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2021 Apr (76)
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2021 Jan (74)
1. Visual plasticity: Illuminating the role of the hippocampus in cortical sensory encoding.
Curr Biol
2021 Sep 27
Dylda E, Pakan JMP.
2. Animal cooperation: Context-specific helping benefits.
Curr Biol
2021 Sep 27
Kern JM.
3. Mechanisms of punctuated vision in fly flight.
Curr Biol
2021 Sep 27
Cellini B, Salem W, Mongeau JM.
4. Endocrine signals fine-tune daily activity patterns in Drosophila.
Curr Biol
2021 Sep 27
Pauls D, Selcho M, Räderscheidt J
5. The spatiotemporal organization of experience dictates hippocampal involvement in primary visual cortical plasticity.
Curr Biol
2021 Sep 27
Finnie PSB, Komorowski RW, Bear MF.
6. Post-ER degradation of misfolded GPI-anchored proteins is linked with microautophagy.
Curr Biol
2021 Sep 27
Lemus L, Matić Z, Gal L
7. Sequential oncogenic mutations influence cell competition.
Curr Biol
2021 Sep 27
Kohashi K, Mori Y, Narumi R
8. Visual processing: Systematic variation in light-dark bias across visual space.
Curr Biol
2021 Sep 27
Mulholland HN, Smith GB.
9. Pollination: Influencing bee behaviour with caffeine.
Curr Biol
2021 Sep 27
Hempel de Ibarra N, Rands S.
10. Cell biology: How does the nucleus get its membrane?
Curr Biol
2021 Sep 27
Cohen-Fix O.
11. Salinella.
Curr Biol
2021 Sep 27
Tihelka E, Cai C.
12. Predicting individual neuron responses with anatomically constrained task optimization.
Curr Biol
2021 Sep 27
Mano O, Creamer MS, Badwan BA
13. Spatial modulation of dark versus bright stimulus responses in the mouse visual system.
Curr Biol
2021 Sep 27
Williams B, Del Rosario J, Muzzu T
14. Striatal low-threshold spiking interneurons locally gate dopamine.
Curr Biol
2021 Sep 27
Holly EN, Davatolhagh MF, España RA
15. Thalamic input to motor cortex facilitates goal-directed action initiation.
Curr Biol
2021 Sep 27
Takahashi N, Moberg S, Zolnik TA
16. Dynamic changes in epithelial cell packing during tissue morphogenesis.
Curr Biol
2021 Sep 27
Lemke SB, Nelson CM.
17. Protein sorting: A new quality control pathway for GPI-anchored proteins.
Curr Biol
2021 Sep 27
Klemm RW.
18. Insect vision: Head saccades to reset the view.
Curr Biol
2021 Sep 27
Theobald J.
19. Poaching of African elephants indirectly decreases population growth through lowered orphan survival.
Curr Biol
2021 Sep 27
Parker JM, Webb CT, Daballen D
20. Bumble bees show an induced preference for flowers when primed with caffeinated nectar and a target floral odor.
Curr Biol
2021 Sep 27
Arnold SEJ, Dudenhöffer JH, Fountain MT
21. Asymmetric nuclear division in neural stem cells generates sibling nuclei that differ in size, envelope composition, and chromatin organization.
Curr Biol
2021 Sep 27
Roubinet C, White IJ, Baum B.
22. Stable transfection in protist Corallochytrium limacisporum identifies novel cellular features among unicellular animals relatives.
Curr Biol
2021 Sep 27
Kożyczkowska A, Najle SR, Ocaña-Pallarès E
23. Micronutrient supply from global marine fisheries under climate change and overfishing.
Curr Biol
2021 Sep 27
Maire E, Graham NAJ, MacNeil MA
24. Evolution: Natural selection, sexual selection, and the jaws of death.
Curr Biol
2021 Sep 27
Polak M, Tomkins JL.
25. Neuroscience: Convergence of biological and artificial networks.
Curr Biol
2021 Sep 27
Turner MH, Clandinin TR.
26. Sensory biology: Tree mice use echolocation.
Curr Biol
2021 Sep 27
Jones G.
27. Lucy Aplin.
Curr Biol
2021 Sep 27
Aplin L.
28. Alteration in information flow through a pair of feeding command neurons underlies a form of Pavlovian conditioning in the Drosophila brain.
Curr Biol
2021 Sep 27
Sakurai A, Littleton JT, Kojima H
29. Human gaze is systematically offset from the center of cone topography.
Curr Biol
2021 Sep 27
Reiniger JL, Domdei N, Holz FG
30. Elimination of vision-guided target attraction in Aedes aegypti using CRISPR.
Curr Biol
2021 Sep 27
Zhan Y, Alonso San Alberto D, Rusch C
31. Cdc42 and its BORG2 and BORG3 effectors control the subcellular localization of septins between actin stress fibers and microtubules.
Curr Biol
2021 Sep 27
Salameh J, Cantaloube I, Benoit B
32. Spaced training enhances memory and prefrontal ensemble stability in mice.
Curr Biol
2021 Sep 27
Glas A, Hübener M, Bonhoeffer T
33. Ovulation suppression protects against chromosomal abnormalities in mouse eggs at advanced maternal age.
Curr Biol
2021 Sep 27
Chatzidaki EE, Powell S, Dequeker BJH
34. Reinforcement learning links spontaneous cortical dopamine impulses to reward.
Curr Biol
2021 Sep 27
Foo C, Lozada A, Aljadeff J
35. Context-dependent social benefits drive cooperative predator defense in a bird.
Curr Biol
2021 Sep 27
Teunissen N, Kingma SA, Fan M
36. Membrane excitability: Ankyrins keep neuromuscular junctions firing.
Curr Biol
2021 Sep 13
Caldwell JH.
37. Seabirds: When storm riders get wrecked.
Curr Biol
2021 Sep 13
Shepard E.
38. Locomotor control: Inhibiting actions locally and senses globally.
Curr Biol
2021 Sep 13
Jay M, McLean DL.
39. Learned control of urinary reflexes in cattle to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Curr Biol
2021 Sep 13
Dirksen N, Langbein J, Schrader L
40. North Atlantic winter cyclones starve seabirds.
Curr Biol
2021 Sep 13
Clairbaux M, Mathewson P, Porter W
41. Ensemble synchronization in the reassembly of Hydra's nervous system.
Curr Biol
2021 Sep 13
Lovas JR, Yuste R.
42. Overcoming the genetic compensation response of soybean florigens to improve adaptation and yield at low latitudes.
Curr Biol
2021 Sep 13
Li X, Fang C, Yang Y
43. Rapid compensatory evolution can rescue low fitness symbioses following partner switching.
Curr Biol
2021 Sep 13
Sørensen MES, Wood AJ, Cameron DD
44. Retrofusion of intralumenal MVB membranes parallels viral infection and coexists with exosome release.
Curr Biol
2021 Sep 13
Perrin P, Janssen L, Janssen H
45. Biotremology: Have a look and find something wonderful!
Curr Biol
2021 Sep 13
Hill PSM, Wessel A.
46. Olfaction: Source separation in a single sniff.
Curr Biol
2021 Sep 13
Harvey J, Rinberg D.
47. Auditory cortex: Representing sound locations during active sensing.
Curr Biol
2021 Sep 13
Stecker GC.
48. Precision and the Bayesian brain.
Curr Biol
2021 Sep 13
Yon D, Frith CD.
49. Light pollution forces a change in dung beetle orientation behavior.
Curr Biol
2021 Sep 13
Foster JJ, Tocco C, Smolka J
50. Sensory cilia act as a specialized venue for regulated extracellular vesicle biogenesis and signaling.
Curr Biol
2021 Sep 13
Wang J, Nikonorova IA, Silva M
51. The NAergic locus coeruleus-ventrolateral preoptic area neural circuit mediates rapid arousal from sleep.
Curr Biol
2021 Sep 13
Liang Y, Shi W, Xiang A
52. Myelination induces axonal hotspots of synaptic vesicle fusion that promote sheath growth.
Curr Biol
2021 Sep 13
Almeida RG, Williamson JM, Madden ME
53. The RAS GTPase RIT1 compromises mitotic fidelity through spindle assembly checkpoint suppression.
Curr Biol
2021 Sep 13
Cuevas-Navarro A, Van R, Cheng A
54. COVID-19 suppression of human mobility releases mountain lions from a landscape of fear.
Curr Biol
2021 Sep 13
Wilmers CC, Nisi AC, Ranc N.
55. Source identity shapes spatial preference in primary auditory cortex during active navigation.
Curr Biol
2021 Sep 13
Amaro D, Ferreiro DN, Grothe B
56. Bird migration: Clock and compass facilitate hemisphere switching.
Curr Biol
2021 Sep 13
Helm B, Muheim R.
57. Inza Koné.
Curr Biol
2021 Sep 13
Koné I.
58. Targeted gene disruption in a marsupial, Monodelphis domestica, by CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing.
Curr Biol
2021 Sep 13
Kiyonari H, Kaneko M, Abe T
59. Chromosome choreography during the non-binary cell cycle of a predatory bacterium.
Curr Biol
2021 Sep 13
Kaljević J, Saaki TNV, Govers SK
60. Neurobiology: How to ask a mouse if it's hungry.
Curr Biol
2021 Sep 13
Andrews ZB.
61. Evolution: Symbiont switching and environmental adaptation.
Curr Biol
2021 Sep 13
Porter S.
62. Plant biology: Environmental extremes induce a jump in peach fitness.
Curr Biol
2021 Sep 13
Allan AC, Chagné D.
63. Bacterial chromosome segregation: New insights into non-binary replication and division.
Curr Biol
2021 Sep 13
Gallagher KA, Brun YV.
64. Membrane trafficking: Retrofusion as an escape route out of the endosome.
Curr Biol
2021 Sep 13
Eden ER, Futter CE.
65. Paulinella chromatophora.
Curr Biol
2021 Sep 13
Macorano L, Nowack ECM.
66. Ongoing habenular activity is driven by forebrain networks and modulated by olfactory stimuli.
Curr Biol
2021 Sep 13
Bartoszek EM, Ostenrath AM, Jetti SK
67. Genomic basis of high-altitude adaptation in Tibetan Prunus fruit trees.
Curr Biol
2021 Sep 13
Wang X, Liu S, Zuo H
68. Ankyrin-dependent Na(+) channel clustering prevents neuromuscular synapse fatigue.
Curr Biol
2021 Sep 13
Zhang C, Joshi A, Liu Y
69. Spinal V1 neurons inhibit motor targets locally and sensory targets distally.
Curr Biol
2021 Sep 13
Sengupta M, Daliparthi V, Roussel Y
70. Periodic root branching is influenced by light through an HY1-HY5-auxin pathway.
Curr Biol
2021 Sep 13
Duan X, Xu S, Xie Y
71. Hypothalamic control of interoceptive hunger.
Curr Biol
2021 Sep 13
Siemian JN, Arenivar MA, Sarsfield S
72. Inherited apicobasal polarity defines the key features of axon-dendrite polarity in a sensory neuron.
Curr Biol
2021 Sep 13
Lee J, Magescas J, Fetter RD
73. Symbiotic nitrogen fixation in the reproductive structures of a basidiomycete fungus.
Curr Biol
2021 Sep 13
Koch RA, Yoon GM, Aryal UK
74. Human inbreeding has decreased in time through the Holocene.
Curr Biol
2021 Sep 13
Ceballos FC, Gürün K, Altınışık NE
75. Drosophila females receive male substrate-borne signals through specific leg neurons during courtship.
Curr Biol
2021 Sep 13
McKelvey EGZ, Gyles JP, Michie K
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