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20 2 (75)
1. Identification of neutralizing epitopes in the preS2 domain of the hepatitis B virus.
Virus Res
2023 Jan 2
Yato K, Matsuda M, Fukano K
2. Wild and weedy Hesperis matronalis hosts turnip mosaic virus across heterogeneous landscapes in upstate New York.
Virus Res
2023 Jan 2
Lombardi EM, Peters J, Jacob L
3. A new host-targeted antiviral cyclolignan (SAU-22.107) for Dengue Virus infection in cell cultures. Potential action mechanisms based on cell imaging.
Virus Res
2023 Jan 2
Brand YM, Roa-Linares V, Santiago-Dugarte C
4. Dengue virus infection - a review of pathogenesis, vaccines, diagnosis and therapy.
Virus Res
2023 Jan 15
Kok BH, Lim HT, Lim CP
5. A systemic review of T-cell epitopes defined from the proteome of SARS-CoV-2.
Virus Res
2023 Jan 15
Jin X, Liu X, Shen C.
6. 14th International dsRNA Virus Symposium, Banff, Alberta, Canada, 10-14 October 2022.
Virus Res
2023 Jan 15
Desselberger U.
7. NS2 is a key determinant of compatibility in reassortant avian influenza virus with heterologous H7N9-derived NS segment.
Virus Res
2023 Jan 15
Liu YC, Liao GR, Tsai AY
8. Murine models of neonatal susceptibility to a clinical strain of enterovirus A71.
Virus Res
2023 Jan 15
Xie J, Hu X, Li H
9. Characterization and the host specificity of Pet-CM3-4, a new phage infecting Cronobacter and Enterobacter strains.
Virus Res
2023 Jan 15
Andrezal M, Oravcova L, Kadličekova V
10. Identification of 5' upstream sequence involved in HSPBP1 gene transcription and its downregulation during HIV-1 infection.
Virus Res
2023 Jan 15
Iyer K, Mitra A, Mitra D.
11. Serum matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) as a biomarker in paediatric and adult tick-borne encephalitis patients.
Virus Res
2023 Jan 15
Fortova A, Hönig V, Salat J
12. Voltage-dependent anion channel 2 (VDAC2) facilitates the accumulation of rice stripe virus in the vector Laodelphax striatellus.
Virus Res
2023 Jan 15
Zhang L, Li L, Huang L
13. A novel virus in the family Marnaviridae as a potential pathogen of Penaeus vannamei glass post-larvae disease.
Virus Res
2023 Jan 15
Xu A, Xu S, Tu Q
14. The role of the DE and EF loop of BKPyV VP1 in the serological cross-reactivity between subtypes.
Virus Res
2023 Jan 15
Hejtmánková A, Caisová H, Tomanová T
15. On the lookout for influenza viruses in Italy during the 2021-2022 season: Along came A(H3N2) viruses with a new phylogenetic makeup of their hemagglutinin.
Virus Res
2023 Jan 15
Galli C, Pellegrinelli L, Giardina F
16. Imidazonaphthyridine effects on Chikungunya virus replication: Antiviral activity by dependent and independent of interferon type 1 pathways.
Virus Res
2023 Jan 15
Ruiz UEA, Santos IA, Grosche VR
17. Pathogenicity and anti-infection immunity of animal H3N2 and H6N6 subtype influenza virus cross-species infection with tree shrews.
Virus Res
2023 Jan 15
Wang Q, Zeng X, Tang S
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