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2023 Sep (4)
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2021 Feb (2)
1. Analysis of metapopulation models of the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in the United States.
J Math Biol
2023 Jul 8
Vo M, Feng Z, Glasser JW
2. An algebraic model for inversion and deletion in bacterial genome rearrangement.
J Math Biol
2023 Jul 30
Clark C, Jonušas J, Mitchell JD
3. Optimal protein production by a synthetic microbial consortium: coexistence, distribution of labor, and syntrophy.
J Math Biol
2023 Jul 3
Martínez C, Cinquemani E, Jong H
4. Precipitation governing vegetation patterns in an arid or semi-arid environment.
J Math Biol
2023 Jul 3
Wang C, Wang H, Yuan S.
5. Analytical detection of stationary and dynamic patterns in a prey-predator model with reproductive Allee effect in prey growth.
J Math Biol
2023 Jul 3
Dey S, Ghorai S, Banerjee M.
6. Modeling and prediction of phase shifts in noisy two-cycle oscillations.
J Math Biol
2023 Jul 26
Nareddy VR, Machta J, Abbott K
7. Growth bound and threshold dynamic for nonautonomous nondensely defined evolution problems.
J Math Biol
2023 Jul 21
Djidjou-Demasse R, Goudiaby I, Seydi O.
8. Influence of electric pulse characteristics on the cellular internalization of chemotherapeutic drugs and cell survival fraction in electroporated and vasoconstricted cancer tissues using boundary element techniques.
J Math Biol
2023 Jul 18
Vélez Salazar FM(#), Patiño Arcila ID(#).
9. Pulled, pushed or failed: the demographic impact of a gene drive can change the nature of its spatial spread.
J Math Biol
2023 Jul 16
Kläy L, Girardin L, Calvez V
10. A hierarchical intervention scheme based on epidemic severity in a community network.
J Math Biol
2023 Jul 15
He R, Luo X, Asamoah JKK
11. Can insecticide resistance increase malaria transmission? A genetics-epidemiology mathematical modeling approach.
J Math Biol
2023 Jul 12
Mohammed-Awel J, Gumel AB.
12. Algorithmic criteria for the validity of quasi-steady state and partial equilibrium models: the Michaelis-Menten reaction mechanism.
J Math Biol
2023 Jul 11
Patsatzis DG, Goussis DA.
13. TruEst: a better estimator of evolutionary distance under the INFER model.
J Math Biol
2023 Jul 10
Zabelkin A, Avdeyev P, Alexeev N.
14. On latent idealized models in symbolic datasets: unveiling signals in noisy sequencing data.
J Math Biol
2023 Jul 10
Pearson A, Lladser ME.
15. Human mobility and disease prevalence.
J Math Biol
2023 Jul 1
Lou Y, Salako RB, Song P.
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