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2021 Jan (74)
1. The tectum/superior colliculus as the vertebrate solution for spatial sensory integration and action.
Curr Biol
2021 Jun 7
Isa T, Marquez-Legorreta E, Grillner S
2. Vector control: Discovery of Wolbachia in malaria vectors.
Curr Biol
2021 Jun 7
Ross PA, Hoffmann AA.
3. Convergent evolution of forelimb-propelled swimming in seals.
Curr Biol
2021 Jun 7
Hocking DP, Marx FG, Wang S
4. Efferocytosis by Paneth cells within the intestine.
Curr Biol
2021 Jun 7
Shankman LS, Fleury ST, Evans WB
5. Distinct circuits in rat central amygdala for defensive behaviors evoked by socially signaled imminent versus remote danger.
Curr Biol
2021 Jun 7
Andraka K, Kondrakiewicz K, Rojek-Sito K
6. The connectome predicts resting-state functional connectivity across the Drosophila brain.
Curr Biol
2021 Jun 7
Turner MH, Mann K, Clandinin TR.
7. Animal culture: Newcomers help adopt more efficient behaviors.
Curr Biol
2021 Jun 7
Pravosudov V.
8. Decision making: Serotonin goes for goal.
Curr Biol
2021 Jun 7
McDannald MA.
9. Conservation: Where can elephants roam in the Anthropocene?
Curr Biol
2021 Jun 7
Leimgruber P, Songer MA.
10. CDKL kinase regulates the length of the ciliary proximal segment.
Curr Biol
2021 Jun 7
Park K, Li C, Tsiropoulou S
11. A central role for anterior cingulate cortex in the control of pathological aggression.
Curr Biol
2021 Jun 7
van Heukelum S, Tulva K, Geers FE
12. Population turnover facilitates cultural selection for efficiency in birds.
Curr Biol
2021 Jun 7
Chimento M, Alarcón-Nieto G, Aplin LM.
13. Morphological stasis masks ecologically divergent coral species on tropical reefs.
Curr Biol
2021 Jun 7
Bongaerts P, Cooke IR, Ying H
14. Human footprint and protected areas shape elephant range across Africa.
Curr Biol
2021 Jun 7
Wall J, Wittemyer G, Klinkenberg B
15. Homeostatic synaptic scaling establishes the specificity of an associative memory.
Curr Biol
2021 Jun 7
Wu CH, Ramos R, Katz DB
16. Centrosomes: An acentriolar MTOC at the ciliary base.
Curr Biol
2021 Jun 7
O'Connell KF.
17. Plant breeding: Revealing the secrets of cytoplasmic male sterility in wheat.
Curr Biol
2021 Jun 7
Brownfield L.
18. Learning and memory: Scaling new areas.
Curr Biol
2021 Jun 7
Radulescu CI, Barnes SJ.
19. Unchecked nick ligation can promote localized genome re-replication.
Curr Biol
2021 Jun 7
Johansson E, Diffley JFX.
20. Foveal vision.
Curr Biol
2021 Jun 7
Tuten WS, Harmening WM.
21. Dori Derdikman.
Curr Biol
2021 Jun 7
Derdikman D.
22. Stable high-density and maternally inherited Wolbachia infections in Anopheles moucheti and Anopheles demeilloni mosquitoes.
Curr Biol
2021 Jun 7
Walker T, Quek S, Jeffries CL
23. BBLN-1 is essential for intermediate filament organization and apical membrane morphology.
Curr Biol
2021 Jun 7
Remmelzwaal S, Geisler F, Stucchi R
24. Variable kinship patterns in Neolithic Anatolia revealed by ancient genomes.
Curr Biol
2021 Jun 7
Yaka R, Mapelli I, Kaptan D
25. A new darwinopteran pterosaur reveals arborealism and an opposed thumb.
Curr Biol
2021 Jun 7
Zhou X, Pêgas RV, Ma W
26. Disruption of model-based decision making by silencing of serotonin neurons in the dorsal raphe nucleus.
Curr Biol
2021 Jun 7
Ohmura Y, Iwami K, Chowdhury S
27. Rhesus macaques build new social connections after a natural disaster.
Curr Biol
2021 Jun 7
Testard C, Larson SM, Watowich MM
28. OFF-transient alpha RGCs mediate looming triggered innate defensive response.
Curr Biol
2021 Jun 7
Wang F, Li E, De L
29. Protist diversity: Novel groups enrich the algal tree of life.
Curr Biol
2021 Jun 7
Eliáš M.
30. Emotional contagion: Improving survival by preparing for socially sensed threats.
Curr Biol
2021 Jun 7
Keysers C, Gazzola V.
31. Intermediate filaments: New insights are bublin up.
Curr Biol
2021 Jun 7
Sundaram MV.
32. Aggression: How the anterior cingulate cortex helps to ensure a fair fight.
Curr Biol
2021 Jun 7
Crew LA, Covington HE 3rd, Hyman JM.
33. A living bdelloid rotifer from 24,000-year-old Arctic permafrost.
Curr Biol
2021 Jun 7
Shmakova L, Malavin S, Iakovenko N
34. Leonardo da Vinci and the search for order in neuroscience.
Curr Biol
2021 Jun 7
Deco G, Kemp M, Kringelbach ML.
35. Early Alpine occupation backdates westward human migration in Late Glacial Europe.
Curr Biol
2021 Jun 7
Bortolini E, Pagani L, Oxilia G
36. Reprogramming sphingolipid glycosylation is required for endosymbiont persistence in Medicago truncatula.
Curr Biol
2021 Jun 7
Moore WM, Chan C, Ishikawa T
37. Centriole-less pericentriolar material serves as a microtubule organizing center at the base of C. elegans sensory cilia.
Curr Biol
2021 Jun 7
Magescas J, Eskinazi S, Tran MV
38. An acentriolar centrosome at the C. elegans ciliary base.
Curr Biol
2021 Jun 7
Garbrecht J, Laos T, Holzer E
39. Rappemonads are haptophyte phytoplankton.
Curr Biol
2021 Jun 7
Kawachi M, Nakayama T, Kayama M
40. Cytoskeletal biophysics: Passive crosslinker adapts to keep microtubule bundles on track.
Curr Biol
2021 Jun 21
Elting MW.
41. Gossip: More than just trash talk.
Curr Biol
2021 Jun 21
Huskey R.
42. Jennifer McElwain.
Curr Biol
2021 Jun 21
McElwain J.
43. Transient perceptual enhancements resulting from selective shifts of exogenous attention in the central fovea.
Curr Biol
2021 Jun 21
Zhang Y, Shelchkova N, Ezzo R
44. The orbitofrontal cortex is necessary for learning to ignore.
Curr Biol
2021 Jun 21
Costa KM, Sengupta A, Schoenbaum G.
45. Two modes of PRC1-mediated mechanical resistance to kinesin-driven microtubule network disruption.
Curr Biol
2021 Jun 21
Alfieri A, Gaska I, Forth S.
46. Plant immunity: Crosstalk between plant immune receptors.
Curr Biol
2021 Jun 21
Bjornson M, Zipfel C.
47. Ecology: E-rat-ication to restore reefs.
Curr Biol
2021 Jun 21
Burkepile DE.
48. Heteranthery.
Curr Biol
2021 Jun 21
Barrett SCH.
49. Direct visualization of epithelial microvilli biogenesis.
Curr Biol
2021 Jun 21
Gaeta IM, Meenderink LM, Postema MM
50. Excess histone H3 is a competitive Chk1 inhibitor that controls cell-cycle remodeling in the early Drosophila embryo.
Curr Biol
2021 Jun 21
Shindo Y, Amodeo AA.
51. Animal consciousness: Should a new behavioral correlate in monkeys persuade agnostics?
Curr Biol
2021 Jun 21
Hampton RR.
52. Avian navigation: Head direction cells in the quail hippocampus.
Curr Biol
2021 Jun 21
Apostel A, Rose J.
53. Enhanced polarotaxis can explain water-entry behaviour of mantids infected with nematomorph parasites.
Curr Biol
2021 Jun 21
Obayashi N, Iwatani Y, Sakura M
54. Why I joined the Freedom Rides.
Curr Biol
2021 Jun 21
Sterling P.
55. Ancient genomes reveal structural shifts after the arrival of Steppe-related ancestry in the Italian Peninsula.
Curr Biol
2021 Jun 21
Saupe T, Montinaro F, Scaggion C
56. Deep evolutionary diversification of semicircular canals in archosaurs.
Curr Biol
2021 Jun 21
Bronzati M, Benson RBJ, Evers SW
57. Evidence for circadian-based photoperiodic timekeeping in Svalbard ptarmigan, the northernmost resident bird.
Curr Biol
2021 Jun 21
Appenroth D, Wagner GC, Hazlerigg DG
58. EPHA2-dependent outcompetition of KRASG12D mutant cells by wild-type neighbors in the adult pancreas.
Curr Biol
2021 Jun 21
Hill W, Zaragkoulias A, Salvador-Barbero B
59. Gossip drives vicarious learning and facilitates social connection.
Curr Biol
2021 Jun 21
Jolly E, Chang LJ.
60. Rat eradication restores nutrient subsidies from seabirds across terrestrial and marine ecosystems.
Curr Biol
2021 Jun 21
Benkwitt CE, Gunn RL, Le Corre M
61. Contingency of semantic generalization on episodic specificity varies across development.
Curr Biol
2021 Jun 21
Ngo CT, Benear SL, Popal H
62. Patterns of transmission and horizontal gene transfer in the Dioscorea sansibarensis leaf symbiosis revealed by whole-genome sequencing.
Curr Biol
2021 Jun 21
Danneels B, Viruel J, Mcgrath K
63. A possible billion-year-old holozoan with differentiated multicellularity.
Curr Biol
2021 Jun 21
Strother PK, Brasier MD, Wacey D
64. Bacterial predation transforms the landscape and community assembly of biofilms.
Curr Biol
2021 Jun 21
Wucher BR, Elsayed M, Adelman JS
65. Circuit mechanisms for colour vision in zebrafish.
Curr Biol
2021 Jun 21
Baden T.
66. Microbiome: Insulin signaling shapes gut community composition.
Curr Biol
2021 Jun 21
Hu PJ.
67. Animal communication: Lyrebirds 'cry wolf' during mating.
Curr Biol
2021 Jun 21
Riebel K.
68. Basal ganglia: Bursting with song.
Curr Biol
2021 Jun 21
Coleman MJ, White SA.
69. Plant biology: Plant formins roll out the welcome wagon for microbes.
Curr Biol
2021 Jun 21
Deeks MJ.
70. Looking ahead in working memory to guide sequential behaviour.
Curr Biol
2021 Jun 21
van Ede F, Deden J, Nobre AC.
71. Natural genetic variation drives microbiome selection in the Caenorhabditis elegans gut.
Curr Biol
2021 Jun 21
Zhang F, Weckhorst JL, Assié A
72. Plasticity of stereotyped birdsong driven by chronic manipulation of cortical-basal ganglia activity.
Curr Biol
2021 Jun 21
Moorman S, Ahn JR, Kao MH.
73. Directional tuning in the hippocampal formation of birds.
Curr Biol
2021 Jun 21
Ben-Yishay E, Krivoruchko K, Ron S
74. Formin-mediated bridging of cell wall, plasma membrane, and cytoskeleton in symbiotic infections of Medicago truncatula.
Curr Biol
2021 Jun 21
Liang P, Schmitz C, Lace B
75. Concerted evolution reveals co-adapted amino acid substitutions in Na(+)K(+)-ATPase of frogs that prey on toxic toads.
Curr Biol
2021 Jun 21
Mohammadi S, Yang L, Harpak A
76. Sediment archives reveal irreversible shifts in plankton communities after World War II and agricultural pollution.
Curr Biol
2021 Jun 21
Siano R, Lassudrie M, Cuzin P
77. Environmental genomics of Late Pleistocene black bears and giant short-faced bears.
Curr Biol
2021 Jun 21
Pedersen MW, De Sanctis B, Saremi NF
78. Dietary ecology of the scimitar-toothed cat Homotherium serum.
Curr Biol
2021 Jun 21
DeSantis LRG, Feranec RS, Antón M
79. The nucleolus as a polarized coaxial cable in which the rDNA axis is surrounded by dynamic subunit-specific phases.
Curr Biol
2021 Jun 21
Tartakoff AM, Chen L, Raghavachari S
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