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2023 Sep (13)
2023 Aug (18)
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2023 Mar (1)
20 2 (77)
1. Tectonic and geological setting influence hot spring microbiology.
Environ Microbiol
2023 Aug 8
Colman DR, Veach A, Stefánsson A
2. Prescribed fire selects for a pyrophilous soil sub-community in a northern California mixed conifer forest.
Environ Microbiol
2023 Aug 8
Fischer MS, Patel NJ, de Lorimier PJ
3. Movement of protistan trophic groups in soil-plant continuums.
Environ Microbiol
2023 Aug 7
Lin C, Li WJ, Li LJ
4. Bacterial adaptation to cold: Conservation of a short J-domain co-chaperone and its protein partners in environmental proteobacteria.
Environ Microbiol
2023 Aug 7
Weber L, Gilat A, Maillot N
5. Two species with a peculiar evolution within the genus Pectobacterium suggest adaptation to a new environmental niche.
Environ Microbiol
2023 Aug 7
Ben Moussa H, Pédron J, Hugouvieux-Cotte-Pattat N
6. Metagenomic and network analyses reveal key players in nitrification in upland agricultural soils.
Environ Microbiol
2023 Aug 6
Zhao H, Li Y, Liu M
7. A rapid genome-wide analysis of isolated giant viruses using MinION sequencing.
Environ Microbiol
2023 Aug 5
Hikida H, Okazaki Y, Zhang R
8. ChlOR, a GMC family oxidoreductase that evolved independently from the actinomycete, confers resistance to amphenicol antibiotics.
Environ Microbiol
2023 Aug 30
Qian Y, Cheng M, Lai L
9. Data-driven identification of major axes of functional variation in bacteria.
Environ Microbiol
2023 Aug 30
Lajoie G, Kembel SW.
10. Pseudomonas fluorescens MFE01 delivers a putative type VI secretion amidase that confers biocontrol against the soft-rot pathogen Pectobacterium atrosepticum.
Environ Microbiol
2023 Aug 25
Bourigault Y, Dupont CA, Desjardins JB
11. Icescape-scale metabolomics reveals cyanobacterial and topographic control of the core metabolism of the cryoconite ecosystem of an Arctic ice cap.
Environ Microbiol
2023 Aug 24
Gokul JK, Mur LAJ, Hodson AJ
12. Vibrio cyclitrophicus population-specific biofilm formation and epibiotic growth on marine copepods.
Environ Microbiol
2023 Aug 23
Nuttall RA, Moisander PH.
13. Enforcing energy consumption promotes microbial extracellular respiration for xenobiotic bioconversion.
Environ Microbiol
2023 Aug 21
Liang ZH, Sun H, Li Y
14. Diverse aerobic anoxygenic phototrophs synthesize bacteriochlorophyll in oligotrophic rather than copiotrophic conditions, suggesting ecological niche.
Environ Microbiol
2023 Aug 21
Kuzyk SB, Messner K, Plouffe J
15. Methylated cycloalkanes fuel a novel genus in the Porticoccaceae family (Ca. Reddybacter gen. nov).
Environ Microbiol
2023 Aug 20
Arrington EC, Tarn J, Kittner HE
16. Seasonal shifts in community composition and proteome expression in a sulphur-cycling cyanobacterial mat.
Environ Microbiol
2023 Aug 19
Grim SL, Stuart DG, Aron P
17. Anaerobic dissimilatory phosphite oxidation, an extremely efficient concept of microbial electron economy.
Environ Microbiol
2023 Aug 1
Mao Z, Müller N, Borusak S
18. Till evolution do us part: The diversity of symbiotic associations across populations of Philaenus spittlebugs.
Environ Microbiol
2023 Aug 1
Kolasa M, Kajtoch Ł, Michalik A
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