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2023 Mar (1)
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2021 Jun (59)
2021 May (62)
2021 Apr (61)
2021 Mar (62)
2021 Feb (57)
2021 Jan (63)
1. Call the Eckols: Present and Future Potential Cancer Therapies.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jun 9
Monteiro P, Lomartire S, Cotas J
2. Updated Trends on the Biodiscovery of New Marine Natural Products from Invertebrates.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jun 9
Calado R, Mamede R, Cruz S
3. Genome Analysis of a Novel Polysaccharide-Degrading Bacterium Paenibacillus algicola and Determination of Alginate Lyases.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jun 9
Huang H, Zheng Z, Zou X
4. Antitumor Potential of Immunomodulatory Natural Products.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jun 8
Nuzzo G, Senese G, Gallo C
5. Seaweed-Derived Phlorotannins: A Review of Multiple Biological Roles and Action Mechanisms.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jun 8
Khan F, Jeong GJ, Khan MSA
6. Antiviral Activity and Mechanisms of Seaweeds Bioactive Compounds on Enveloped Viruses-A Review.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jun 8
Lomartire S, Gonçalves AMM.
7. New Cladiellin-Type Diterpenoids from the South China Sea Soft Coral Cladiella krempfi: Structures and Molecular Docking Analysis in EGFRs.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jun 7
Jin Y, Yao LG, Guo YW
8. Marine Chitooligosaccharide Alters Intestinal Flora Structure and Regulates Hepatic Inflammatory Response to Influence Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jun 7
Feng J, Liu Y, Chen J
9. Increased Sulfation in Gracilaria fisheri Sulfated Galactans Enhances Antioxidant and Antiurolithiatic Activities and Protects HK-2 Cell Death Induced by Sodium Oxalate.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jun 7
Sakaew W, Phanphak J, Somintara S
10. Fucose-Rich Sulfated Polysaccharides from Two Vietnamese Sea Cucumbers Bohadschia argus and Holothuria (Theelothuria) spinifera: Structures and Anticoagulant Activity.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jun 6
Ustyuzhanina NE, Bilan MI, Dmitrenok AS
11. Photoinduced Synthesis of Methylated Marine Cyclopeptide Galaxamide Analogs with Isoindolinone as Anticancer Agents.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jun 5
Xiao S, Wang Z, Zhang H
12. Oncolytic Vaccinia Virus Harboring Aphrocallistes vastus Lectin Inhibits the Growth of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jun 4
Jiang R, Qiu Y, Zhang X
13. Random Mutagenesis as a Promising Tool for Microalgal Strain Improvement towards Industrial Production.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jun 30
Trovão M, Schüler LM, Machado A
14. Synthesis of 6-Halo-Substituted Pericosine A and an Evaluation of Their Antitumor and Antiglycosidase Activities.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jun 30
Usami Y, Mizobuchi Y, Ijuin M
15. Preparation and Characterization of Tilapia Collagen-Thermoplastic Polyurethane Composite Nanofiber Membranes.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jun 30
Wu S, Yang L, Chen J.
16. Porphyra tenera Protects against PM(2.5)-Induced Cognitive Dysfunction with the Regulation of Gut Function.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jun 30
Park SK, Kang JY, Kim JM
17. A Fucan Sulfate with Pentasaccharide Repeating Units from the Sea Cucumber Holothuriafloridana and Its Anticoagulant Activity.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jun 3
Ning Z, Wang P, Zuo Z
18. Current Status and Perspective on the Use of Viral-Based Vectors in Eukaryotic Microalgae.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jun 29
Bolaños-Martínez OC, Mahendran G, Rosales-Mendoza S
19. An Update of Lectins from Marine Organisms: Characterization, Extraction Methodology, and Potential Biofunctional Applications.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jun 29
Ahmmed MK, Bhowmik S, Giteru SG
20. S-Assimilation Influences in Carrageenan Biosynthesis Genes during Ethylene-Induced Carposporogenesis in Red Seaweed Grateloupia imbricata.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jun 29
Del Rosario-Santana D, Robaina RR, Garcia-Jimenez P.
21. Design, Synthesis and Evaluation of Novel Phorbazole C Derivatives as MNK Inhibitors through Virtual High-Throughput Screening.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jun 29
Jin X, Li M, Qiu T
22. Investigation on Metabolites in Structural Diversity from the Deep-Sea Sediment-Derived Bacterium Agrococcus sp. SCSIO 52902 and Their Biosynthesis.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jun 29
Ding W, Li Y, Tian X
23. β-Carotene from the Alga Dunaliella bardawil Decreases Gene Expression of Adipose Tissue Macrophage Recruitment Markers and Plasma Lipid Concentrations in Mice Fed a High-Fat Diet.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jun 29
Melnikov N, Kamari Y, Kandel-Kfir M
24. Unusual Ether Lipids and Branched Chain Fatty Acids in Sea Cucumber (Cucumaria frondosa) Viscera and Their Seasonal Variation.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jun 29
Abuzaytoun R, Budge SM, Xia W
25. Integrating Activity-Guided Strategy and Fingerprint Analysis to Target Potent Cytotoxic Brefeldin A from a Fungal Library of the Medicinal Mangrove Acanthus ilicifolius.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jun 29
Wang CF, Ma J, Jing QQ
26. Effect of Temperature and Light Intensity on the Polar Lipidome of Endophytic Brown Algae Streblonema corymbiferum and Streblonema sp. In Vitro.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jun 29
Chadova O, Skriptsova A, Velansky P.
27. Comparative Study of the Pharmacological Properties of Luteolin and Its 7,3'-Disulfate.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jun 28
Kozlovskaya EP, Popov AM, Styshova ON
28. Insights into the Antimicrobial Activities and Metabolomes of Aquimarina (Flavobacteriaceae, Bacteroidetes) Species from the Rare Marine Biosphere.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jun 28
Silva SG, Paula P, da Silva JP
29. Therapeutic Intervention with Dietary Chitosan Nanoparticles Alleviates Fish Pathological and Molecular Systemic Inflammatory Responses against Infections.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jun 28
Saleh M, Essawy E, Shaalan M
30. Pro-Apoptotic Activity of the Marine Sponge Dactylospongia elegans Metabolites Pelorol and 5-epi-Ilimaquinone on Human 501Mel Melanoma Cells.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jun 28
Carpi S, Scoditti E, Polini B
31. Mixotrophy in a Local Strain of Nannochloropsis granulata for Renewable High-Value Biomass Production on the West Coast of Sweden.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jun 28
Villanova V, Galasso C, Vitale GA
32. Recent Discoveries on Marine Organism Immunomodulatory Activities.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jun 27
Montuori E, de Pascale D, Lauritano C.
33. The Marine-Derived Macrolactone Mandelalide A Is an Indirect Activator of AMPK.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jun 27
Mattos DR, Wan X, Serrill JD
34. Eco-Friendly Extraction, Structure, and Gel Properties of ι-Carrageenan Extracted Using Ca(OH)(2).
Mar Drugs
2022 Jun 27
Jiang F, Liu Y, Xiao Q
35. Amino Acid-Coupled Bromophenols and a Sulfated Dimethylsulfonium Lanosol from the Red Alga Vertebrata lanosa.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jun 27
Jacobtorweihen J, Schmitt M, Spiegler V.
36. Characterization of Plocamium telfairiae Extract-Functionalized Au Nanostructures and Their Anti-Adipogenic Activity through PLD1.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jun 27
Park SY, Kang HM, Song WC
37. Investigation of the In Vivo, In Vitro, and In Silico Wound Healing Potential of Pinctada martensii Purified Peptides.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jun 26
Zhang T, Yang F, Qin X
38. Production of Carotenoids and Phospholipids by Thraustochytrium sp. in Batch and Repeated-Batch Culture.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jun 25
Leyton A, Shene C, Chisti Y
39. Comparative Assessment of Nitrogen Concentration Effect on Microalgal Growth and Biochemical Characteristics of Two Chlorella Strains Cultivated in Digestate.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jun 25
Mastropetros SG, Koutra E, Amouri M
40. Sulfated Galactofucans: An Outstanding Class of Fucoidans with Promising Bioactivities.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jun 24
Zayed A, Avila-Peltroche J, El-Aasr M
41. Oral Supplementation with Z-Isomer-Rich Astaxanthin Inhibits Ultraviolet Light-Induced Skin Damage in Guinea Pigs.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jun 24
Honda M, Kageyama H, Zhang Y
42. Anti-Fine Dust Effect of Fucoidan Extracted from Ecklonia maxima Laves in Macrophages via Inhibiting Inflammatory Signaling Pathways.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jun 24
Nagahawatta DP, Liyanage NM, Jayawardhana HHACK
43. Antiviral Cyclopropane Acids from Deep-Sea-Derived Fungus Aspergillus sydowii.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jun 23
Niu S, Huang S, Hong B
44. Anti-Obesity and Gut Microbiota Regulation Effects of Phospholipids from the Eggs of Crab, Portunus Trituberculatus, in High Fat Diet-Fed Mice.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jun 23
Su L, Zhu H, Chen S
45. Sesquiterpenoids from the Mangrove-Derived Aspergillus ustus 094102.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jun 22
Gui P, Fan J, Zhu T
46. 1-O-Alkylglycerol Ethers from the Marine Sponge Guitarra abbotti and Their Cytotoxic Activity.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jun 22
Dyshlovoy SA, Fedorov SN, Svetashev VI
47. A Comprehensive Update on the Bioactive Compounds from Seagrasses.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jun 21
Gono CMP, Ahmadi P, Hertiani T
48. Chlorella vulgaris Extracts as Modulators of the Health Status and the Inflammatory Response of Gilthead Seabream Juveniles (Sparus aurata).
Mar Drugs
2022 Jun 21
Reis B, Ramos-Pinto L, Cunha SA
49. Progress in Isoindolone Alkaloid Derivatives from Marine Microorganism: Pharmacology, Preparation, and Mechanism.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jun 20
Hang S, Chen H, Wu W
50. Comparison of Physicochemical and Structural Properties of Acid-Soluble and Pepsin-Soluble Collagens from Blacktip Reef Shark Skin.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jun 2
Ge B, Hou C, Bao B
51. Deep-Sea Natural Products from Extreme Environments: Cold Seeps and Hydrothermal Vents.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jun 19
Cong M, Pang X, Zhao K
52. Preparation of Ion(2+)-COS/SA Multifunctional Gel Films for Skin Wound Healing by an In Situ Spray Method.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jun 18
Chen L, Guo T, Shi C
53. Injectable Thermosensitive Chitosan-Collagen Hydrogel as A Delivery System for Marine Polysaccharide Fucoidan.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jun 18
Ohmes J, Saure LM, Schütt F
54. Algal Phlorotannins as Novel Antibacterial Agents with Reference to the Antioxidant Modulation: Current Advances and Future Directions.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jun 18
Pradhan B, Nayak R, Bhuyan PP
55. Targeted Large-Scale Genome Mining and Candidate Prioritization for Natural Product Discovery.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jun 16
Malit JJL, Leung HYC, Qian PY.
56. In Silico Virtual Screening of Marine Aldehyde Derivatives from Seaweeds against SARS-CoV-2.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jun 16
Kang N, Heo SY, Cha SH
57. Taeanamides A and B, Nonribosomal Lipo-Decapeptides Isolated from an Intertidal-Mudflat-Derived Streptomyces sp.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jun 16
Cui J, Kim E, Moon DH
58. Applications of Chitosan in Surgical and Post-Surgical Materials.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jun 15
Notario-Pérez F, Martín-Illana A, Cazorla-Luna R
59. Marine Cyclic Peptides: Antimicrobial Activity and Synthetic Strategies.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jun 15
Ribeiro R, Pinto E, Fernandes C
60. Youssoufenes A2 and A3, Antibiotic Dimeric Cinnamoyl Lipids from the ΔdtlA Mutant of a Marine-Derived Streptomyces Strain.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jun 15
Liu J, Li H, Liu Z
61. Fast and Efficient Separation of Eleven Mycosporine-like Amino Acids by UHPLC-DAD and Their Quantification in Diverse Red Algae.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jun 15
Zwerger M, Ganzera M.
62. Antitumor Properties of Epitope-Specific Engineered Vaccine in Murine Model of Melanoma.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jun 14
Stoyanova E, Mihaylova N, Ralchev N
63. Secondary Metabolites and Biosynthetic Gene Clusters Analysis of Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vent-Derived Streptomyces sp. SCSIO ZS0520.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jun 14
Zhang H, Chen Y, Li Y
64. Anti-Inflammatory Effect of Sulfated Polysaccharides Isolated from Codium fragile In Vitro in RAW 264.7 Macrophages and In Vivo in Zebrafish.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jun 13
Wang L, Je JG, Huang C
65. A Paternal Fish Oil Diet Preconception Modulates the Gut Microbiome and Attenuates Necrotizing Enterocolitis in Neonatal Mice.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jun 13
Rumph JT, Stephens VR, Ameli S
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