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2023 Sep (3)
2023 Aug (3)
2023 Jul (2)
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2023 Feb (4)
2023 Jan (5)
2022 Dec (2)
2022 Nov (3)
20 2 (15)
1. Discovery of natural-derived M(pro) inhibitors as therapeutic candidates for COVID-19: Structure-based pharmacophore screening combined with QSAR analysis.
Mol Inform
2023 Feb 10
Khanfar MA, Salaas N, Abumostafa R.
2. Fragment-based Deep Molecular Generation using Hierarchical Chemical Graph Representation and Multi-Resolution Graph Variational Autoencoder.
Mol Inform
2023 Feb 10
Gao Z, Wang X, Gaines BB
3. GB-score: Minimally designed machine learning scoring function based on distance-weighted interatomic contact features.
Mol Inform
2023 Feb 1
Rayka M, Firouzi R.
4. Co-Model for Chemical Toxicity Prediction Based on Multi-task Deep Learning.
Mol Inform
2023 Feb 1
Li Y, Chen L, Pu C
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