期刊文献 > Environ Microbiol期刊 选择月份
2023 Sep (13)
2023 Aug (18)
2023 Jul (12)
2023 Jun (25)
2023 May (15)
2023 Apr (1)
2023 Mar (1)
20 2 (77)
1. Biodegradation of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) by diverse marine bacteria in deep-sea sediments.
Environ Microbiol
2023 Jul 8
Zhao S, Liu R, Wang J
2. Structural and functional microbial diversity in deadwood respond to decomposition dynamics.
Environ Microbiol
2023 Jul 5
Pioli S, Clagnan E, Chowdhury AA
3. Identification and characterization of a novel pathway for aldopentose degradation in Acinetobacter baumannii.
Environ Microbiol
2023 Jul 31
Alberti L, König P, Zeidler S
4. Inhibition of nitrous oxide reduction in forest soil microcosms by different forms of methanobactin.
Environ Microbiol
2023 Jul 3
Chang J, Peng P, Farhan Ul-Haque M
5. Enrichment of native plastic-associated biofilm communities to enhance polyester degrading activity.
Environ Microbiol
2023 Jul 28
Howard SA, Carr CM, Sbahtu HI
6. Denitrification fractionates N and O isotopes of nitrate following a ratio independent of carbon sources in freshwaters.
Environ Microbiol
2023 Jul 28
Li S, Luo Z, Wang S
7. Genes and genome-resolved metagenomics reveal the microbial functional make up of Amazon peatlands under geochemical gradients.
Environ Microbiol
2023 Jul 27
Pavia MJ, Finn D, Macedo-Tafur F
8. Hidden aliens: Application of digital PCR to track an exotic foraminifer across the Skagerrak (North Sea) correlates well with traditional morphospecies analysis.
Environ Microbiol
2023 Jul 2
Morin F, Panova MAZ, Schweizer M
9. Respiratory protein interactions in Dehalobacter sp. strain 8M revealed through genomic and native proteomic analyses.
Environ Microbiol
2023 Jul 14
Soder-Walz JM, Wasmund K, Deobald D
10. Microbiome predators in changing soils.
Environ Microbiol
2023 Jul 12
Hu S, Li G, Berlinches de Gea A
11. Can we manage microbial systems to enhance carbon storage?
Environ Microbiol
2023 Jul 11
Mahmoudi N, Wilhelm RC.
12. Decoding the DNA and RNA viromes of a tropical urban lagoon.
Environ Microbiol
2023 Jul 10
Andrianjakarivony FH, Bettarel Y, Cecchi P
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