期刊文献 > Yale J Biol Med期刊 选择月份
2023 Jun (14)
2023 Mar (11)
2022 Dec (9)
2022 Sep (12)
2022 Jun (15)
2022 Mar (13)
2021 Dec (19)
2021 Sep (12)
2021 Jun (17)
2021 Mar (16)
1. Arrhythmias After Acute Myocardial Infarction.
Yale J Biol Med
2023 Mar 31
Frampton J, Ortengren AR, Zeitler EP.
2. The Importance of Cerebrospinal Fluid Investigation in First-episode Psychosis.
Yale J Biol Med
2023 Mar 31
Pavăl D, Gherghel-Pavăl N, Căpățînă OO
3. Dopamine Receptor D(1)R and D(3)R and GRK4 Interaction in Hypertension.
Yale J Biol Med
2023 Mar 31
Zeng C, Armando I, Yang J
4. Current Commonly Used Dynamic Parameters and Monitoring Systems for Perioperative Goal-Directed Fluid Therapy: A Review.
Yale J Biol Med
2023 Mar 31
Kan CFK, Skaggs JD.
5. Natriuretic Peptides as Biomarkers: Narrative Review and Considerations in Cardiovascular and Respiratory Dysfunctions.
Yale J Biol Med
2023 Mar 31
Samad M, Malempati S, Restini CBA.
6. A Case Report of Allergic Hypersensitivity to Color Additives in Slurpee® Beverages.
Yale J Biol Med
2023 Mar 31
Weisbrod DB, Caruana DL, Li D
7. A Lesson of Immunosuppression in Renal Transplant: Retreat or Hold?
Yale J Biol Med
2023 Mar 31
Zhang QQ, Xie YL, Cao S
8. Design and Characterization of Nanoflowers-based Biosensor for Estimation of Bilirubin in Jaundice.
Yale J Biol Med
2023 Mar 31
Acharya K, Prabhakar B, Shende P.
9. Mathematical Analysis for the Flow of Sickle Red Blood Cells in Microvessels for Bio Medical Application.
Yale J Biol Med
2023 Mar 31
Chaturvedi P, Shah SR.
10. Investigation of Inlet Conditions in The Mixing Process of Nanoparticles and Blood in a T-Shaped Microfluidic Reactor with Small Rectangular Cavities.
Yale J Biol Med
2023 Mar 31
Karvelas EG, Doulkeridis SN, Karakasidis TE
11. Integrated Analysis of Tracheobronchial Fluid from Before and After Cardiopulmonary Bypass Reveals Activation of the Integrated Stress Response and Altered Pulmonary Microvascular Permeability.
Yale J Biol Med
2023 Mar 31
Habet V, Li N, Qi J
12. Palliative Justice Post-COP27.
Yale J Biol Med
2023 Jun 30
Rosa WE, Grant L.
13. Heat and the Heart.
Yale J Biol Med
2023 Jun 30
Desai Y, Khraishah H, Alahmad B.
14. The Economics of Scientific Publishing.
Yale J Biol Med
2023 Jun 30
Zarif A.
15. Epigenetic Inheritance and Transgenerational Environmental Justice.
Yale J Biol Med
2023 Jun 30
Korolenko AA, Noll SE, Skinner MK.
16. Considering Sun Safety Policies in the United States.
Yale J Biol Med
2023 Jun 30
Mirza FN, Mirza HN, Yumeen S
17. Promoting Sustainability Practices in the Outpatient Pediatric Setting.
Yale J Biol Med
2023 Jun 30
Yun YM, Kirby C, Bob N
18. Climate Change Imperils Pediatric Health: Child Advocacy Through Fossil Fuel Divestment.
Yale J Biol Med
2023 Jun 30
Jee SH, Friedman E, Etzel RA
19. Positive Association of Aggression with Ambient Temperature.
Yale J Biol Med
2023 Jun 30
Kim SE, Kim Y, Hashizume M
20. Eco-emotions and Psychoterratic Syndromes: Reshaping Mental Health Assessment Under Climate Change.
Yale J Biol Med
2023 Jun 30
Cianconi P, Hanife B, Grillo F
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