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2023 Sep (13)
2023 Aug (18)
2023 Jul (12)
2023 Jun (25)
2023 May (15)
2023 Apr (1)
2023 Mar (1)
20 2 (77)
1. Is an archaeon the ancestor of eukaryotes?
Environ Microbiol
20 2 3
Spang A.
2. Shell disease syndromes of decapod crustaceans.
Environ Microbiol
20 2 3
Rowley AF, Coates CJ.
3. Adaptive genetic traits in pelagic freshwater microbes.
Environ Microbiol
20 2 3
Chiriac MC, Haber M, Salcher MM.
4. The mysterious non-arbuscular mycorrhizal status of Brassicaceae species.
Environ Microbiol
20 2 3
Sharma A, Sinharoy S, Bisht NC.
5. Volatile sensation: The chemical ecology of the earthy odorant geosmin.
Environ Microbiol
20 2 3
Garbeva P, Avalos M, Ulanova D
6. Here, there and everywhere: Ecology and biology of the Dependentiae phylum.
Environ Microbiol
20 2 3
Weisse L, Héchard Y, Moumen B
7. Pseudomonas aeruginosa and its multiple strategies to access iron.
Environ Microbiol
20 2 3
Schalk IJ, Perraud Q.
8. The Pareto principle: To what extent does it apply to resource acquisition in stable microbial communities and thereby steer their geno-/ecotype compositions and interactions between their members?
Environ Microbiol
20 2 3
Timmis K, Verstraete W, Regina VR
9. Peering down the sink: A review of isoprene metabolism by bacteria.
Environ Microbiol
20 2 3
Dawson RA, Crombie AT, Jansen RS
10. Underexplored viral auxiliary metabolic genes in soil: Diversity and eco-evolutionary significance.
Environ Microbiol
20 2 3
Sun M, Yuan S, Xia R
11. Becoming settlers: Elements and mechanisms for surface colonization by Pseudomonas putida.
Environ Microbiol
20 2 3
Espinosa-Urgel M, Ramos-González MI.
12. Beyond the theory: From holobiont concept to microbiome engineering.
Environ Microbiol
20 2 3
Biggs E, Taylor MW, Middleton DMRL.
13. Single-amplified genomes reveal most streamlined free-living marine bacteria.
Environ Microbiol
20 2 3
Roda-Garcia JJ, Haro-Moreno JM, Rodriguez-Valera F
14. Anoxygenic phototrophic arsenite oxidation by a Rhodobacter strain.
Environ Microbiol
20 2 3
Wu YF, Chen J, Xie WY
15. Marine Bacteroidetes enzymatically digest xylans from terrestrial plants.
Environ Microbiol
20 2 3
Dutschei T, Beidler I, Bartosik D
16. The evolving copiotrophic/oligotrophic dichotomy: From Winogradsky to physiology and genomics.
Environ Microbiol
20 2 3
Soler-Bistué A, Couso LL, Sánchez IE.
17. Diversity, evolution and life strategies of CbK-like phages.
Environ Microbiol
20 2 3
Ma R, Chen X, Li Y
18. uBin: A manual refining tool for genomes from metagenomes.
Environ Microbiol
20 2 3
Bornemann TLV, Esser SP, Stach TL
19. Cobalamin producers and prokaryotic consumers in the Northwest Atlantic.
Environ Microbiol
20 2 3
Soto MA, Desai D, Bannon C
20. Reconsideration of the previously classified incompatibility groups of plasmids, IncP-1 and IncP-11.
Environ Microbiol
20 2 3
Shintani M, Suzuki H, Nojiri H
21. How has horizontal gene transfer shaped the evolution of insect genomes?
Environ Microbiol
20 2 3
Liu C, Li Y, Chen Y
22. Fine-scale mapping of physicochemical and microbial landscapes of the coral skeleton.
Environ Microbiol
20 2 3
Ricci F, Tandon K, Moßhammer M
23. A new dimethylsulfoniopropionate lyase of the cupin superfamily in marine bacteria.
Environ Microbiol
20 2 3
Wang SY, Zhang N, Teng ZJ
24. Widespread formation of intracellular calcium carbonates by the bloom-forming cyanobacterium Microcystis.
Environ Microbiol
20 2 3
Gaëtan J, Halary S, Millet M
25. Selective and differential feeding on marine prokaryotes by mucous mesh feeders.
Environ Microbiol
20 2 3
Thompson AW, Sweeney CP, Sutherland KR.
26. Seasonality of biogeochemically relevant microbial genes in a coastal ocean microbiome.
Environ Microbiol
20 2 3
Auladell A, Ferrera I, Montiel Fontanet L
27. Environmental predictors of electroactive bacterioplankton in small boreal lakes.
Environ Microbiol
20 2 3
Olmsted CN, Ort R, Tran PQ
28. Strain-specific quorum-sensing responses determine virulence properties in Vibrio anguillarum.
Environ Microbiol
20 2 3
Mauritzen JJ, Søndberg E, Kalatzis PG
29. Identification of dominant taxa of sooty moulds and their impact on the leaf microbiome.
Environ Microbiol
20 2 3
Lv Z, Hu C, Hu Y
30. Environmental vibrio phage-bacteria interaction networks reflect the genetic structure of host populations.
Environ Microbiol
20 2 3
Cahier K, Piel D, Barcia-Cruz R
31. Interannual dynamics of putative parasites (Syndiniales Group II) in a coastal ecosystem.
Environ Microbiol
20 2 3
Christaki U, Skouroliakou DI, Jardillier L.
32. Microbe-sediment interactions in Great Lakes recreational waters: Implications for human health risk.
Environ Microbiol
20 2 3
VanMensel D, Chaganti SR, Droppo IG
33. KaiC-like proteins contribute to stress resistance and biofilm formation in environmental Pseudomonas species.
Environ Microbiol
20 2 3
Terrettaz C, Cabete B, Geiser J
34. Chemoreceptors from the commensal gut Roseburia rectibacter bind to mucin and trigger chemotaxis.
Environ Microbiol
20 2 3
Chen HH, Wang YX, Li DF
35. Rapid nitrification involving comammox and canonical Nitrospira at extreme pH in saline-alkaline lakes.
Environ Microbiol
20 2 3
Daebeler A, Güell-Bujons Q, Mooshammer M
36. Physiological stage drives fungal community dynamics and diversity in Leptospermum scoparium (mānuka) flowers.
Environ Microbiol
20 2 3
Larrouy JL, Dhami MK, Jones EE
37. Oxic-anoxic cycling promotes coupling between complex carbon metabolism and denitrification in woodchip bioreactors.
Environ Microbiol
20 2 3
McGuire PM, Butkevich N, Saksena AV
38. Proteomics analysis reveals that CirA in Aeromonas hydrophila is involved in nutrient uptake.
Environ Microbiol
20 2 3
Song Q, Zhang L, Wang G
39. Testing the growth rate and translation compensation hypotheses in marine bacterioplankton.
Environ Microbiol
20 2 3
Givati S, Yang X, Sher D
40. Distribution and abundance of tetraether lipid cyclization genes in terrestrial hot springs reflect pH.
Environ Microbiol
20 2 3
Blum LN, Colman DR, Eloe-Fadrosh EA
41. Growth dynamics and transcriptional responses of a Red Sea Prochlorococcus strain to varying temperatures.
Environ Microbiol
20 2 3
Labban A, Shibl AA, Calleja ML
42. Elevated O(3) concentrations alter the compartment-specific microbial communities inhabiting rust-infected poplars.
Environ Microbiol
20 2 3
Tao S, Yin H, Fang Y
43. The effect of methane and methanol on the terrestrial ammonia-oxidizing archaeon 'Candidatus Nitrosocosmicus franklandus C13'.
Environ Microbiol
20 2 3
Oudova-Rivera B, Wright CL, Crombie AT
44. Constraining the composition and quantity of organic matter used by abundant marine Thaumarchaeota.
Environ Microbiol
20 2 3
Parada AE, Mayali X, Weber PK
45. Abundance and diversity of eukaryotic rather than bacterial community relate closely to the trophic level of urban lakes.
Environ Microbiol
20 2 3
Wan W, Gadd GM, He D
46. Cellular and potential molecular mechanisms underlying transovarial transmission of the obligate symbiont Sulcia in cicadas.
Environ Microbiol
20 2 3
Wang D, He H, Wei C.
47. Eukaryotes contribute more than bacteria to the recovery of freshwater ecosystem functions under different drought durations.
Environ Microbiol
20 2 3
Li C, Miao L, Adyel TM
48. Uniform selective pressures within redox zones drive gradual changes in microbial community composition in hadal sediments.
Environ Microbiol
20 2 3
Schauberger C, Seki D, Cutts EM
49. Environmental formation of methylmercury is controlled by synergy of inorganic mercury bioavailability and microbial mercury-methylation capacity.
Environ Microbiol
20 2 3
Peterson BD, Krabbenhoft DP, McMahon KD
50. Interplay between transcriptional regulators and VapBC toxin-antitoxin loci during thermal stress response in extremely thermoacidophilic archaea.
Environ Microbiol
20 2 3
Cooper CR, Lewis AM, Notey JS
51. Defining marine bacterioplankton community assembly rules by contrasting the importance of environmental determinants and biotic interactions.
Environ Microbiol
20 2 3
Doane MP, Ostrowski M, Brown M
52. Long-range alteration of the physical environment mediates cooperation between Pseudomonas aeruginosa swarming colonies.
Environ Microbiol
20 2 3
Deforet M.
53. The lignin-degrading abilities of Gelatoporia subvermispora gat1 and pex1 mutants generated via CRISPR/Cas9.
Environ Microbiol
20 2 3
Nakazawa T, Inoue C, Morimoto R
54. A rapid method for measuring ATP + ADP + AMP in marine sediment.
Environ Microbiol
20 2 3
Orsi WD.
55. Relationships between fluid mixing, biodiversity, and chemosynthetic primary productivity in Yellowstone hot springs.
Environ Microbiol
20 2 3
Fernandes-Martins MC, Colman DR, Boyd ES.
56. Inter- and intraspecific phytochemical variation correlate with epiphytic flower and leaf bacterial communities.
Environ Microbiol
20 2 3
Gaube P, Marchenko P, Müller C
57. Metabolic reconstruction of the near complete microbiome of the model sponge Ianthella basta.
Environ Microbiol
20 2 3
Engelberts JP, Robbins SJ, Herbold CW
58. Water potential governs the effector specificity of the transcriptional regulator XylR of Pseudomonas putida.
Environ Microbiol
20 2 3
Dvořák P, Galvão TC, Pflüger-Grau K
59. Differences in the regulatory strategies of marine oligotrophs and copiotrophs reflect differences in motility.
Environ Microbiol
20 2 3
Noell SE, Brennan E, Washburn Q
60. Hyphosphere interactions between Rhizophagus irregularis and Rahnella aquatilis promote carbon-phosphorus exchange at the peri-arbuscular space in Medicago truncatula.
Environ Microbiol
20 2 3
Duan S, Declerck S, Feng G
61. Verticillium dahliae Asp1 regulates the transition from vegetative growth to asexual reproduction by modulating microtubule dynamic organization.
Environ Microbiol
20 2 3
Tian J, Pu M, Chen B
62. Functional analysis of the apple fruit microbiome based on shotgun metagenomic sequencing of conventional and organic orchard samples.
Environ Microbiol
20 2 3
Bartuv R, Berihu M, Medina S
63. Bacterial community assembly and antibiotic resistance genes in soils exposed to antibiotics at environmentally relevant concentrations.
Environ Microbiol
20 2 3
Chen Z, Zhang W, Peng A
64. Transitional traits determine the acclimation characteristics of the coccolithophore Chrysotila dentata to ocean warming and acidification.
Environ Microbiol
20 2 3
Thangaraj S, Liu H, Guo Y
65. Microclimate is a strong predictor of the native and invasive plant-associated soil microbiome on San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos archipelago.
Environ Microbiol
20 2 3
Schoenborn AA, Yannarell SM, MacVicar CT
66. Eelgrass (Zostera spp.) associated phytomyxids are host-specific congeneric parasites and predominant eukaryotes in the eelgrass rhizosphere on a global scale.
Environ Microbiol
20 2 3
Kolátková V, Mooney M, Kelly K
67. Beyond purified dietary fibre supplements: Compositional variation between cell wall fibre from different plants influences human faecal microbiota activity and growth in vitro.
Environ Microbiol
20 2 3
Solvang M, Farquharson FM, Sanhueza D
68. Warmer winters result in reshaping of the European beech forest soil microbiome (bacteria, archaea and fungi)-With potential implications for ecosystem functioning.
Environ Microbiol
20 2 3
Dahl MB, Kreyling J, Petters S
69. A metabarcoding analysis of the wrackbed microbiome indicates a phylogeographic break along the North Sea-Baltic Sea transition zone.
Environ Microbiol
20 2 3
Berdan EL, Roger F, Wellenreuther M
70. DsrC is involved in fermentative growth and interacts directly with the FlxABCD-HdrABC complex in Desulfovibrio vulgaris Hildenborough.
Environ Microbiol
20 2 3
Ferreira D, Venceslau SS, Bernardino R
71. Inputs of seabird guano alter microbial growth, community composition and the phytoplankton-bacterial interactions in a coastal system.
Environ Microbiol
20 2 3
Justel-Díez M, Delgadillo-Nuño E, Gutiérrez-Barral A
72. Prokaryotic maintenance respiration and growth efficiency field patterns reproduced by temperature and nutrient control at mesocosm scale.
Environ Microbiol
20 2 3
Verma A, Amnebrink D, Pinhassi J
73. Prokaryotic community dynamics and nitrogen-cycling genes in an oxygen-deficient upwelling system during La Niña and El Niño conditions.
Environ Microbiol
20 2 3
Pajares S, Merino-Ibarra M, Farías L.
74. Bacterial genome sequencing tracks the housefly-associated dispersal of fluoroquinolone- and cephalosporin-resistant Escherichia coli from a pig farm.
Environ Microbiol
20 2 3
Behrens W, Kolte B, Junker V
75. Bacterial inoculation of Quercus pyrenaica trees alters co-occurrence patterns but not the composition of the rhizosphere bacteriome in wild conditions.
Environ Microbiol
20 2 3
Lasa AV, Fernández-González AJ, Villadas PJ
76. The MocR family transcriptional regulator DnfR has multiple binding sites and regulates Dirammox gene transcription in Alcaligenes faecalis JQ135.
Environ Microbiol
20 2 3
Xu SQ, Wang X, Xu L
77. Ecophysiological analysis reveals distinct environmental preferences in closely related Baltic Sea picocyanobacteria.
Environ Microbiol
20 2 3
Aguilera A, Alegria Zufia J, Bas Conn L
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