2022 May 23
Miller CT, Gire D, Hoke K
56. Evolution: Mitochondrial lodgers can take over in hermaphroditic snails.
Curr Biol
2022 May 23
Schärer L.
57. Collective behaviour: Jackdaws vote to leave with their voice.
Curr Biol
2022 May 23
Farine DR.
58. Motor control: In constant pursuit of optimality.
Curr Biol
2022 May 23
Roemmich RT, Bastian AJ.
59. Gliding and parachuting by arboreal salamanders.
Curr Biol
2022 May 23
Brown CE, Sathe EA, Dudley R
60. The peppered moth Biston betularia.
Curr Biol
2022 May 23
Rowland HM, Saccheri IJ, Skelhorn J.
61. General variability leads to specific adaptation toward optimal movement policies.
Curr Biol
2022 May 23
Abram SJ, Poggensee KL, Sánchez N
62. Hormone-controlled changes in the differentiation state of post-mitotic neurons.
Curr Biol
2022 May 23
Lai YW, Miyares RL, Liu LY
63. Biomechanics: Passive forces set the stage for stick insects.
Curr Biol
2022 May 23
Sutton GP.
64. Ribosome collisions: New ways to initiate ribosome rescue.
Curr Biol
2022 May 23
Leedom SL, Keiler KC.
65. Thermosensation: How a human-infective nematode finds its host.
Curr Biol
2022 May 23
Pan T, Ronan EA, Xu XZS.
66. The tempo of cetacean cranial evolution.
Curr Biol
2022 May 23
Coombs EJ, Felice RN, Clavel J
67. Running in the wild: Energetics explain ecological running speeds.
Curr Biol
2022 May 23
Selinger JC, Hicks JL, Jackson RW
68. Bacterial-type ferroxidase tunes iron-dependent phosphate sensing during Arabidopsis root development.
Curr Biol
2022 May 23
Naumann C, Heisters M, Brandt W
69. Glial-secreted Netrins regulate Robo1/Rac1-Cdc42 signaling threshold levels during Drosophila asymmetric neural stem/progenitor cell division.
Curr Biol
2022 May 23
de Torres-Jurado A, Manzanero-Ortiz S, Carmena A.
70. Enhanced lipogenesis through Pparγ helps cavefish adapt to food scarcity.
Curr Biol
2022 May 23
Xiong S, Wang W, Kenzior A
71. Evolutionary plasticity in the requirement for force exerted by ligand endocytosis to activate C. elegans Notch proteins.
Curr Biol
2022 May 23
Langridge PD, Garcia Diaz A, Chan JY
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