期刊文献 > Environ Microbiol期刊 选择月份
2023 Sep (13)
2023 Aug (18)
2023 Jul (12)
2023 Jun (25)
2023 May (15)
2023 Apr (1)
2023 Mar (1)
20 2 (77)
1. Microbial dynamics in soils of the Damma glacier forefield show succession in the functional genetic potential.
Environ Microbiol
2023 Sep 9
Feng M, Varliero G, Qi W
2. Anaerobic methanotrophy is stimulated by graphene oxide in a brackish urban canal sediment.
Environ Microbiol
2023 Sep 7
Pelsma KAJ, van Helmond NAGM, Lenstra WK
3. Microscale imaging sheds light on species-specific strategies for photo-regulation and photo-acclimation of microphytobenthic diatoms.
Environ Microbiol
2023 Sep 6
Jesus B, Jauffrais T, Trampe E
4. Temporal variability in nutrient use among Streptomyces suggests dynamic niche partitioning.
Environ Microbiol
2023 Sep 5
Lane BR, Anderson HM, Dicko AH
5. Microbial communities from weathered outcrops of a sulfide-rich ultramafic intrusion, and implications for mine waste management.
Environ Microbiol
2023 Sep 5
Hobart KK, Greensky Z, Hernandez K
6. Desiccation induces varied responses within a soil bacterial genus.
Environ Microbiol
2023 Sep 4
Scales NC, Huynh KT, Weihe C
7. Nylon microfibers develop a distinct plastisphere but have no apparent effects on the gut microbiome or gut tissue status in the blue mussel, Mytilus edulis.
Environ Microbiol
2023 Sep 4
Collins HI, Griffin TW, Holohan BA
8. Pseudomonas syringae isolated in lichens for the first time: Unveiling Peltigera genus as the exclusive host.
Environ Microbiol
2023 Sep 2
Ramírez N, Sigurbjörnsdóttir MA, Monteil C
9. 'Candidatus Tisiphia' is a widespread Rickettsiaceae symbiont in the mosquito Anopheles plumbeus (Diptera: Culicidae).
Environ Microbiol
2023 Sep 2
Davison HR, Crozier J, Pirro S
10. Novel RNA viruses from the Atlantic Ocean: Ecogenomics, biogeography, and total virioplankton mass contribution from surface to the deep ocean.
Environ Microbiol
2023 Sep 11
Vila-Nistal M, Maestre-Carballa L, Martinez-Hernández F
11. Copper bioreduction and nanoparticle synthesis by an enrichment culture from a former copper mine.
Environ Microbiol
2023 Sep 11
Kimber RL, Elizondo G, Jedyka K
12. Ecology theory disentangles microbial dichotomies.
Environ Microbiol
2023 Sep 1
Couso LL, Soler-Bistué A, Aptekmann AA
13. Integrons, transposons and IS elements promote diversification of multidrug resistance plasmids and adaptation of their hosts to antibiotic pollutants from pharmaceutical companies.
Environ Microbiol
2023 Sep 1
Shintani M, Vestergaard G, Milaković M
14. Seasonal shifts in Fe-acquisition strategies in Southern Ocean microbial communities revealed by metagenomics and autonomous sampling.
Environ Microbiol
2023 May 8
Zhang R, Debeljak P, Blain S
15. Microbially influenced corrosion and rust tubercle formation on sheet piles in freshwater systems.
Environ Microbiol
2023 May 5
Fiskal A, Shuster J, Fischer S
16. Metagenomic stable isotope probing reveals bacteriophage participation in soil carbon cycling.
Environ Microbiol
2023 May 4
Barnett SE, Buckley DH.
17. Phylogenetic distance-decay patterns are not explained by local community assembly processes in freshwater lake microbial communities.
Environ Microbiol
2023 May 31
Gu Y, Li Z, Lei P
18. Plastics select for distinct early colonizing microbial populations with reproducible traits across environmental gradients.
Environ Microbiol
2023 May 3
Bos RP, Kaul D, Zettler ER
19. Life strategies and metabolic interactions of core microbes during thiosulphate-based denitrification.
Environ Microbiol
2023 May 25
Li S, Liao Y, Jiang Z
20. Experimental evidence that lignin-modifying enzymes are essential for degrading plant cell wall lignin by Pleurotus ostreatus using CRISPR/Cas9.
Environ Microbiol
2023 May 22
Nakazawa T, Yamaguchi I, Zhang Y
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