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2021 Apr (76)
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2021 Jan (74)
1. Fungal pathogenesis: A new venom.
Curr Biol
2021 Apr 26
Papon N, Naglik JR, Hube B
2. Water conservation: Human water balance exceeds that of other apes.
Curr Biol
2021 Apr 26
Pruetz J.
3. Colour opponency: Chromatic and achromatic circuits in the mix.
Curr Biol
2021 Apr 26
Roth H, Wernet MF.
4. Audrey Dussutour.
Curr Biol
2021 Apr 26
Dussutour A.
5. Antagonistic interactions between two Neuroligins coordinate pre- and postsynaptic assembly.
Curr Biol
2021 Apr 26
Ramesh N, Escher MJF, Mampell MM
6. Estrogen receptor 2b is the major determinant of sex-typical mating behavior and sexual preference in medaka.
Curr Biol
2021 Apr 26
Nishiike Y, Miyazoe D, Togawa R
7. Stem cell niche organization in the Drosophila ovary requires the ECM component Perlecan.
Curr Biol
2021 Apr 26
Díaz-Torres A, Rosales-Nieves AE, Pearson JR
8. A genome-scale phylogeny of the kingdom Fungi.
Curr Biol
2021 Apr 26
Li Y, Steenwyk JL, Chang Y
9. Neural processing of the reward value of pleasant odorants.
Curr Biol
2021 Apr 26
Midroit M, Chalençon L, Renier N
10. Global potential and limits of mangrove blue carbon for climate change mitigation.
Curr Biol
2021 Apr 26
Zeng Y, Friess DA, Sarira TV
11. The essential role of sodium bioenergetics and ATP homeostasis in the developmental transitions of a cyanobacterium.
Curr Biol
2021 Apr 26
Doello S, Burkhardt M, Forchhammer K.
12. Cultural evolution: Is causal inference the secret of our success?
Curr Biol
2021 Apr 26
Henrich J.
13. Distinct actin-dependent nanoscale assemblies underlie the dynamic and hierarchical organization of E-cadherin.
Curr Biol
2021 Apr 26
Chandran R, Kale G, Philippe JM
14. Motives driving gaze and walking decisions.
Curr Biol
2021 Apr 26
Domínguez-Zamora FJ, Marigold DS.
15. Sensory neuroscience: Early value-based odor categorization.
Curr Biol
2021 Apr 26
Schreck M, Ma M.
16. Drosophila neuroscience: Unravelling the circuits of sensory-motor control in the fly.
Curr Biol
2021 Apr 26
Büschges A.
17. Walking: How visual exploration informs step choice.
Curr Biol
2021 Apr 26
Sukumar S, Ahmed AA.
18. Pygmy hogs.
Curr Biol
2021 Apr 26
de Visser M, Liu L, Bosse M.
19. Interaction of "chromatic" and "achromatic" circuits in Drosophila color opponent processing.
Curr Biol
2021 Apr 26
Pagni M, Haikala V, Oberhauser V
20. Inverted central auditory hierarchies for encoding local intervals and global temporal patterns.
Curr Biol
2021 Apr 26
Asokan MM, Williamson RS, Hancock KE
21. The Upd3 cytokine couples inflammation to maturation defects in Drosophila.
Curr Biol
2021 Apr 26
Romão D, Muzzopappa M, Barrio L
22. Investigating the risks of removing wild meat from global food systems.
Curr Biol
2021 Apr 26
Booth H, Clark M, Milner-Gulland EJ
23. Middle Pleistocene genome calibrates a revised evolutionary history of extinct cave bears.
Curr Biol
2021 Apr 26
Barlow A, Paijmans JLA, Alberti F
24. Interneuronal mechanisms for learning-induced switch in a sensory response that anticipates changes in behavioral outcomes.
Curr Biol
2021 Apr 26
Pirger Z, László Z, Naskar S
25. Layers of crosstalk between circadian regulation and environmental signalling in plants.
Curr Biol
2021 Apr 26
Paajanen P, Lane de Barros Dantas L, Dodd AN.
26. Chromosomal instability: Stretching the role of checkpoint silencing.
Curr Biol
2021 Apr 26
Cheeseman LP, Maiato H.
27. Evolution: Replicated mutation of COL2 contributed long-day flowering in common bean.
Curr Biol
2021 Apr 26
Boden SA.
28. Good scents: A short road from olfaction to satisfaction.
Curr Biol
2021 Apr 26
Wilson DA, East BS.
29. Response to Serrano and Chiappe.
Curr Biol
2021 Apr 26
Pittman M, Habib MB, Dececchi TA
30. Independent origins of powered flight in paravian dinosaurs?
Curr Biol
2021 Apr 26
Serrano FJ, Chiappe LM.
31. In situ observation of sponge trails suggests common sponge locomotion in the deep central Arctic.
Curr Biol
2021 Apr 26
Morganti TM, Purser A, Rapp HT
32. Evolution of water conservation in humans.
Curr Biol
2021 Apr 26
Pontzer H, Brown MH, Wood BM
33. Recognition memory for human motor learning.
Curr Biol
2021 Apr 26
Kumar N, van Vugt FT, Ostry DJ.
34. Kinetochore stretching-mediated rapid silencing of the spindle-assembly checkpoint required for failsafe chromosome segregation.
Curr Biol
2021 Apr 26
Uchida KSK, Jo M, Nagasaka K
35. β-propeller proteins WDR45 and WDR45B regulate autophagosome maturation into autolysosomes in neural cells.
Curr Biol
2021 Apr 26
Ji C, Zhao H, Chen D
36. The role of causal knowledge in the evolution of traditional technology.
Curr Biol
2021 Apr 26
Harris JA, Boyd R, Wood BM.
37. Ancient relaxation of an obligate short-day requirement in common bean through loss of CONSTANS-like gene function.
Curr Biol
2021 Apr 26
González AM, Vander Schoor JK, Fang C
38. Flexible categorization in the mouse olfactory bulb.
Curr Biol
2021 Apr 26
Kudryavitskaya E, Marom E, Shani-Narkiss H
39. Evolutionary cell biology: Closest unicellular relatives of animals crawl when squeezed.
Curr Biol
2021 Apr 12
Velle KB, Fritz-Laylin LK.
40. Independent evolution of the thioredoxin system in photosynthetic Paulinella species.
Curr Biol
2021 Apr 12
Lhee D, Bhattacharya D, Yoon HS.
41. Meiotic sister chromatid exchanges are rare in C. elegans.
Curr Biol
2021 Apr 12
Almanzar DE, Gordon SG, Rog O.
42. Embryonic evidence uncovers convergent origins of laryngeal echolocation in bats.
Curr Biol
2021 Apr 12
Nojiri T, Wilson LAB, López-Aguirre C
43. Genomic adaptations to an endolithic lifestyle in the coral-associated alga Ostreobium.
Curr Biol
2021 Apr 12
Iha C, Dougan KE, Varela JA
44. Mechano-chemical enforcement of tendon apical ECM into nano-filaments during Drosophila flight muscle development.
Curr Biol
2021 Apr 12
Chu WC, Hayashi S.
45. Medial septum glutamatergic neurons control wakefulness through a septo-hypothalamic circuit.
Curr Biol
2021 Apr 12
An S, Sun H, Wu M
46. Auditory neuroethology: What the frog's lungs tell the frog's ear.
Curr Biol
2021 Apr 12
Simmons AM.
47. Mycology: Rediscovery of a lost model fungus highlights the origin of mycorrhizal symbioses.
Curr Biol
2021 Apr 12
Nagy LG, Kovács GM.
48. Spatial memory: Place cell activity is causally related to behavior.
Curr Biol
2021 Apr 12
Plitt MH, Giocomo LM.
49. The past, present and future of the tree of life.
Curr Biol
2021 Apr 12
Blais C, Archibald JM.
50. Meiotic DNA break repair can utilize homolog-independent chromatid templates in C. elegans.
Curr Biol
2021 Apr 12
Toraason E, Horacek A, Clark C
51. Reacquisition of light-harvesting genes in a marine cyanobacterium confers a broader solar niche.
Curr Biol
2021 Apr 12
Ulrich NJ, Uchida H, Kanesaki Y
52. A neuronal blueprint for directional mechanosensation in larval zebrafish.
Curr Biol
2021 Apr 12
Valera G, Markov DA, Bijari K
53. Motor control: Neural correlates of optimal feedback control theory.
Curr Biol
2021 Apr 12
Mathis MW, Schneider S.
54. Mechanobiology: Forging a strong matrix at tendons.
Curr Biol
2021 Apr 12
Sidor C, Schnorrer F.
55. Cancer biology: Messages in extracellular vesicles depend on centrosome number.
Curr Biol
2021 Apr 12
Jewett CE, Pearson CG.
56. Evolution: Cleistogamy to the rescue of zygomorphic flowers.
Curr Biol
2021 Apr 12
Sauquet H.
57. Lung mediated auditory contrast enhancement improves the Signal-to-noise ratio for communication in frogs.
Curr Biol
2021 Apr 12
Lee N, Christensen-Dalsgaard J, White LA
58. The genome of Geosiphon pyriformis reveals ancestral traits linked to the emergence of the arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis.
Curr Biol
2021 Apr 12
Malar C M, Krüger M, Krüger C
59. Positive genetic covariance between male sexual ornamentation and fertilizing capacity.
Curr Biol
2021 Apr 12
Polak M, Hurtado-Gonzales JL, Benoit JB
60. Ctdnep1 and Eps8L2 regulate dorsal actin cables for nuclear positioning during cell migration.
Curr Biol
2021 Apr 12
Calero-Cuenca FJ, Osorio DS, Carvalho-Marques S
61. Minute-encoding neurons in hippocampal-striatal circuits.
Curr Biol
2021 Apr 12
Shikano Y, Ikegaya Y, Sasaki T.
62. Host identity influences nuclear dynamics in arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi.
Curr Biol
2021 Apr 12
Kokkoris V, Chagnon PL, Yildirir G
63. Sleep: Opening a portal to the dreaming brain.
Curr Biol
2021 Apr 12
Stickgold R, Zadra A.
64. Lateral line: From water waves to brain waves.
Curr Biol
2021 Apr 12
McDermott BM Jr.
65. Neuroscience: Glutamate neurons in the medial septum control wakefulness.
Curr Biol
2021 Apr 12
Taksokhan A, Fraigne J, Peever J.
66. Animal navigation: What is truth?
Curr Biol
2021 Apr 12
Putman NF.
67. Astrocytes.
Curr Biol
2021 Apr 12
Hasel P, Liddelow SA.
68. Ramesh Boonratana.
Curr Biol
2021 Apr 12
Boonratana R.
69. Real-time dialogue between experimenters and dreamers during REM sleep.
Curr Biol
2021 Apr 12
Konkoly KR, Appel K, Chabani E
70. Transient deactivation of dorsal premotor cortex or parietal area 5 impairs feedback control of the limb in macaques.
Curr Biol
2021 Apr 12
Takei T, Lomber SG, Cook DJ
71. Centrosome amplification mediates small extracellular vesicle secretion via lysosome disruption.
Curr Biol
2021 Apr 12
Adams SD, Csere J, D'angelo G
72. Navigation by extrapolation of geomagnetic cues in a migratory songbird.
Curr Biol
2021 Apr 12
Kishkinev D, Packmor F, Zechmeister T
73. Effects of a seismic survey on movement of free-ranging Atlantic cod.
Curr Biol
2021 Apr 12
van der Knaap I, Reubens J, Thomas L
74. Drosophila female germline stem cells undergo mitosis without nuclear breakdown.
Curr Biol
2021 Apr 12
Duan T, Cupp R, Geyer PK.
75. Enhanced reinstatement of naturalistic event memories due to hippocampal-network-targeted stimulation.
Curr Biol
2021 Apr 12
Hebscher M, Kragel JE, Kahnt T
76. Repeated evolution of a reproductive polyphenism in plants is strongly associated with bilateral flower symmetry.
Curr Biol
2021 Apr 12
Joly S, Schoen DJ.
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