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2021 Jan (74)
1. Neuroscience: Mechanisms for bridging stimuli in Pavlovian trace conditioning in flies.
Curr Biol
2022 Jun 6
Giurfa M, Macri C.
2. Evolution: NO signaling at the stem of animal life.
Curr Biol
2022 Jun 6
D'Aniello S.
3. Plant biology: Peering deeply into the structure of the onion epidermal cell wall.
Curr Biol
2022 Jun 6
Cosgrove D.
4. Paleogenomics reveals independent and hybrid origins of two morphologically distinct wolf lineages endemic to Japan.
Curr Biol
2022 Jun 6
Segawa T, Yonezawa T, Mori H
5. Hunchback activates Bicoid in Pair1 neurons to regulate synapse number and locomotor circuit function.
Curr Biol
2022 Jun 6
Lee KM, Linskens AM, Doe CQ.
6. Multi-level control of adaptive camouflage by European cuttlefish.
Curr Biol
2022 Jun 6
Osorio D, Ménager F, Tyler CW
7. Animal personality: Worn whiskers reveal resilience.
Curr Biol
2022 Jun 6
Costa DP, Holser RR.
8. Cuttlefish camouflage: Blending in by matching background features.
Curr Biol
2022 Jun 6
How MJ, Santon M.
Curr Biol
2022 Jun 6
Shibata Y, Komander D.
10. A group approach to growing as a principal investigator.
Curr Biol
2022 Jun 6
Greco V, Politi K, Eisenbarth S
11. MEL-28/ELYS and CENP-C coordinately control outer kinetochore assembly and meiotic chromosome-microtubule interactions.
Curr Biol
2022 Jun 6
Hattersley N, Schlientz AJ, Prevo B
12. Ethylene plays a dual role in sex determination and fruit shape in cucurbits.
Curr Biol
2022 Jun 6
Boualem A, Berthet S, Devani RS
13. The role of intraspinal sensory neurons in the control of quadrupedal locomotion.
Curr Biol
2022 Jun 6
Gerstmann K, Jurčić N, Blasco E
14. The receptor kinase OsWAK11 monitors cell wall pectin changes to fine-tune brassinosteroid signaling and regulate cell elongation in rice.
Curr Biol
2022 Jun 6
Yue ZL, Liu N, Deng ZP
15. Simultaneous mnemonic and predictive representations in the auditory cortex.
Curr Biol
2022 Jun 6
Cappotto D, Kang H, Li K
16. ACA pumps maintain leaf excitability during herbivore onslaught.
Curr Biol
2022 Jun 6
Fotouhi N, Fischer-Stettler M, Lenzoni G
17. Plant signaling: Sustaining leaf electrical excitability protects against prolonged herbivory.
Curr Biol
2022 Jun 6
Poretsky E, Huffaker A.
18. Engagement with indigenous people preserves local knowledge and biodiversity alike.
Curr Biol
2022 Jun 6
Gardner EM, Ahmad Puad AS, Pereira JT
19. Conserved circuits for direction selectivity in the primate retina.
Curr Biol
2022 Jun 6
Patterson SS, Bembry BN, Mazzaferri MA
20. Long-range cortical synchronization supports abrupt visual learning.
Curr Biol
2022 Jun 6
Csorba BA, Krause MR, Zanos TP
21. Cryo-electron tomography of the onion cell wall shows bimodally oriented cellulose fibers and reticulated homogalacturonan networks.
Curr Biol
2022 Jun 6
Nicolas WJ, Fäßler F, Dutka P
22. Cnidarian-Symbiodiniaceae symbiosis establishment is independent of photosynthesis.
Curr Biol
2022 Jun 6
Jinkerson RE, Russo JA, Newkirk CR
23. The origin and evolution of stomata.
Curr Biol
2022 Jun 6
Clark JW, Harris BJ, Hetherington AJ
24. Paleogenomics: The demographic past of prehistoric Europeans.
Curr Biol
2022 Jun 6
Choin J, Quintana-Murci L.
25. Motion vision: Course control in the developing visual system.
Curr Biol
2022 Jun 6
Ali MA, Bollmann JH.
26. Molecular motors: Turning kinesin-1 into a microtubule destroyer.
Curr Biol
2022 Jun 6
Sabo J, Lansky Z.
27. Feature encoding: How back-to-front motion guides the polite fly.
Curr Biol
2022 Jun 6
von Reyn CR.
28. Visual field asymmetries vary between children and adults.
Curr Biol
2022 Jun 6
Carrasco M, Roberts M, Myers C
29. Jan Traas.
Curr Biol
2022 Jun 6
Traas J.
30. Sleep spindles track cortical learning patterns for memory consolidation.
Curr Biol
2022 Jun 6
Petzka M, Chatburn A, Charest I
31. Steroid hormones of the octopus self-destruct system.
Curr Biol
2022 Jun 6
Wang ZY, Pergande MR, Ragsdale CW
32. A robust receptive field code for optic flow detection and decomposition during self-motion.
Curr Biol
2022 Jun 6
Zhang Y, Huang R, Nörenberg W
33. Neural mechanisms to exploit positional geometry for collision avoidance.
Curr Biol
2022 Jun 6
Tanaka R, Clark DA.
34. Nitric oxide signaling controls collective contractions in a colonial choanoflagellate.
Curr Biol
2022 Jun 6
Reyes-Rivera J, Wu Y, Guthrie BGH
35. A kinesin-1 variant reveals motor-induced microtubule damage in cells.
Curr Biol
2022 Jun 6
Budaitis BG, Badieyan S, Yue Y
36. The chirality of the mitotic spindle provides a mechanical response to forces and depends on microtubule motors and augmin.
Curr Biol
2022 Jun 6
Trupinić M, Kokanović B, Ponjavić I
37. Optimal foraging.
Curr Biol
2022 Jun 20
King AJ, Marshall HH.
38. Energy economy in flight.
Curr Biol
2022 Jun 20
Shepard ELC.
39. Growth-defense trade-offs in plants.
Curr Biol
2022 Jun 20
He Z, Webster S, He SY.
40. Energetic costs and benefits of sleep.
Curr Biol
2022 Jun 20
Lesku JA, Schmidt MH.
41. Neuronal energy use and brain evolution.
Curr Biol
2022 Jun 20
Quintela-López T, Shiina H, Attwell D.
42. Winter dormancy in trees.
Curr Biol
2022 Jun 20
Nilsson O.
43. Economies of parasite body size.
Curr Biol
2022 Jun 20
Leung TLF.
44. The economy of terrestrial locomotion.
Curr Biol
2022 Jun 20
Spence AJ, Wilshin SD, Byrnes G.
45. Phosphate acquisition and metabolism in plants.
Curr Biol
2022 Jun 20
Poirier Y, Jaskolowski A, Clúa J.
46. Balancing nutrient and energy demand and supply via autophagy.
Curr Biol
2022 Jun 20
He C.
47. Balancing growth, reproduction, maintenance, and activity in evolved energy economies.
Curr Biol
2022 Jun 20
Pontzer H, McGrosky A.
48. Elastic energy storage and the efficiency of movement.
Curr Biol
2022 Jun 20
Labonte D, Holt NC.
49. The economics of brain size evolution in vertebrates.
Curr Biol
2022 Jun 20
Heldstab SA, Isler K, Graber SM
50. Floral economies.
Curr Biol
2022 Jun 20
Perkins J, Peakall R.
51. Shaping fuel utilization by mitochondria.
Curr Biol
2022 Jun 20
Alan L, Scorrano L.
52. Ribosome biogenesis and the cellular energy economy.
Curr Biol
2022 Jun 20
Shore D, Albert B.
53. Storage roots.
Curr Biol
2022 Jun 20
Vanderschuren H, Agusti J.
54. In vitro evolution: From monsters to mobs.
Curr Biol
2022 Jun 20
Vázquez-Salazar A, Chen IA.
55. Asifa Majid.
Curr Biol
2022 Jun 20
Majid A.
56. Accumulation of endosymbiont genomes in an insect autosome followed by endosymbiont replacement.
Curr Biol
2022 Jun 20
Tvedte ES, Gasser M, Zhao X
57. Coordinated cortical ER remodeling facilitates actomyosin ring assembly.
Curr Biol
2022 Jun 20
Zhang D, See T.
58. The Astrin-SKAP complex reduces friction at the kinetochore-microtubule interface.
Curr Biol
2022 Jun 20
Rosas-Salvans M, Sutanto R, Suresh P
59. Children with ASD establish joint attention during free-flowing toy play without face looks.
Curr Biol
2022 Jun 20
Yurkovic-Harding J, Lisandrelli G, Shaffer RC
60. Local translation provides the asymmetric distribution of CaMKII required for associative memory formation.
Curr Biol
2022 Jun 20
Chen N, Zhang Y, Adel M
61. Mitotic kinase oscillation governs the latching of cell cycle switches.
Curr Biol
2022 Jun 20
Novak B, Tyson JJ.
62. Isolation disrupts social interactions and destabilizes brain development in bumblebees.
Curr Biol
2022 Jun 20
Wang ZY, McKenzie-Smith GC, Liu W
63. Pathogenesis: How a killer fungus targets its host.
Curr Biol
2022 Jun 20
Jenkinson TS.
64. Coral reefs: Moving beyond Malthus.
Curr Biol
2022 Jun 20
Loring PA.
65. Plant growth: A matter of WAK seeing the wall and talking to BRI1.
Curr Biol
2022 Jun 20
Yang Z.
66. Neural development: Bicoid not as a morphogen.
Curr Biol
2022 Jun 20
Feng K.
67. Long-term memory in frog-eating bats.
Curr Biol
2022 Jun 20
Dixon MM, Jones PL, Ryan MJ
68. MARK2 regulates directed cell migration through modulation of myosin II contractility and focal adhesion organization.
Curr Biol
2022 Jun 20
Pasapera AM, Heissler SM, Eto M
69. Unsupervised discovery of behaviorally relevant brain states in rats playing hide-and-seek.
Curr Biol
2022 Jun 20
Bagi B, Brecht M, Sanguinetti-Scheck JI.
70. Ancient Maltese genomes and the genetic geography of Neolithic Europe.
Curr Biol
2022 Jun 20
Ariano B, Mattiangeli V, Breslin EM
71. Fish swimming efficiency.
Curr Biol
2022 Jun 20
Liao JC.
72. Waste not, want not.
Curr Biol
2022 Jun 20
Martin C.
73. Convergent domestication: Finding the genes that make crops.
Curr Biol
2022 Jun 20
Chamberlain-Irwin HN, Hufford MB.
74. Vision: Optimizing each glimpse.
Curr Biol
2022 Jun 20
Binda P, Morrone MC.
75. Cell biology: How to short-circuit the cell cycle.
Curr Biol
2022 Jun 20
Goldberg ML, Gunaratne GH.
76. Mixing genome annotation methods in a comparative analysis inflates the apparent number of lineage-specific genes.
Curr Biol
2022 Jun 20
Weisman CM, Murray AW, Eddy SR.
77. Perceptual enhancement and suppression correlate with V1 neural activity during active sensing.
Curr Biol
2022 Jun 20
Niemeyer JE, Akers-Campbell S, Gregoire A
78. Gaze-specific motor memories for hand-reaching.
Curr Biol
2022 Jun 20
Abekawa N, Ito S, Gomi H.
79. Myotubularin-related phosphatase 5 is a critical determinant of autophagy in neurons.
Curr Biol
2022 Jun 20
Chua JP, Bedi K, Paulsen MT
80. Surface flow for colonial integration in reef-building corals.
Curr Biol
2022 Jun 20
Bouderlique T, Petersen J, Faure L
81. Amphibian mucus triggers a developmental transition in the frog-killing chytrid fungus.
Curr Biol
2022 Jun 20
Robinson KA, Prostak SM, Campbell Grant EH
82. Rain harvesting by plants.
Curr Biol
2022 Jun 20
Biddick M, Van Stan JT 2nd.
83. Ground squirrels.
Curr Biol
2022 Jun 20
Pra RD, Bagriantsev SN, Gracheva EO.
84. Bacteria grow swiftly and live thriftily.
Curr Biol
2022 Jun 20
Kolter R, Balaban N, Julou T.
85. Autism: The face value of eye contact.
Curr Biol
2022 Jun 20
Adolph KE, West KL.
86. Autophagy: Identification of MTMR5 as a neuron-enriched suppressor.
Curr Biol
2022 Jun 20
Vogel MC, Maday S.
87. Neuroscience: The sting of social isolation.
Curr Biol
2022 Jun 20
Grammer J, Zelikowsky M.
88. Polyploidy and microbiome associations mediate similar responses to pathogens in Arabidopsis.
Curr Biol
2022 Jun 20
Mehlferber EC, Song MJ, Pelaez JN
89. Specializations in optic flow encoding in the pretectum of hummingbirds and zebra finches.
Curr Biol
2022 Jun 20
Smyth G, Baliga VB, Gaede AH
90. Loss of functional heterogeneity along the CA3 transverse axis in aging.
Curr Biol
2022 Jun 20
Lee H, Wang Z, Tillekeratne A
91. Linking key human-environment theories to inform the sustainability of coral reefs.
Curr Biol
2022 Jun 20
Cinner JE, Zamborain-Mason J, Maire E
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