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2023 Sep (3)
2023 Aug (4)
2023 Jul (5)
2023 Jun (2)
2023 Feb (2)
2023 Jan (4)
2022 Dec (4)
2022 Nov (6)
2022 Oct (3)
2022 Sep (1)
20 2 (18)
1. Candida parapsilosis complex in the clinical setting.
Nat Rev Microbiol
2023 Sep 6
Govrins M, Lass-Flörl C.
2. The oral microbiome: diversity, biogeography and human health.
Nat Rev Microbiol
2023 Sep 12
Baker JL, Mark Welch JL, Kauffman KM
3. The soil plastisphere.
Nat Rev Microbiol
2023 Sep 11
Rillig MC(#), Kim SW(#), Zhu YG.
4. Microbially mediated metal corrosion.
Nat Rev Microbiol
2023 Jun 21
Xu D, Gu T, Lovley DR.
5. The gut-liver axis and gut microbiota in health and liver disease.
Nat Rev Microbiol
2023 Jun 14
Hsu CL, Schnabl B.
6. Insights into the assembly and regulation of the bacterial divisome.
Nat Rev Microbiol
2023 Jul 31
Cameron TA, Margolin W.
7. Antibiotic perturbations to the gut microbiome.
Nat Rev Microbiol
2023 Jul 25
Fishbein SRS(#), Mahmud B(#), Dantas G.
8. Respiratory syncytial virus infection and novel interventions.
Nat Rev Microbiol
2023 Jul 12
Langedijk AC, Bont LJ.
9. The cellular lives of Wolbachia.
Nat Rev Microbiol
2023 Jul 10
Porter J, Sullivan W.
10. Plasmids, a molecular cornerstone of antimicrobial resistance in the One Health era.
Nat Rev Microbiol
2023 Jul 10
Castañeda-Barba S, Top EM, Stalder T.
11. Staphylococcus aureus host interactions and adaptation.
Nat Rev Microbiol
2023 Jan 27
Howden BP, Giulieri SG, Wong Fok Lung T
12. SARS-CoV-2 variant biology: immune escape, transmission and fitness.
Nat Rev Microbiol
2023 Jan 18
Carabelli AM(#), Peacock TP(#), Thorne LG
13. Long COVID: major findings, mechanisms and recommendations.
Nat Rev Microbiol
2023 Jan 13
Davis HE, McCorkell L, Vogel JM
14. Innate immune evasion strategies of SARS-CoV-2.
Nat Rev Microbiol
2023 Jan 11
Minkoff JM, tenOever B.
15. The WHO fungal priority pathogens list as a game-changer.
Nat Rev Microbiol
2023 Feb 6
Fisher MC, Denning DW.
16. Intracellular lifestyle of Chlamydia trachomatis and host-pathogen interactions.
Nat Rev Microbiol
2023 Feb 14
Stelzner K, Vollmuth N, Rudel T.
17. Antibiotic-induced collateral damage to the microbiota and associated infections.
Nat Rev Microbiol
2023 Aug 4
de Nies L, Kobras CM, Stracy M.
18. The rapid emergence of antifungal-resistant human-pathogenic fungi.
Nat Rev Microbiol
2023 Aug 30
Lockhart SR, Chowdhary A, Gold JAW.
19. Disinfectants and antiseptics: mechanisms of action and resistance.
Nat Rev Microbiol
2023 Aug 30
Maillard JY, Pascoe M.
20. Co-evolution of immunity and seasonal influenza viruses.
Nat Rev Microbiol
2023 Aug 2
Han AX(#), de Jong SPJ(#), Russell CA.
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