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1. Hydathodes.
Curr Biol
2022 Jul 25
Bellenot C, Routaboul JM, Laufs P
2. Martin Giurfa.
Curr Biol
2022 Jul 25
Giurfa M.
3. Anesthesia: Synaptic power failure.
Curr Biol
2022 Jul 25
van Swinderen B, Kelz MB.
4. Vision: Rules of thalamic mixology.
Curr Biol
2022 Jul 25
Krizan JM, Kerschensteiner D.
5. Mechanical forces directing intestinal form and function.
Curr Biol
2022 Jul 25
Houtekamer RM, van der Net MC, Maurice MM
6. Neuroscience: Local protein sources drive memory.
Curr Biol
2022 Jul 25
Schuman EM.
7. Woodpeckers minimize cranial absorption of shocks.
Curr Biol
2022 Jul 25
Van Wassenbergh S, Ortlieb EJ, Mielke M
8. Physiology: Woodpecker skulls are not shock absorbers.
Curr Biol
2022 Jul 25
Biewener AA.
9. Chromosomes: A nuclear neighborhood conducive to centromere formation.
Curr Biol
2022 Jul 25
Gavade JN, Black BE.
10. Chemosensation: Corollary discharge filters out self-generated chemical cues.
Curr Biol
2022 Jul 25
Li Z, Xu XZS.
11. Association learning: Dopamine and the formation of backward associations.
Curr Biol
2022 Jul 25
Kendig MD, Bradfield LA.
12. A Late Pleistocene human genome from Southwest China.
Curr Biol
2022 Jul 25
Zhang X, Ji X, Li C
13. Plant signaling: Peptide-receptor pair re-opens stomata after pathogen infection.
Curr Biol
2022 Jul 25
Torii KU.
14. A molecular mechanism for high salt taste in Drosophila.
Curr Biol
2022 Jul 25
McDowell SAT, Stanley M, Gordon MD.
15. Corollary discharge: Linking saccades and memory circuits in the human brain.
Curr Biol
2022 Jul 25
Martinez-Trujillo J.
16. Microbial ecology: Metabolic heterogeneity and the division of labor in multicellular structures.
Curr Biol
2022 Jul 25
Lyng M, Kovács ÁT.
17. Functional convergence of on-off direction-selective ganglion cells in the visual thalamus.
Curr Biol
2022 Jul 25
Jiang Q, Litvina EY, Acarón Ledesma H
18. Bacterial growth in multicellular aggregates leads to the emergence of complex life cycles.
Curr Biol
2022 Jul 25
Schwartzman JA, Ebrahimi A, Chadwick G
19. New giant carnivorous dinosaur reveals convergent evolutionary trends in theropod arm reduction.
Curr Biol
2022 Jul 25
Canale JI, Apesteguía S, Gallina PA
20. A corollary discharge mediates saccade-related inhibition of single units in mnemonic structures of the human brain.
Curr Biol
2022 Jul 25
Katz CN, Schjetnan AGP, Patel K
21. The COVID-19 pandemic has altered illegal fishing activities inside and outside a marine protected area.
Curr Biol
2022 Jul 25
Quimbayo JP, Silva FC, Barreto CR
22. Post-trauma behavioral phenotype predicts the degree of vulnerability to fear relapse after extinction in male rats.
Curr Biol
2022 Jul 25
Demars F, Todorova R, Makdah G
23. Isoflurane inhibition of endocytosis is an anesthetic mechanism of action.
Curr Biol
2022 Jul 25
Jung S, Zimin PI, Woods CB
24. The evolutionary trajectory of drosophilid walking.
Curr Biol
2022 Jul 25
York RA, Brezovec LE, Coughlan J
25. Tyraminergic corollary discharge filters reafferent perception in a chemosensory neuron.
Curr Biol
2022 Jul 25
Riedl J, Fieseler C, Zimmer M.
26. Southern Hemisphere coasts are biologically connected by frequent, long-distance rafting events.
Curr Biol
2022 Jul 25
Fraser CI, Dutoit L, Morrison AK
27. Establishment of centromere identity is dependent on nuclear spatial organization.
Curr Biol
2022 Jul 25
Wu W, McHugh T, Kelly DA
28. A distinct route for efficient learning and generalization in autism.
Curr Biol
2022 Jul 25
Klorfeld-Auslender S, Paz Y, Shinder I
29. Natural variation at a single gene generates sexual antagonism across fitness components in Drosophila.
Curr Biol
2022 Jul 25
Rusuwa BB, Chung H, Allen SL
30. Altering arabinans increases Arabidopsis guard cell flexibility and stomatal opening.
Curr Biol
2022 Jul 25
Carroll S, Amsbury S, Durney CH
31. A developmental switch between electrical and neuropeptide communication in the ventromedial hypothalamus.
Curr Biol
2022 Jul 25
Shao YQ, Fan L, Wu WY
32. The focal adhesion protein β-parvin controls cardiomyocyte shape and sarcomere assembly in response to mechanical load.
Curr Biol
2022 Jul 25
Thievessen I, Suhr F, Vergarajauregui S
33. A light-sensing system in the common ancestor of the fungi.
Curr Biol
2022 Jul 25
Galindo LJ, Milner DS, Gomes SL
34. Dopamine errors drive excitatory and inhibitory components of backward conditioning in an outcome-specific manner.
Curr Biol
2022 Jul 25
Seitz BM, Hoang IB, DiFazio LE
35. cGAS-STING signaling.
Curr Biol
2022 Jul 11
Sun Z, Hornung V.
36. Endocrine-disrupting chemicals.
Curr Biol
2022 Jul 11
Bertram MG, Gore AC, Tyler CR
37. Root cropping by pocket gophers.
Curr Biol
2022 Jul 11
Selden V, Putz FE.
38. Insect navigation: Bumblebees walk the walk.
Curr Biol
2022 Jul 11
Wystrach A.
39. Historical human migrations: From the steppe to the basin.
Curr Biol
2022 Jul 11
Saag L, Staniuk R.
40. Neuroscience: Detection of systemic inflammation by the brain.
Curr Biol
2022 Jul 11
Kamm GB, Siemens J.
41. Genome evolution: A story of species and satellites.
Curr Biol
2022 Jul 11
Bladen J, Phadnis N.
42. Vesicle transport: Exocyst follows PIP(2) to tether membranes.
Curr Biol
2022 Jul 11
Langemeyer L, Ungermann C.
43. Cell division: The science friction of chromosome attachment.
Curr Biol
2022 Jul 11
Castrogiovanni C, Meraldi P.
44. Protecting plant nutrition from the effects of climate change.
Curr Biol
2022 Jul 11
Shahzad Z, Rouached H.
45. Aging: Lifespan and the evolution of somatic mutation rates.
Curr Biol
2022 Jul 11
Galeota-Sprung B, Sniegowski P.
46. In vitro experiments and kinetic models of Arabidopsis pollen hydration mechanics show that MSL8 is not a simple tension-gated osmoregulator.
Curr Biol
2022 Jul 11
Miller K, Strychalski W, Nickaeen M
47. Mediator recruits the cohesin loader Scc2 to RNA Pol II-transcribed genes and promotes sister chromatid cohesion.
Curr Biol
2022 Jul 11
Mattingly M, Seidel C, Muñoz S
48. Codependence of individuals in the Nephromyces species swarm requires heterospecific bacterial endosymbionts.
Curr Biol
2022 Jul 11
Paight C, Hunter ES, Lane CE.
49. Ant phylogenomics reveals a natural selection hotspot preceding the origin of complex eusociality.
Curr Biol
2022 Jul 11
Romiguier J, Borowiec ML, Weyna A
50. A mechanism for exocyst-mediated tethering via Arf6 and PIP5K1C-driven phosphoinositide conversion.
Curr Biol
2022 Jul 11
Maib H, Murray DH.
51. FLOWERING LOCUS T paralogs control the annual growth cycle in Populus trees.
Curr Biol
2022 Jul 11
André D, Marcon A, Lee KC
52. Functionally specific and sparse domain-based micro-networks in monkey V1 and V2.
Curr Biol
2022 Jul 11
Hu JM, Roe AW.
53. Innate heuristics and fast learning support escape route selection in mice.
Curr Biol
2022 Jul 11
Claudi F, Campagner D, Branco T.
54. Coevolution of motor cortex and behavioral specializations associated with flight and echolocation in bats.
Curr Biol
2022 Jul 11
Halley AC, Baldwin MKL, Cooke DF
55. Selective representations of texture and motion in mouse higher visual areas.
Curr Biol
2022 Jul 11
Yu Y, Stirman JN, Dorsett CR
56. Retinal OFF ganglion cells allow detection of quantal shadows at starlight.
Curr Biol
2022 Jul 11
Westö J, Martyniuk N, Koskela S
57. Role of anterior cingulate cortex inputs to periaqueductal gray for pain avoidance.
Curr Biol
2022 Jul 11
Lee JY, You T, Lee CH
58. Vision: Life on the dark side.
Curr Biol
2022 Jul 11
Fain GL.
59. Invasive rat drives complete collapse of native small mammal communities in insular forest fragments.
Curr Biol
2022 Jul 11
Moore JH, Palmeirim AF, Peres CA
60. Self-avoidance alone does not explain the function of Dscam1 in mushroom body axonal wiring.
Curr Biol
2022 Jul 11
Dong H, Guo P, Zhang J
61. Threat history controls flexible escape behavior in mice.
Curr Biol
2022 Jul 11
Lenzi SC, Cossell L, Grainger B
62. A scaling law in CRISPR repertoire sizes arises from the avoidance of autoimmunity.
Curr Biol
2022 Jul 11
Chen H, Mayer A, Balasubramanian V.
63. Cross-species incompatibility between a DNA satellite and the Drosophila Spartan homolog poisons germline genome integrity.
Curr Biol
2022 Jul 11
Brand CL, Levine MT.
64. Vector navigation in walking bumblebees.
Curr Biol
2022 Jul 11
Patel RN, Kempenaers J, Heinze S.
65. The genetic origin of Huns, Avars, and conquering Hungarians.
Curr Biol
2022 Jul 11
Maróti Z, Neparáczki E, Schütz O
66. Serial dependence for oculomotor control depends on early sensory signals.
Curr Biol
2022 Jul 11
Goettker A, Stewart EEM.
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