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20 2 (75)
1. Novel lytic bacteriophage vB_GEC_EfS_9 against Enterococcus faecium.
Virus Res
2022 Jan 2
Rigvava S, Kusradze I, Tchgkonia I
2. Review of -omics studies on mosquito-borne viruses of the Flavivirus genus.
Virus Res
2022 Jan 2
Peinado RDS, Eberle RJ, Pacca CC
3. The parapoxvirus Orf virus inhibits IFN-β expression induced by dsRNA.
Virus Res
2022 Jan 2
AlDaif BA, Mercer AA, Fleming SB.
4. Axl(-/-) neurons promote JEV infection by dampening the innate immunity.
Virus Res
2022 Jan 2
Yang J, Li M, Yuan M
5. Classical swine fever virus NS4B protein interacts with MAVS and inhibits IL-8 expression in PAMs.
Virus Res
2022 Jan 2
Dong W, Jing H, Wang H
6. Characterization and genome analysis of a novel Vibrio parahaemolyticus phage vB_VpP_DE17.
Virus Res
2022 Jan 2
Yang M, Chen H, Guo S
7. Apoptosis versus survival of African horse sickness virus serotype 4-infected horse peripheral blood mononuclear cells.
Virus Res
2022 Jan 2
Faber E, Tshilwane SI, Van Kleef M
8. Identification of genotypic variants and its proteomic mutations of Brazilian SARS-CoV-2 isolates.
Virus Res
2022 Jan 2
Prathiviraj R, Chellapandi P, Begum A
9. Molecular characterization of three novel mycoviruses in the plant pathogenic fungus Exobasidium.
Virus Res
2022 Jan 2
Zhang T, Cai X, Teng L
10. Characterization of small interfering RNAs derived from pepper mild mottle virus in infected pepper plants by high-throughput sequencing.
Virus Res
2022 Jan 2
Jiao Y, Zhao X, Hao K
11. Genome analysis of a new Escherichia phage vB_EcoM_C2-3 with lytic activity against multidrug-resistant Escherichia coli.
Virus Res
2022 Jan 2
Maganha de Almeida Kumlien AC, Pérez-Vega C, González-Villalobos E
12. A new tetra-segmented splipalmivirus with divided RdRP domains from Cryphonectria naterciae, a fungus found on chestnut and cork oak trees in Europe.
Virus Res
2022 Jan 2
Sato Y, Shahi S, Telengech P
13. Differential antibody responses in sows and finishing pigs naturally infected with African swine fever virus under field conditions.
Virus Res
2022 Jan 2
Luong HQ, Lai HT, Do LD
14. Reassortment and evolutionary dynamics of tilapia lake virus genomic segments.
Virus Res
2022 Jan 15
Verma DK, Sood N, Paria A
15. The role of microRNAs in solving COVID-19 puzzle from infection to therapeutics: A mini-review.
Virus Res
2022 Jan 15
Paul S, Bravo Vázquez LA, Reyes-Pérez PR
16. Bioinformatic analysis and antiviral effect of Periplaneta americana defensins.
Virus Res
2022 Jan 15
Li Y, Cai J, Du C
17. Identification of hepatitis E virus in wild sika deer in Japan.
Virus Res
2022 Jan 15
Takahashi M, Nishizono A, Kawakami M
18. Reduced levels of convalescent neutralizing antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 B.1+L249S+E484K lineage.
Virus Res
2022 Jan 15
Álvarez-Díaz DA, Laiton-Donato K, Torres-García OA
19. A detailed comparative analysis of codon usage bias in Alongshan virus.
Virus Res
2022 Jan 15
Rahman SU, Abdullah M, Khan AW
20. Implication of a gene deletion on a Salmonella Enteritidis phage growth parameters.
Virus Res
2022 Jan 15
Milho C, Sillankorva S.
21. Characterization of agapornis fischeri interferon gamma and its activity against beak and feather disease virus.
Virus Res
2022 Jan 15
Chen JK, Hsiao C, Yang PY
22. Novel Siphoviridae phage PMBT4 belonging to the group b Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus phages.
Virus Res
2022 Jan 15
Sprotte S, Fagbemigun O, Brinks E
23. Epidemiological survey and genetic diversity of bovine coronavirus in Northeast China.
Virus Res
2022 Jan 15
Zhu Q, Su M, Li Z
24. Detection and molecular characterization of picobirnaviruses in the wild birds: Identification of a novel picobirnavirus possessing yeast mitochondrial genetic code.
Virus Res
2022 Jan 15
Ullah K, Mehmood A, Chen X
25. Genomic and phylogenetic analysis of avian polyomaviruses isolated from parrots in Taiwan.
Virus Res
2022 Jan 15
Liu FL, Chang SP, Liu HJ
26. Changes in metabolism modulate induced by viroid infection in the orchid Dendrobium officinale.
Virus Res
2022 Jan 15
Li S, Wu ZG, Zhou Y
27. Cross-sectional genomic perspective of epidemic waves of SARS-CoV-2: A pan India study.
Virus Res
2022 Jan 15
Kumar S, Bansal K.
28. Genomic and biological characteristics of an alphabaculovirus isolated from Trabala vishnou gigantina.
Virus Res
2022 Jan 15
Liu L, Yu H, Wang D.
29. Whole genome analysis and molecular characterization of chicken infectious anemia virus from an outbreak in a layer flock reveals circulation of genogroup IIIb in South India.
Virus Res
2022 Jan 15
Rao PL, Priyanka E, Kannaki TR
30. Genomic monitoring of the SARS-CoV-2 B1.1.7 (WHO VOC Alpha) in the Sao Paulo state, Brazil.
Virus Res
2022 Jan 15
Slavov SN, Bezerra RDS, Rodrigues ES
31. Characterization and genome analysis of a broad lytic spectrum bacteriophage P479 against multidrug-resistant Escherichia coli.
Virus Res
2022 Jan 15
Li P, Wang H, Li M
32. Immunity analysis against Fowl Adenovirus serotype 4 (FAdV-4) based on Fiber-2 trimer Protein with the different virulence.
Virus Res
2022 Jan 15
Zhao Z, Song Y, Huang Z
33. The amino acids of Autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus P48 critical for the association with Ac93 are important for the nuclear egress of nucleocapsids and efficient formation of intranuclear microvesicles.
Virus Res
2022 Jan 15
Wang Y, He J, Mo M
34. Type-III interferon stimulated gene TRIM31 mutation in an HBV patient blocks its ability in promoting HBx degradation.
Virus Res
2022 Jan 15
Xu F, Song H, Xiao Q
35. Isolation and characterization of a Sabin 3/Sabin 1 recombinant vaccine-derived poliovirus from a child with severe combined immunodeficiency.
Virus Res
2022 Jan 15
Xiao T, Leng H, Zhang Q
36. Genomic characteristics and pathogenicity of a new bat adenoviruses strains that was isolated in at sites along the southeastern coasts of the P. R. of China from 2015 to 2019.
Virus Res
2022 Jan 15
Ai L, Zhu C, Zhang W
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