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2021 Jan (74)
1. Efference copies: Context matters when ignoring self-induced motion.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 25
Nicholas S, Nordström K.
2. The glymphatic system.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 25
Hablitz LM, Nedergaard M.
3. Fast tuning of posture control by visual feedback underlies gaze stabilization in walking Drosophila.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 25
Cruz TL, Pérez SM, Chiappe ME.
4. Neuroepithelial progenitors generate and propagate non-neuronal action potentials across the spinal cord.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 25
Arulkandarajah KH, Osterstock G, Lafont A
5. Wild Goffin's cockatoos flexibly manufacture and use tool sets.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 25
O'Hara M, Mioduszewska B, Mundry R
6. Laminar processing of numerosity supports a canonical cortical microcircuit in human parietal cortex.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 25
van Dijk JA, Fracasso A, Petridou N
7. Early warning sign of forest loss in protected areas.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 25
Buřivalová Z, Hart SJ, Radeloff VC
8. Chimpanzees consider alternative possibilities.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 25
Engelmann JM, Völter CJ, O'Madagain C
9. Spinosaurus.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 25
Brusatte SL.
10. Suppression of motion vision during course-changing, but not course-stabilizing, navigational turns.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 25
Fenk LM, Kim AJ, Maimon G.
11. Dopamine in the songbird auditory cortex shapes auditory preference.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 25
Barr HJ, Wall EM, Woolley SC.
12. Conditional stomatal closure in a fern shares molecular features with flowering plant active stomatal responses.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 25
Plackett ARG, Emms DM, Kelly S
13. The what and when of olfactory working memory in humans.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 25
Yang AI, Dikecligil GN, Jiang H
14. Perceptual learning as a result of concerted changes in prefrontal and visual cortex.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 25
Jing R, Yang C, Huang X
15. Dynein activation in vivo is regulated by the nucleotide states of its AAA3 domain.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 25
Qiu R, Zhang J, Rotty JD
16. Auxin requirements for a meristematic state in roots depend on a dual brassinosteroid function.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 25
Ackerman-Lavert M, Fridman Y, Matosevich R
17. Single-trial dynamics of hippocampal spatial representations are modulated by reward value.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 25
Michon F, Krul E, Sun JJ
18. Animal behaviour: Shifting attention in order to disperse.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 25
Molina-García L, Barrios A.
19. Insect locomotion: Flies show you how to stay on course.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 25
Zimmer M.
20. Biodiversity: Monitoring trends and implications for ecosystem functioning.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 25
Hines J, Pereira HM.
21. Antimicrobial resistance: Wildlife as indicators of anthropogenic environmental contamination across space and through time.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 25
Ramey AM.
22. Animal tool use: Many tools make light work for wild parrots.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 25
Shaw RC.
23. Categorical rhythms in a singing primate.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 25
De Gregorio C, Valente D, Raimondi T
24. Cynthia F. Moss.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 25
Moss CF.
25. Nectar-feeding bats and birds show parallel molecular adaptations in sugar metabolism enzymes.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 25
Potter JHT, Drinkwater R, Davies KTJ
26. Energy compensation and adiposity in humans.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 25
Careau V, Halsey LG, Pontzer H
27. Sex-specific, pdfr-1-dependent modulation of pheromone avoidance by food abundance enables flexibility in C. elegans foraging behavior.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 25
Luo J, Portman DS.
28. piRNAs coordinate poly(UG) tailing to prevent aberrant and perpetual gene silencing.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 25
Shukla A, Perales R, Kennedy S.
29. Neuroscience: Turbulent times for brain information processing.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 25
Bondanelli G, Panzeri S.
30. Plant signaling: Interplay of brassinosteroids and auxin in root meristems.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 25
Xuan W, Beeckman T.
31. Fly navigation: Yet another ring.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 25
Heinze S.
32. Historical body temperature records as a population-level 'thermometer' of physical activity in the United States.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 25
Yegian AK, Heymsfield SB, Lieberman DE.
33. The importance of local specialists in science: Where are the local researchers in primatology?
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 25
Hobaiter C, Akankwasa JW, Muhumuza G
34. Rats use memory confidence to guide decisions.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 25
Joo HR, Liang H, Chung JE
35. Drosophila re-zero their path integrator at the center of a fictive food patch.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 25
Behbahani AH, Palmer EH, Corfas RA
36. Evolution of the primate glutamate taste sensor from a nucleotide sensor.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 25
Toda Y, Hayakawa T, Itoigawa A
37. The oral microbiota of wild bears in Sweden reflects the history of antibiotic use by humans.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 25
Brealey JC, Leitão HG, Hofstede T
38. Rare long-range cortical connections enhance human information processing.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 25
Deco G, Sanz Perl Y, Vuust P
39. Patterns of invertebrate functional diversity highlight the vulnerability of ecosystem services over a 45-year period.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 25
Greenop A, Woodcock BA, Outhwaite CL
40. The evolution of insect biodiversity.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 11
Tihelka E, Cai C, Giacomelli M
41. Bottom-up controls, ecological revolutions and diversification in the oceans through time.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 11
Antell GS, Saupe EE.
42. Island biogeography.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 11
Matthews TJ, Triantis K.
43. Measuring biological diversity.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 11
Magurran AE.
44. Six easy species - vignettes of biodiversity.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 11
Maderspacher F.
45. Cell-size control: Chromatin-based titration primes inhibitor dilution.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 11
Xie S, Skotheim JM.
46. Neuroscience: How the brain prioritizes behaviors.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 11
Barajas-Azpeleta R, Tastekin I, Ribeiro C.
47. Between-subject prediction reveals a shared representational geometry in the rodent hippocampus.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 11
Chen HT, Manning JR, van der Meer MAA.
48. The DNA-to-cytoplasm ratio broadly activates zygotic gene expression in Xenopus.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 11
Jukam D, Kapoor RR, Straight AF
49. A midbrain dynorphin circuit promotes threat generalization.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 11
Fellinger L, Jo YS, Hunker AC
50. Philippine Ayta possess the highest level of Denisovan ancestry in the world.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 11
Larena M, McKenna J, Sanchez-Quinto F
51. Human-mediated impacts on biodiversity and the consequences for zoonotic disease spillover.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 11
Glidden CK, Nova N, Kain MP
52. Fungal biodiversity and conservation mycology in light of new technology, big data, and changing attitudes.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 11
Lofgren LA, Stajich JE.
53. The evolutionary emergence of land plants.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 11
Donoghue PCJ, Harrison CJ, Paps J
54. Diversity and ecology of protists revealed by metabarcoding.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 11
Burki F, Sandin MM, Jamy M.
55. Marine biodiversity conservation.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 11
Lotze HK.
56. Conservation genetics.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 11
Kardos M.
57. Phylogenomics.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 11
Duchêne DA.
58. Acoustic biodiversity.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 11
Sueur J, Krause B, Farina A.
59. Cultivate biodiversity to harvest food security and sustainability.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 11
Renard D, Tilman D.
60. Evolution: Oh, my Cambrian nerves.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 11
Wolfe JM, Ortega-Hernández J.
61. Animal behavior: Innovation in the city.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 11
Beck KB, Firth JA.
62. Plant biology: Nectar bacteria grow by germinating and bursting pollen.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 11
Crowley B, Russell A.
63. Gene regulation: Context is everything.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 11
Singh NP.
64. Transient expression of a GABA receptor subunit during early development is critical for inhibitory synapse maturation and function.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 11
Sinha R, Grimes WN, Wallin J
65. Frequency modulation of rattlesnake acoustic display affects acoustic distance perception in humans.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 11
Forsthofer M, Schutte M, Luksch H
66. Deorphanization of novel biogenic amine-gated ion channels identifies a new serotonin receptor for learning.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 11
Morud J, Hardege I, Liu H
67. A switch in species dominance of a recovering pelagic ecosystem.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 11
Lawrence JM, Fernandes PG.
68. Upscaling tropical restoration to deliver environmental benefits and socially equitable outcomes.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 11
Edwards DP, Cerullo GR, Chomba S
69. Biodiversity across space and time in the fossil record.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 11
Benson RBJ, Butler R, Close RA
70. Wildlife trade.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 11
Hughes AC.
71. Invertebrate biodiversity and conservation.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 11
Eisenhauer N, Hines J.
72. How ants shape biodiversity.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 11
Parker J, Kronauer DJC.
73. Grassland biodiversity.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 11
Petermann JS, Buzhdygan OY.
74. Environmental risk in an age of biotic impoverishment.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 11
Naeem S, Bruner SG, Missirian A.
75. Reconnecting nature.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 11
Pimm SL, Willigan E, Kolarova A
76. Biodiversity, resilience and the stability of evolutionary systems.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 11
Nosil P, Feder JL, Gompert Z.
77. Hyper-alignment: Great mice think alike.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 11
Stella F, Treves A.
78. Neurobiology: Novel peptide pathways impact threat discrimination.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 11
Stelly CE, Fadok JP.
79. Facial mimicry in the congenitally blind.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 11
Arias P, Bellmann C, Aucouturier JJ.
80. Edmund D. Brodie.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 11
Brodie ED.
81. Male-like ornamentation in female hummingbirds results from social harassment rather than sexual selection.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 11
Falk JJ, Webster MS, Rubenstein DR.
82. Neurons of rat motor cortex become active during both grasping execution and grasping observation.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 11
Viaro R, Maggiolini E, Farina E
83. Leanchoiliidae reveals the ancestral organization of the stem euarthropod brain.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 11
Lan T, Zhao Y, Zhao F
84. Vision is required for the formation of binocular neurons prior to the classical critical period.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 11
Tan L, Ringach DL, Zipursky SL
85. Ancestral predisposition toward a domesticated lifestyle in the termite-cultivated fungus Termitomyces.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 11
van de Peppel LJJ, Nieuwenhuis M, Auxier B
86. Cell-type-specific Hox regulatory strategies orchestrate tissue identity.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 11
Loker R, Sanner JE, Mann RS.
87. Nematode nuclear receptors as integrators of sensory information.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 11
Sural S, Hobert O.
88. Climatic niche shifts in introduced species.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 11
Bates OK, Bertelsmeier C.
89. Morphospace.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 11
Budd GE.
90. Wilderness.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 11
Watson JEM, Venter O.
91. Neurobiology: From genome and connectome to understanding behavior.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 11
Yu AJ, Rankin CH.
92. Mouse vision: Variability and stability across the visual processing hierarchy.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 11
Bauer J, Rose T.
93. Representational drift in the mouse visual cortex.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 11
Deitch D, Rubin A, Ziv Y.
94. The 3D architecture and molecular foundations of de novo centriole assembly via bicentrioles.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 11
Gomes Pereira S, Sousa AL, Nabais C
95. Neuronal perception of the social environment generates an inherited memory that controls the development and generation time of C. elegans.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 11
Perez MF, Shamalnasab M, Mata-Cabana A
96. A neuronal mechanism controlling the choice between feeding and sexual behaviors in Drosophila.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 11
Cheriyamkunnel SJ, Rose S, Jacob PF
97. CLOCKWORK ORANGE promotes CLOCK-CYCLE activation via the putative Drosophila ortholog of CLOCK INTERACTING PROTEIN CIRCADIAN.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 11
Rivas GBS, Zhou J, Merlin C
98. Molecules and fossils tell distinct yet complementary stories of mammal diversification.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 11
Upham NS, Esselstyn JA, Jetz W.
99. Nectar bacteria stimulate pollen germination and bursting to enhance microbial fitness.
Curr Biol
2021 Oct 11
Christensen SM, Munkres I, Vannette RL.
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