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2023 Sep (3)
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2022 Oct (7)
20 2 (39)
1. Molecular determinants of protein evolvability.
Trends Biochem Sci
20 2 3
Buda K, Miton CM, Fan XC
2. Tudor-dimethylarginine interactions: the condensed version.
Trends Biochem Sci
20 2 3
Šimčíková D, Gelles-Watnick S, Neugebauer KM.
3. Membrane protein synthesis: no cells required.
Trends Biochem Sci
20 2 3
Manzer ZA, Selivanovitch E, Ostwalt AR
4. Characterizing metal-biomolecule interactions by mass spectrometry.
Trends Biochem Sci
20 2 3
Janisse SE, Fernandez RL, Heffern MC.
5. Metamorphic protein folding as evolutionary adaptation.
Trends Biochem Sci
20 2 3
Dishman AF, Volkman BF.
6. Non-histone binding functions of PHD fingers.
Trends Biochem Sci
20 2 3
Gaurav N, Kutateladze TG.
7. Transcription-coupled global genomic repair in E. coli.
Trends Biochem Sci
20 2 3
Nudler E.
8. Interpreting metabolic complexity via isotope-assisted metabolic flux analysis.
Trends Biochem Sci
20 2 3
Moiz B, Sriram G, Clyne AM.
9. Recent advances in predicting and modeling protein-protein interactions.
Trends Biochem Sci
20 2 3
Durham J, Zhang J, Humphreys IR
10. Diverse heterochromatin states restricting cell identity and reprogramming.
Trends Biochem Sci
20 2 3
McCarthy RL, Zhang J, Zaret KS.
11. The metabolic cross-talk between cancer and T cells.
Trends Biochem Sci
20 2 3
Cadenas-De Miguel S, Lucianer G, Elia I.
12. Standardizing macromolecular structure files: further efforts are needed.
Trends Biochem Sci
20 2 3
D'Arminio N, Giordano D, Scafuri B
13. Insights into mitoribosomal biogenesis from recent structural studies.
Trends Biochem Sci
20 2 3
Khawaja A, Cipullo M, Krüger A
14. Models for human telomere C-strand fill-in by CST-Polα-primase.
Trends Biochem Sci
20 2 3
He Q, Lim CJ.
15. LncRNAs: the missing link to senescence nuclear architecture.
Trends Biochem Sci
20 2 3
Han JJ.
16. Substrate and phosphorylation site selection by phosphoprotein phosphatases.
Trends Biochem Sci
20 2 3
Nguyen H, Kettenbach AN.
17. The CENP-A nucleosome: where and when it happens during the inner kinetochore's assembly.
Trends Biochem Sci
20 2 3
Kale S, Boopathi R, Belotti E
18. Fragment-based drug discovery supports drugging 'undruggable' protein-protein interactions.
Trends Biochem Sci
20 2 3
Wang ZZ, Shi XX, Huang GY
19. NLR signaling in plants: from resistosomes to second messengers.
Trends Biochem Sci
20 2 3
Huang S, Jia A, Ma S
20. Insights into 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase-inhibitor interactions from comparative structural biology.
Trends Biochem Sci
20 2 3
Lin HY, Dong J, Dong J
21. Advances and challenges in identifying and characterizing G-quadruplex-protein interactions.
Trends Biochem Sci
20 2 3
Dai Y, Teng X, Zhang Q
22. Activation, decommissioning, and dememorization: enhancers in a life cycle.
Trends Biochem Sci
20 2 3
Wu X, Wu X, Xie W.
23. Trials and tribulations of statistical significance in biochemistry and omics.
Trends Biochem Sci
20 2 3
Montero O, Hedeland M, Balgoma D.
24. Guanylate-binding proteins: mechanisms of pattern recognition and antimicrobial functions.
Trends Biochem Sci
20 2 3
Kirkby M, Enosi Tuipulotu D, Feng S
25. Microtubule nucleation for spindle assembly: one molecule at a time.
Trends Biochem Sci
20 2 3
Kraus J, Alfaro-Aco R, Gouveia B
26. Targeting SLC transporters: small molecules as modulators and therapeutic opportunities.
Trends Biochem Sci
20 2 3
Schlessinger A, Zatorski N, Hutchinson K
27. Epigenetic and transcription factors synergistically promote the high temperature response in plants.
Trends Biochem Sci
20 2 3
Zhu J, Cao X, Deng X.
28. 7TM domain structures of adhesion GPCRs: what's new and what's missing?
Trends Biochem Sci
20 2 3
Seufert F, Chung YK, Hildebrand PW
29. Actin finally matures: uncovering machinery and impact.
Trends Biochem Sci
20 2 3
Arnesen T, Aksnes H.
30. cCMP and cUMP phosphodiesterases in viral infections.
Trends Biochem Sci
20 2 3
Seifert R, Bugert JJ.
31. An outreach activity to enhance biochemistry pedagogy.
Trends Biochem Sci
20 2 3
Roth KS, Bannerman T, Gopalan V.
32. Transcription factor IID parks and drives preinitiation complexes at sharp or broad promoters.
Trends Biochem Sci
20 2 3
Bernardini A, Hollinger C, Willgenss D
33. Molecular regulation of the salicylic acid hormone pathway in plants under changing environmental conditions.
Trends Biochem Sci
20 2 3
Rossi CAM, Marchetta EJR, Kim JH
34. Protein Termini 2022: central roles of protein ends.
Trends Biochem Sci
20 2 3
Arnesen T, Aksnes H, Giglione C.
35. Understanding chaperone specificity: evidence for a 'client code'.
Trends Biochem Sci
20 2 3
Omkar S, Rysbayeva A, Truman AW.
36. Plant-based carboxysomes: another step toward increased crop yields.
Trends Biochem Sci
20 2 3
Nguyen ND, Pulsford SB, Long BM.
37. The mechanosensor Piezo1 rings the alarm on epithelial intruders.
Trends Biochem Sci
20 2 3
Giron-Ceron D, Jaumouillé V.
38. Endogenous plant nitroxyl, a new component of nitric oxide biology.
Trends Biochem Sci
20 2 3
Floryszak-Wieczorek J, Sobieszczuk-Nowicka E, Arasimowicz-Jelonek M.
39. Biotechnological perspective for wireless energy: H(2)-based power extraction from air.
Trends Biochem Sci
20 2 3
Frielingsdorf S.
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