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2021 Apr (76)
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2021 Feb (77)
2021 Jan (74)
1. Sensory Neurobiology: A New Crossroads Deep in the Cortex.
Curr Biol
2021 Feb 8
McGinley MJ.
2. Sleep: AMPs Mediate Injury-Induced Lethargy.
Curr Biol
2021 Feb 8
Grubbs JJ, Raizen DM.
3. Color Vision: Decoding Color Space.
Curr Biol
2021 Feb 8
Retter TL, Webster MA.
4. Disgust: Internal Context Matters.
Curr Biol
2021 Feb 8
Garfinkel SN.
5. Sourcing Elephant Ivory from a Sixteenth-Century Portuguese Shipwreck.
Curr Biol
2021 Feb 8
de Flamingh A, Coutu A, Sealy J
6. Theta, but Not Gamma Oscillations in Area V4 Depend on Input from Primary Visual Cortex.
Curr Biol
2021 Feb 8
Kienitz R, Cox MA, Dougherty K
7. The Aurora-A/TPX2 Axis Directs Spindle Orientation in Adherent Human Cells by Regulating NuMA and Microtubule Stability.
Curr Biol
2021 Feb 8
Polverino F, Naso FD, Asteriti IA
8. Pigmentation Genes Show Evidence of Repeated Divergence and Multiple Bouts of Introgression in Setophaga Warblers.
Curr Biol
2021 Feb 8
Baiz MD, Wood AW, Brelsford A
9. A Paradoxical Kind of Sleep in Drosophila melanogaster.
Curr Biol
2021 Feb 8
Tainton-Heap LAL, Kirszenblat LC, Notaras ET
10. CK2 Inhibits TIMELESS Nuclear Export and Modulates CLOCK Transcriptional Activity to Regulate Circadian Rhythms.
Curr Biol
2021 Feb 8
Cai YD, Xue Y, Truong CC
11. Global Patterns and Drivers of Bee Distribution.
Curr Biol
2021 Feb 8
Orr MC, Hughes AC, Chesters D
12. Deterministic and Stochastic Rules of Branching Govern Dendrite Morphogenesis of Sensory Neurons.
Curr Biol
2021 Feb 8
Palavalli A, Tizón-Escamilla N, Rupprecht JF
13. How Mechanical Forces Shape Plant Organs.
Curr Biol
2021 Feb 8
Trinh DC, Alonso-Serra J, Asaoka M
14. Sleep: Imaging the Fly Brain Reveals New Paradoxes.
Curr Biol
2021 Feb 8
Gilestro GF.
15. The complete life cycle of a Cretaceous beetle parasitoid.
Curr Biol
2021 Feb 8
Batelka J, Engel MS, Prokop J.
16. Snaps of a tiny amphipod push the boundary of ultrafast, repeatable movement.
Curr Biol
2021 Feb 8
Longo SJ, Ray W, Farley GM
17. Neural adaptation.
Curr Biol
2021 Feb 8
Benda J.
18. Hybrid zones.
Curr Biol
2021 Feb 8
Wielstra B.
19. Peter Sterling.
Curr Biol
2021 Feb 8
Sterling P.
20. A Causal Role for Gastric Rhythm in Human Disgust Avoidance.
Curr Biol
2021 Feb 8
Nord CL, Dalmaijer ES, Armstrong T
21. Age Patterning in Wild Chimpanzee Gut Microbiota Diversity Reveals Differences from Humans in Early Life.
Curr Biol
2021 Feb 8
Reese AT, Phillips SR, Owens LA
22. Color Space Geometry Uncovered with Magnetoencephalography.
Curr Biol
2021 Feb 8
Rosenthal IA, Singh SR, Hermann KL
23. Animal Behavior: Drosophila melanogaster Goes Social.
Curr Biol
2021 Feb 8
Feinerman O.
24. Plant Epigenetics: Propelling DNA Methylation Variation across the Cell Cycle.
Curr Biol
2021 Feb 8
Papareddy RK, Nodine MD.
25. Innate Immunity Promotes Sleep through Epidermal Antimicrobial Peptides.
Curr Biol
2021 Feb 8
Sinner MP, Masurat F, Ewbank JJ
26. NO GAMETOPHORES 2 Is a Novel Regulator of the 2D to 3D Growth Transition in the Moss Physcomitrella patens.
Curr Biol
2021 Feb 8
Moody LA, Kelly S, Clayton R
27. ARL8 Relieves SKIP Autoinhibition to Enable Coupling of Lysosomes to Kinesin-1.
Curr Biol
2021 Feb 8
Keren-Kaplan T, Bonifacino JS.
28. Sequence Learning Induces Selectivity to Multiple Task Parameters in Mouse Somatosensory Cortex.
Curr Biol
2021 Feb 8
Bale MR, Bitzidou M, Giusto E
29. Neural Coding: Axonal Delays Make Waves.
Curr Biol
2021 Feb 8
Troyer T.
30. Ecology: What Affects the Distribution of Global Bee Diversity.
Curr Biol
2021 Feb 8
Cheng W, Ashton L.
31. Microbiomes: Infant Chimps Crawling with Bacteria.
Curr Biol
2021 Feb 8
Sprockett DD, Moeller AH.
32. Loss of Small-RNA-Directed DNA Methylation in the Plant Cell Cycle Promotes Germline Reprogramming and Somaclonal Variation.
Curr Biol
2021 Feb 8
Borges F, Donoghue MTA, LeBlanc C
33. Dual Role of an mps-2/KCNE-Dependent Pathway in Long-Term Memory and Age-Dependent Memory Decline.
Curr Biol
2021 Feb 8
Fenyves BG, Arnold A, Gharat VG
34. Prolonged, Controlled Daytime versus Delayed Eating Impacts Weight and Metabolism.
Curr Biol
2021 Feb 8
Allison KC, Hopkins CM, Ruggieri M
35. Human Responses to Visually Evoked Threat.
Curr Biol
2021 Feb 8
Yilmaz Balban M, Cafaro E, Saue-Fletcher L
36. Early Life Experience Shapes Male Behavior and Social Networks in Drosophila.
Curr Biol
2021 Feb 8
Bentzur A, Ben-Shaanan S, Benichou JIC
37. Ecology: Returning Caribbean Coral Reefs to Their Former Glory.
Curr Biol
2021 Feb 22
Mumby PJ.
38. Allometry: Alice in Pinwheel Land.
Curr Biol
2021 Feb 22
Martin KAC.
39. Seeing polarization of light with the naked eye.
Curr Biol
2021 Feb 22
O'Shea RP, Misson GP, Temple SE.
40. Herd immunity.
Curr Biol
2021 Feb 22
Ashby B, Best A.
41. An Epigenetic Priming Mechanism Mediated by Nutrient Sensing Regulates Transcriptional Output during C. elegans Development.
Curr Biol
2021 Feb 22
Stec N, Doerfel K, Hills-Muckey K
42. Larval Zebrafish Use Olfactory Detection of Sodium and Chloride to Avoid Salt Water.
Curr Biol
2021 Feb 22
Herrera KJ, Panier T, Guggiana-Nilo D
43. The Number of Larval Molts Is Controlled by Hox in Caterpillars.
Curr Biol
2021 Feb 22
Daimon T, Koyama T, Yamamoto G
44. Alternative Splicing Generates a MONOPTEROS Isoform Required for Ovule Development.
Curr Biol
2021 Feb 22
Cucinotta M, Cavalleri A, Guazzotti A
45. Orientation Preference Maps in Microcebus murinus Reveal Size-Invariant Design Principles in Primate Visual Cortex.
Curr Biol
2021 Feb 22
Ho CLA, Zimmermann R, Flórez Weidinger JD
46. Development: Keeping Time with Transcription.
Curr Biol
2021 Feb 22
Ambros V.
47. Animal Cognition: The Self-Image of a Bumblebee.
Curr Biol
2021 Feb 22
Brebner J, Chittka L.
48. Turning the tide of parachute science.
Curr Biol
2021 Feb 22
Stefanoudis PV, Licuanan WY, Morrison TH
49. Nathan Morehouse.
Curr Biol
2021 Feb 22
Morehouse N.
50. Selective Inhibition of Mirror Invariance for Letters Consolidated by Sleep Doubles Reading Fluency.
Curr Biol
2021 Feb 22
Torres AR, Mota NB, Adamy N
51. Destabilization of Long Astral Microtubules via Cdk1-Dependent Removal of GTSE1 from Their Plus Ends Facilitates Prometaphase Spindle Orientation.
Curr Biol
2021 Feb 22
Singh D, Schmidt N, Müller F
52. A Disynaptic Circuit in the Globus Pallidus Controls Locomotion Inhibition.
Curr Biol
2021 Feb 22
Aristieta A, Barresi M, Azizpour Lindi S
53. PTPN21/Pez Is a Novel and Evolutionarily Conserved Key Regulator of Inflammation In Vivo.
Curr Biol
2021 Feb 22
Campbell JS, Davidson AJ, Todd H
54. Cell Biology: Resolving How DNA Is Damaged during 3D Migration.
Curr Biol
2021 Feb 22
Petrie RJ.
55. Working Memory: How Much Is It Used in Natural Behavior?
Curr Biol
2021 Feb 22
Williams J, Störmer VS.
56. Sensory Neuroscience: Smelling Salts Lead Fish to Safety.
Curr Biol
2021 Feb 22
Lovett-Barron M.
57. Visual Cortex: Binocular Matchmaking.
Curr Biol
2021 Feb 22
La Chioma A, Hübener M.
58. Motor Control: A Basal Ganglia Feedback Circuit for Action Suppression.
Curr Biol
2021 Feb 22
Bevan MD.
59. Parthenolide Destabilizes Microtubules by Covalently Modifying Tubulin.
Curr Biol
2021 Feb 22
Hotta T, Haynes SE, Blasius TL
60. A cloacal opening in a non-avian dinosaur.
Curr Biol
2021 Feb 22
Vinther J, Nicholls R, Kelly DA.
61. Bistable, Biphasic Regulation of PP2A-B55 Accounts for the Dynamics of Mitotic Substrate Phosphorylation.
Curr Biol
2021 Feb 22
Kamenz J, Gelens L, Ferrell JE Jr.
62. Multiple Niche Compartments Orchestrate Stepwise Germline Stem Cell Progeny Differentiation.
Curr Biol
2021 Feb 22
Tu R, Duan B, Song X
63. A Semivolatile Floral Scent Marks the Shift to a Novel Pollination System in Bromeliads.
Curr Biol
2021 Feb 22
Milet-Pinheiro P, Domingos-Melo A, Olivera JB
64. When Natural Behavior Engages Working Memory.
Curr Biol
2021 Feb 22
Draschkow D, Kallmayer M, Nobre AC.
65. A breath of deadly air.
Curr Biol
2021 Feb 22
Gross M.
66. Animal Phylogeny: Resolving the Slugfest of Ctenophores, Sponges and Acoels?
Curr Biol
2021 Feb 22
Jékely G, Budd GE.
67. Evolution: Reconstructing the Timeline of Eukaryogenesis.
Curr Biol
2021 Feb 22
Roger AJ, Susko E, Leger MM.
68. Breaking a species barrier by enabling hybrid recombination.
Curr Biol
2021 Feb 22
Bozdag GO, Ono J, Denton JA
69. Gloss.
Curr Biol
2021 Feb 22
Franklin AM, Ospina-Rozo L.
70. Why do we need a wildlife consumption ban in China?
Curr Biol
2021 Feb 22
Xiao L, Lu Z, Li X
71. A Progressive Somatic Cell Niche Regulates Germline Cyst Differentiation in the Drosophila Ovary.
Curr Biol
2021 Feb 22
Shi J, Jin Z, Yu Y
72. Nuclear Deformation Causes DNA Damage by Increasing Replication Stress.
Curr Biol
2021 Feb 22
Shah P, Hobson CM, Cheng S
73. Herbivorous Crabs Reverse the Seaweed Dilemma on Coral Reefs.
Curr Biol
2021 Feb 22
Spadaro AJ, Butler MJ 4th.
74. Evidence for Two Main Domestication Trajectories in Saccharomyces cerevisiae Linked to Distinct Bread-Making Processes.
Curr Biol
2021 Feb 22
Bigey F, Segond D, Friedrich A
75. Nitrogen Mediates Flowering Time and Nitrogen Use Efficiency via Floral Regulators in Rice.
Curr Biol
2021 Feb 22
Zhang S, Zhang Y, Li K
76. Smoothelin-like 2 Inhibits Coronin-1B to Stabilize the Apical Actin Cortex during Epithelial Morphogenesis.
Curr Biol
2021 Feb 22
Hachimi M, Grabowski C, Campanario S
77. Drosophila Tubulin-Specific Chaperone E Recruits Tubulin around Chromatin to Promote Mitotic Spindle Assembly.
Curr Biol
2021 Feb 22
Métivier M, Gallaud E, Thomas A
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