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1. Myriapods.
Curr Biol
2022 Dec 5
Marek PE, Shear WA.
2. Olfactory coding.
Curr Biol
2022 Dec 5
Barnum G, Hong EJ.
3. Jonathan D.G. Jones.
Curr Biol
2022 Dec 5
Jones JDG.
4. Evolution: Unveiling a hidden tripartite relationship.
Curr Biol
2022 Dec 5
Wang B.
5. Neuroscience: Secretin excites the thirst circuit.
Curr Biol
2022 Dec 5
Zimmerman CA.
6. Programmed DNA elimination: New metazoan models.
Curr Biol
2022 Dec 5
Mochizuki K.
7. T1R2-mediated sweet sensing in a lizard.
Curr Biol
2022 Dec 5
Liang Q, Ko MC, Ng NSR
8. Inter-individual coordination in walking chimpanzees.
Curr Biol
2022 Dec 5
Schweinfurth MK, Baldridge DB, Finnerty K
9. Plant nutrition: An architect of nitrate-hunger cues.
Curr Biol
2022 Dec 5
Raytek LM, Dastmalchi M.
10. Colour patterns: Predicting patterns without knowing the details.
Curr Biol
2022 Dec 5
Saunders TE, Monteiro A.
11. RNA biology: Alternative splicing hits synaptic function and behavior.
Curr Biol
2022 Dec 5
Kiebler MA, Ninkovic J.
12. Eukaryotic evolution: Spatial proteomics sheds light on mitochondrial reduction.
Curr Biol
2022 Dec 5
Leger MM, Stairs C.
13. Mycology: Metagenomes illuminate evolutionary relationships and reframe symbiotic interactions.
Curr Biol
2022 Dec 5
Arnold AE.
14. Cephalopod retinal development shows vertebrate-like mechanisms of neurogenesis.
Curr Biol
2022 Dec 5
Napoli FR, Daly CM, Neal S
15. A Triassic tritrophic triad documents an early food-web cascade.
Curr Biol
2022 Dec 5
Feng Z, Wan S, Sui Q
16. Reduced mitochondria provide an essential function for the cytosolic methionine cycle.
Curr Biol
2022 Dec 5
Zítek J, Füssy Z, Treitli SC
17. An odorant receptor that senses four classes of musk compounds.
Curr Biol
2022 Dec 5
Yoshikawa K, Deguchi J, Hu J
18. Genome-level analyses resolve an ancient lineage of symbiotic ascomycetes.
Curr Biol
2022 Dec 5
Díaz-Escandón D, Tagirdzhanova G, Vanderpool D
19. The loss of biodiversity in Madagascar is contemporaneous with major demographic events.
Curr Biol
2022 Dec 5
Alva O, Leroy A, Heiske M
20. MPS1 localizes to end-on microtubule-attached kinetochores to promote microtubule release.
Curr Biol
2022 Dec 5
Hayward D, Roberts E, Gruneberg U.
21. Efficient learning in children with rapid GABA boosting during and after training.
Curr Biol
2022 Dec 5
Frank SM, Becker M, Qi A
22. Cytoplasmic pool of U1 spliceosome protein SNRNP70 shapes the axonal transcriptome and regulates motor connectivity.
Curr Biol
2022 Dec 5
Nikolaou N, Gordon PM, Hamid F
23. Feature representation under crowding in macaque V1 and V4 neuronal populations.
Curr Biol
2022 Dec 5
Henry CA, Kohn A.
24. Modeling convergent scale-by-scale skin color patterning in multiple species of lizards.
Curr Biol
2022 Dec 5
Jahanbakhsh E, Milinkovitch MC.
25. Cell types and molecular architecture of the Octopus bimaculoides visual system.
Curr Biol
2022 Dec 5
Songco-Casey JO, Coffing GC, Piscopo DM
26. Species-specific song responses emerge as a by-product of tuning to the local dialect.
Curr Biol
2022 Dec 5
Wheatcroft D, Bliard L, El Harouchi M
27. The nematode Oscheius tipulae as a genetic model for programmed DNA elimination.
Curr Biol
2022 Dec 5
Dockendorff TC, Estrem B, Reed J
28. Optic flow in the natural habitats of zebrafish supports spatial biases in visual self-motion estimation.
Curr Biol
2022 Dec 5
Alexander E, Cai LT, Fuchs S
29. Fiddler crabs are unique in timing their escape responses based on speed-dependent visual cues.
Curr Biol
2022 Dec 5
Donohue CG, Bagheri ZM, Partridge JC
30. TES-1/Tes and ZYX-1/Zyxin protect junctional actin networks under tension during epidermal morphogenesis in the C. elegans embryo.
Curr Biol
2022 Dec 5
Lynch AM, Zhu Y, Lucas BG
31. Filtering artifactual signal increases support for Xenacoelomorpha and Ambulacraria sister relationship in the animal tree of life.
Curr Biol
2022 Dec 5
Mulhair PO, McCarthy CGP, Siu-Ting K
32. Two distinct compartments of a ctenophore comb plate provide structural and functional integrity for the motility of giant multicilia.
Curr Biol
2022 Dec 5
Jokura K, Sato Y, Shiba K
33. Visual object detection biases escape trajectories following acoustic startle in larval zebrafish.
Curr Biol
2022 Dec 5
Zwaka H, McGinnis OJ, Pflitsch P
34. Multiscale structural anisotropy steers plant organ actuation.
Curr Biol
2022 Dec 31
Sleboda DA, Geitmann A, Sharif-Naeini R.
35. Noah Whiteman.
Curr Biol
2022 Dec 19
Whiteman N.
36. Poisoning of big cats.
Curr Biol
2022 Dec 19
Dunford CE.
37. Paleontology: Paleogastronomy in the Ediacaran.
Curr Biol
2022 Dec 19
Schiffbauer JD.
38. Ecology: Using CRISPR to switch pollinators.
Curr Biol
2022 Dec 19
Whitney HM.
39. Vision: Neuronal mechanisms enabling stable perception.
Curr Biol
2022 Dec 19
Burr D, Morrone MC.
40. Orchestration of selective autophagy by cargo receptors.
Curr Biol
2022 Dec 19
Adriaenssens E, Ferrari L, Martens S.
41. Phylogenomics: Is less more when using large-scale datasets?
Curr Biol
2022 Dec 19
Pisani D, Rossi ME, Marlétaz F
42. Visual category representations in the infant brain.
Curr Biol
2022 Dec 19
Xie S, Hoehl S, Moeskops M
43. Pollinator conservation: Where will bees go in the Anthropocene future?
Curr Biol
2022 Dec 19
Hrncir M.
44. Male wasp genitalia as an anti-predator defense.
Curr Biol
2022 Dec 19
Sugiura S, Tsujii M.
45. Gastrulation: Nodal signaling controls ordered collective cell migration.
Curr Biol
2022 Dec 19
Morales-Navarrete H, Müller P.
46. Brain development: Viewing the world through infants' eyes.
Curr Biol
2022 Dec 19
Wutz A, Weisz N.
47. Microbial biofilms: An ecological tale of Jekyll and Hyde.
Curr Biol
2022 Dec 19
Gowda K, Kuehn S.
48. Grouping behavior in a Triassic marine apex predator.
Curr Biol
2022 Dec 19
Kelley NP, Irmis RB, dePolo PE
49. Calcium activity is a degraded estimate of spikes.
Curr Biol
2022 Dec 19
Hart EE, Gardner MPH, Panayi MC
50. A facultative ectomycorrhizal association is triggered by organic nitrogen.
Curr Biol
2022 Dec 19
Peng L, Zhang Y, Druzhinina IS
51. Guts, gut contents, and feeding strategies of Ediacaran animals.
Curr Biol
2022 Dec 19
Bobrovskiy I, Nagovitsyn A, Hope JM
52. Sociality is a key driver of foraging ranges in bees.
Curr Biol
2022 Dec 19
Grüter C, Hayes L.
53. Saccade vigor reflects the rise of decision variables during deliberation.
Curr Biol
2022 Dec 19
Korbisch CC, Apuan DR, Shadmehr R
54. Identification of a GABAergic neuroblast lineage modulating sweet and bitter taste sensitivity.
Curr Biol
2022 Dec 19
Zhao Y, Duan J, Han Z
55. Fungal hyphae regulate bacterial diversity and plasmid-mediated functional novelty during range expansion.
Curr Biol
2022 Dec 19
Ruan C, Ramoneda J, Gogia G
56. Strong tuning for stereoscopic depth indicates orientation-specific recurrent circuitry in tree shrew V1.
Curr Biol
2022 Dec 19
Tanabe S, Fu J, Cang J.
57. Contrasting modes of macro and microsynteny evolution in a eukaryotic subphylum.
Curr Biol
2022 Dec 19
Li Y, Liu H, Steenwyk JL
58. Locomotor and olfactory responses in dopamine neurons of the Drosophila superior-lateral brain.
Curr Biol
2022 Dec 19
Marquis M, Wilson RI.
59. The Arabidopsis NLP7-HB52/54-VAR2 pathway modulates energy utilization in diverse light and nitrogen conditions.
Curr Biol
2022 Dec 19
Ariga T, Sakuraba Y, Zhuo M
60. Collective decision-making in Pseudomonas aeruginosa involves transient segregation of quorum-sensing activities across cells.
Curr Biol
2022 Dec 19
Jayakumar P, Thomas SA, Brown SP
61. Cuticle chemistry drives the development of diffraction gratings on the surface of Hibiscus trionum petals.
Curr Biol
2022 Dec 19
Moyroud E, Airoldi CA, Ferria J
62. Multiple nerve cords connect the arms of octopuses, providing alternative paths for inter-arm signaling.
Curr Biol
2022 Dec 19
Kuuspalu A, Cody S, Hale ME.
63. The contrasting roles of nitric oxide drive microbial community organization as a function of oxygen presence.
Curr Biol
2022 Dec 19
Wilbert SA, Newman DK.
64. Single gene mutation in a plant MYB transcription factor causes a major shift in pollinator preference.
Curr Biol
2022 Dec 19
Lüthi MN, Berardi AE, Mandel T
65. A Wnt11 and Dishevelled signaling pathway acts prior to injury to control wound polarization for the onset of planarian regeneration.
Curr Biol
2022 Dec 19
Gittin DI, Petersen CP.
66. Neurophysiological basis of stress-induced aversive memory in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans.
Curr Biol
2022 Dec 19
Liao CP, Chiang YC, Tam WH
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