期刊文献 > Microbiome期刊 选择月份
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2021 Mar (22)
2021 Feb (20)
2021 Jan (32)
1. Reproducible and opposing gut microbiome signatures distinguish autoimmune diseases and cancers: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
2022 Dec 9
Islam MZ, Tran M, Xu T
2. Multi-genome metabolic modeling predicts functional inter-dependencies in the Arabidopsis root microbiome.
2022 Dec 9
Mataigne V, Vannier N, Vandenkoornhuyse P
3. Dynamics of rice microbiomes reveal core vertically transmitted seed endophytes.
2022 Dec 9
Zhang X(#), Ma YN(#), Wang X
4. Gut microbiome of helminth-infected indigenous Malaysians is context dependent.
2022 Dec 7
Tee MZ(#), Er YX(#), Easton AV
5. Comparison of prokaryotes between Mount Everest and the Mariana Trench.
2022 Dec 7
Liu Y(#), Zhang Z(#), Ji M
6. Cultivation-independent genomes greatly expand taxonomic-profiling capabilities of mOTUs across various environments.
2022 Dec 5
Ruscheweyh HJ(#), Milanese A(#), Paoli L
7. Taurine metabolism is modulated in Vibrio-infected Penaeus vannamei to shape shrimp antibacterial response and survival.
2022 Dec 5
Wang Z(#), Aweya JJ(#), Yao D
8. Mapping the early life gut microbiome in neonates with critical congenital heart disease: multiomics insights and implications for host metabolic and immunological health.
2022 Dec 30
Huang Y(#), Lu W(#), Zeng M(#)
9. Assessing the causes and consequences of gut mycobiome variation in a wild population of the Seychelles warbler.
2022 Dec 28
Worsley SF, Davies CS, Mannarelli ME
10. Alterations of oral microbiota and impact on the gut microbiome in type 1 diabetes mellitus revealed by integrated multi-omic analyses.
2022 Dec 28
Kunath BJ(#), Hickl O(#), Queirós P
11. Global patterns of diversity and metabolism of microbial communities in deep-sea hydrothermal vent deposits.
2022 Dec 27
Zhou Z(#), St John E(#), Anantharaman K
12. Evaluating the ecological hypothesis: early life salivary microbiome assembly predicts dental caries in a longitudinal case-control study.
2022 Dec 26
Blostein F, Bhaumik D, Davis E
13. Gut microbiota of the young ameliorates physical fitness of the aged in mice.
2022 Dec 26
Kim KH(#), Chung Y(#), Huh JW(#)
14. Staphylococcus aureus populations from the gut and the blood are not distinguished by virulence traits-a critical role of host barrier integrity.
2022 Dec 26
Raineri EJM, Maaß S, Wang M
15. Stochastic variational variable selection for high-dimensional microbiome data.
2022 Dec 24
Dang T, Kumaishi K, Usui E
16. Virus diversity and interactions with hosts in deep-sea hydrothermal vents.
2022 Dec 24
Cheng R, Li X, Jiang L
17. Degradation pathways for organic matter of terrestrial origin are widespread and expressed in Arctic Ocean microbiomes.
2022 Dec 24
Grevesse T, Guéguen C, Onana VE
18. Population structure of an Antarctic aquatic cyanobacterium.
2022 Dec 2
Panwar P, Williams TJ, Allen MA
19. Nanopore long-read-only metagenomics enables complete and high-quality genome reconstruction from mock and complex metagenomes.
2022 Dec 2
Liu L, Yang Y, Deng Y
20. An improved workflow for accurate and robust healthcare environmental surveillance using metagenomics.
2022 Dec 2
Shen J, McFarland AG, Blaustein RA
21. Human microbiota drives hospital-associated antimicrobial resistance dissemination in the urban environment and mirrors patient case rates.
2022 Dec 2
Salazar C, Giménez M, Riera N
22. Lactobacillus reuteri improves the development and maturation of fecal microbiota in piglets through mother-to-infant microbe and metabolite vertical transmission.
2022 Dec 2
Wang G, Wang X, Ma Y
23. Zearalenone disturbs the reproductive-immune axis in pigs: the role of gut microbial metabolites.
2022 Dec 19
Wang S(#), Fu W(#), Zhao X
24. Guts within guts: the microbiome of the intestinal helminth parasite Ascaris suum is derived but distinct from its host.
2022 Dec 16
Midha A(#), Jarquín-Díaz VH(#), Ebner F
25. Multi-omic interactions in the gut of children at the onset of islet autoimmunity.
2022 Dec 16
Gavin PG, Kim KW, Craig ME
26. Rice flowering improves the muscle nutrient, intestinal microbiota diversity, and liver metabolism profiles of tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in rice-fish symbiosis.
2022 Dec 16
Wang E(#), Zhou Y(#), Liang Y(#)
27. Multifaceted roles of flavonoids mediating plant-microbe interactions.
2022 Dec 16
Wang L(#), Chen M(#), Lam PY
28. Heritability of tomato rhizobacteria resistant to Ralstonia solanacearum.
2022 Dec 15
Yin J, Zhang Z, Zhu C
29. Limosilactobacillus reuteri and caffeoylquinic acid synergistically promote adipose browning and ameliorate obesity-associated disorders.
2022 Dec 15
Liu Y(#), Zhong X(#), Lin S(#)
30. The community ecology perspective of omics data.
2022 Dec 13
Jurburg SD, Buscot F, Chatzinotas A
31. Microbial active functional modules derived from network analysis and metabolic interactions decipher the complex microbiome assembly in mangrove sediments.
2022 Dec 13
Du H, Pan J, Zou D
32. Integrated multi-omics of the gastrointestinal microbiome and ruminant host reveals metabolic adaptation underlying early life development.
2022 Dec 12
Yan X(#), Si H(#), Zhu Y(#)
33. The global distribution and environmental drivers of the soil antibiotic resistome.
2022 Dec 12
Delgado-Baquerizo M, Hu HW(#), Maestre FT
34. Multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter pittii is adapting to and exhibiting potential succession aboard the International Space Station.
2022 Dec 12
Tierney BT(#), Singh NK(#), Simpson AC
35. Stool energy density is positively correlated to intestinal transit time and related to microbial enterotypes.
2022 Dec 12
Boekhorst J, Venlet N, Procházková N
36. Targeted single-cell genomics reveals novel host adaptation strategies of the symbiotic bacteria Endozoicomonas in Acropora tenuis coral.
2022 Dec 12
Ide K(#), Nishikawa Y(#), Maruyama T(#)
37. Significant alterations of intestinal symbiotic microbiota induced by intraperitoneal vaccination mediate changes in intestinal metabolism of NEW Genetically Improved Farmed Tilapia (NEW GIFT, Oreochromis niloticus).
2022 Dec 12
Wu Z, Zhang Q, Yang J
38. Gut dysbiosis induces the development of mastitis through a reduction in host anti-inflammatory enzyme activity by endotoxemia.
2022 Dec 1
Zhao C(#), Hu X(#), Bao L
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