期刊文献 > Microbiome期刊 选择月份
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2021 Mar (22)
2021 Feb (20)
2021 Jan (32)
1. IL-22 alters gut microbiota composition and function to increase aryl hydrocarbon receptor activity in mice and humans.
2023 Mar 9
Mar JS, Ota N, Pokorzynski ND
2. Mycorrhiza-mediated recruitment of complete denitrifying Pseudomonas reduces N(2)O emissions from soil.
2023 Mar 9
Li X(#), Zhao R(#), Li D
3. Latent antibiotic resistance genes are abundant, diverse, and mobile in human, animal, and environmental microbiomes.
2023 Mar 8
Inda-Díaz JS, Lund D, Parras-Moltó M
4. Endogenous small intestinal microbiome determinants of transient colonisation efficiency by bacteria from fermented dairy products: a randomised controlled trial.
2023 Mar 7
Zaccaria E(#), Klaassen T(#), Alleleyn AME(#)
5. Experimental community coalescence sheds light on microbial interactions in soil and restores impaired functions.
2023 Mar 4
Huet S, Romdhane S, Breuil MC
6. Plant domestication shapes rhizosphere microbiome assembly and metabolic functions.
2023 Mar 31
Yue H(#), Yue W(#), Jiao S
7. Distinct cervical tissue-adherent and luminal microbiome communities correlate with mucosal host gene expression and protein levels in Kenyan sex workers.
2023 Mar 31
Edfeldt G, Kaldhusdal V, Czarnewski P
8. Novel bacterial proteolytic and metabolic activity associated with dental erosion-induced oral dysbiosis.
2023 Mar 31
Cleaver LM, Carda-Diéguez M, Moazzez R
9. Maturation state of colonization sites promotes symbiotic resiliency in the Euprymna scolopes-Vibrio fischeri partnership.
2023 Mar 31
Essock-Burns T, Lawhorn S, Wu L
10. Diet prevents the expansion of segmented filamentous bacteria and ileo-colonic inflammation in a model of Crohn's disease.
2023 Mar 31
Metwaly A, Jovic J, Waldschmitt N
11. Shaping the subway microbiome through probiotic-based sanitation during the COVID-19 emergency: a pre-post case-control study.
2023 Mar 30
D'Accolti M, Soffritti I, Bini F
12. Gut commensal Enterocloster species host inoviruses that are secreted in vitro and in vivo.
2023 Mar 30
Burckhardt JC(#), Chong DHY(#), Pett N
13. Gut microbiome is linked to functions of peripheral immune cells in transition cows during excessive lipolysis.
2023 Mar 3
Gu F, Zhu S, Tang Y
14. Assessment of microbiota in the gut and upper respiratory tract associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection.
2023 Mar 3
Li J(#), Jing Q(#), Li J(#)
15. Maternal effects drive intestinal development beginning in the embryonic period on the basis of maternal immune and microbial transfer in chickens.
2023 Mar 3
Gong H, Wang T, Wu M
16. Mouse mammary tumor virus is implicated in severity of colitis and dysbiosis in the IL-10(-/-) mouse model of inflammatory bowel disease.
2023 Mar 3
Armstrong H(#), Rahbari M(#), Park H
17. Alternative stable states, nonlinear behavior, and predictability of microbiome dynamics.
2023 Mar 29
Fujita H, Ushio M, Suzuki K
18. Pathobionts from chemically disrupted gut microbiota induce insulin-dependent diabetes in mice.
2023 Mar 29
Yang X, Wang Z, Niu J
19. Soil conditions and the plant microbiome boost the accumulation of monoterpenes in the fruit of Citrus reticulata 'Chachi'.
2023 Mar 28
Su J(#), Wang Y(#), Bai M(#)
20. The microbial dark matter and "wanted list" in worldwide wastewater treatment plants.
2023 Mar 28
Zhang Y, Wang Y, Tang M
21. In-depth study of tomato and weed viromes reveals undiscovered plant virus diversity in an agroecosystem.
2023 Mar 28
Rivarez MPS, Pecman A, Bačnik K
22. In silico evaluation and selection of the best 16S rRNA gene primers for use in next-generation sequencing to detect oral bacteria and archaea.
2023 Mar 23
Regueira-Iglesias A, Vázquez-González L, Balsa-Castro C
23. Realising respiratory microbiomic meta-analyses: time for a standardised framework.
2023 Mar 22
Broderick D, Marsh R, Waite D
24. Genome-centric metagenomics reveals the host-driven dynamics and ecological role of CPR bacteria in an activated sludge system.
2023 Mar 22
Wang Y, Zhang Y, Hu Y
25. Core species and interactions prominent in fish-associated microbiome dynamics.
2023 Mar 20
Yajima D, Fujita H, Hayashi I
26. Synthetic bacterial consortia transplantation for the treatment of Gardnerella vaginalis-induced bacterial vaginosis in mice.
2023 Mar 20
Li Y(#), Zhu W(#), Jiang Y
27. Using strain-resolved analysis to identify contamination in metagenomics data.
2023 Mar 2
Lou YC, Hoff J, Olm MR
28. Selection processes of Arctic seasonal glacier snowpack bacterial communities.
2023 Mar 2
Keuschnig C, Vogel TM, Barbaro E
29. The majority of microorganisms in gas hydrate-bearing subseafloor sediments ferment macromolecules.
2023 Mar 2
Zhang C(#), Fang YX(#), Yin X
30. NEMoE: a nutrition aware regularized mixture of experts model to identify heterogeneous diet-microbiome-host health interactions.
2023 Mar 15
Xu X, Lubomski M(#), Holmes AJ(#)
31. Gut microbiota in a mouse model of obesity and peripheral neuropathy associated with plasma and nerve lipidomics and nerve transcriptomics.
2023 Mar 15
Guo K(#), Figueroa-Romero C(#), Noureldein M(#)
32. New insights into the impact of microbiome on horizontal and vertical transmission of a tick-borne pathogen.
2023 Mar 14
Du LF(#), Zhang MZ(#), Yuan TT(#)
33. Bacterial aerobic methane cycling by the marine sponge-associated microbiome.
2023 Mar 10
Ramírez GA, Bar-Shalom R, Furlan A
34. Microbiota and functional analyses of nitrogen-fixing bacteria in root-knot nematode parasitism of plants.
2023 Mar 10
Li Y(#), Lei S(#), Cheng Z(#)
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