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2023 Mar (1)
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2021 Mar (62)
2021 Feb (57)
2021 Jan (63)
1. Phycobiliproteins-A Family of Algae-Derived Biliproteins: Productions, Characterization and Pharmaceutical Potentials.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jul 9
Chen H, Qi H, Xiong P.
2. Two New Phenylhydrazone Derivatives from the Pearl River Estuary Sediment-Derived Streptomyces sp. SCSIO 40020.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jul 9
Liu W, Ma L, Zhang L
3. Exophilone, a Tetrahydrocarbazol-1-one Analogue with Anti-Pulmonary Fibrosis Activity from the Deep-Sea Fungus Exophiala oligosperma MCCC 3A01264.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jul 9
Hong MJ, Hao MJ, Zhang GY
4. Immunomodulatory Activity In Vitro and In Vivo of a Sulfated Polysaccharide with Novel Structure from the Green Alga Ulvaconglobata Kjellman.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jul 8
Cao S, Yang Y, Liu S
5. Seaweed Phenolics as Natural Antioxidants, Aquafeed Additives, Veterinary Treatments and Cross-Linkers for Microencapsulation.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jul 7
Gunathilake T, Akanbi TO, Suleria HAR
6. Monocaprin Enhances Bioavailability of Fucoxanthin in Diabetic/Obese KK-A(y) Mice.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jul 7
Nagata K, Takatani N, Beppu F
7. The Ameliorative Effect of COST on Diet-Induced Lipid Metabolism Disorders by Regulating Intestinal Microbiota.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jul 7
You H, Deng X, Bai Y
8. Rare Carbon-Bridged Citrinin Dimers from the Starfish-Derived Symbiotic Fungus Penicillium sp. GGF16-1-2.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jul 6
Fan H, Shi ZM, Lei YH
9. Carotenoids Biosynthesis, Accumulation, and Applications of a Model Microalga Euglenagracilis.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jul 31
Yao R, Fu W, Du M
10. Single-Disulfide Conopeptide Czon1107, an Allosteric Antagonist of the Human α3β4 Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jul 31
Ma Y, Cao Q, Yang M
11. A Novel Marine Pyran-Isoindolone Compound Enhances Fibrin Lysis Mediated by Single-Chain Urokinase-Type Plasminogen Activator.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jul 30
Gao C, Tang S, Zhang H
12. Antibody-Drug Conjugates Containing Payloads from Marine Origin.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jul 30
Cheng-Sánchez I, Moya-Utrera F, Porras-Alcalá C
13. Echinoderms Metabolites: Structure, Functions and Biomedical Perspectives II.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jul 29
Kalinin VI, Silchenko AS.
14. Antioxidant Activity of Fucoidan Modified with Gallic Acid Using the Redox Method.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jul 29
de Melo KDCM, Lisboa LDS, Queiroz MF
15. Potential Psychoactive Effects of Microalgal Bioactive Compounds for the Case of Sleep and Mood Regulation: Opportunities and Challenges.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jul 29
McCarthy B, O'Neill G, Abu-Ghannam N.
16. Potential for the Production of Carotenoids of Interest in the Polar Diatom Fragilariopsis cylindrus.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jul 29
Guérin S, Raguénès L, Croteau D
17. The Molecular Architecture of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Quorum-Sensing Inhibitors.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jul 28
Li Q, Mao S, Wang H
18. Anti-inflammatory Polyketides from the Marine-Derived Fungus Eutypella scoparia.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jul 28
Zhang YH, Du HF, Gao WB
19. Synthesis, Characterization, and the Antioxidant Activity of Phenolic Acid Chitooligosaccharide Derivatives.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jul 28
Sun Y, Ji X, Cui J
20. Microalgae Photo-Protectants and Related Bio-Carriers Loaded with Bioactive Entities for Skin Applications-An Insight of Microalgae Biotechnology.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jul 28
Santiesteban-Romero B, Martínez-Ruiz M, Sosa-Hernández JE
21. Two Foreign Antimicrobial Peptides Expressed in the Chloroplast of Porphyridium purpureum Possessed Antibacterial Properties.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jul 28
Han S, Zhao J, Liu P
22. Coral Holobionts Possess Distinct Lipid Profiles That May Be Shaped by Symbiodiniaceae Taxonomy.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jul 28
Sikorskaya TV, Ermolenko EV, Efimova KV
23. Novel Drug and Gene Delivery System and Imaging Agent Based on Marine Diatom Biosilica Nanoparticles.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jul 27
Hussein HA, Nazir MS, Azra N
24. Cosmetic Potential of Pigments Extracts from the Marine Cyanobacterium Cyanobium sp.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jul 27
Pagels F, Almeida C, Vasconcelos V
25. Heteronemin and Tetrac Induce Anti-Proliferation by Blocking EGFR-Mediated Signaling in Colorectal Cancer Cells.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jul 27
Unson S, Chang TC, Yang YN
26. Preventive and Therapeutic Effects of Krill Oil on Obesity and Obesity-Induced Metabolic Syndromes in High-Fat Diet-Fed Mice.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jul 27
Hwang SM, Kim YU, Kim JK
27. Genome Mining as an Alternative Way for Screening the Marine Organisms for Their Potential to Produce UV-Absorbing Mycosporine-like Amino Acid.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jul 26
Rosic N.
28. Cloning and Characterization of a Novel Endo-Type Metal-Independent Alginate Lyase from the Marine Bacteria Vibrio sp. Ni1.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jul 26
Sha L, Huang M, Huang X
29. Anthraquinones and Their Analogues from Marine-Derived Fungi: Chemistry and Biological Activities.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jul 25
Hafez Ghoran S, Taktaz F, Ayatollahi SA
30. Therapeutic Potential of Marine Bioactive Peptides against Human Immunodeficiency Virus: Recent Evidence, Challenges, and Future Trends.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jul 25
Al-Khayri JM, Asghar W, Khan S
31. New Carboxamides and a New Polyketide from the Sponge-Derived Fungus Arthrinium sp. SCSIO 41421.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jul 25
She J, Chen Y, Ye Y
32. Matairesinol Induces Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Exerts Synergistic Anticancer Effects with 5-Fluorouracil in Pancreatic Cancer Cells.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jul 25
Lee W, Song G, Bae H.
33. Impact of Degree of Ionization and PEGylation on the Stability of Nanoparticles of Chitosan Derivatives at Physiological Conditions.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jul 25
Martinez Junior AM, Lima AMF, Martins GO
34. Expression Plasticity of Peroxisomal Acyl-Coenzyme A Oxidase Genes Implies Their Involvement in Redox Regulation in Scallops Exposed to PST-Producing Alexandrium.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jul 24
Li M, Wang Y, Tang Z
35. Sulfated Glucan from the Green Seaweed Caulerpa sertularioides Inhibits Adipogenesis through Suppression of Adipogenic and Lipogenic Key Factors.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jul 23
Chaves Filho GP, Batista LANC, de Medeiros SRB
36. Isolation and Characterization of Efficient Active Compounds Using High-Performance Centrifugal Partition Chromatography (CPC) from Anti-Inflammatory Activity Fraction of Ecklonia maxima in South Africa.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jul 23
Kim HS, Je JG, An H
37. Depolymerized Fractions of Sulfated Galactans Extracted from Gracilaria fisheri and Their Antibacterial Activity against Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Vibrio harveyi.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jul 23
Kamble MT, Rudtanatip T, Soowannayan C
38. Therapeutic Potential of Marine Peptides in Prostate Cancer: Mechanistic Insights.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jul 22
Ahmed S, Alam W, Jeandet P
39. Anti-Aging Effects of R-Phycocyanin from Porphyra haitanensis on HUVEC Cells and Drosophila melanogaster.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jul 22
Feng Y, Lu H, Hu J
40. Supplementation with Spirulina platensis Prevents Damage to Rat Erections in a Model of Erectile Dysfunction Promoted by Hypercaloric Diet-Induced Obesity.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jul 22
Souza ILL, Barros BC, Ferreira EDS
41. Analysis of Structural Determinants of Peptide MS 9a-1 Essential for Potentiating of TRPA1 Channel.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jul 21
Logashina YA, Lubova KI, Maleeva EE
42. New Glycosylated Secondary Metabolites from Marine-Derived Bacteria.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jul 20
Anh CV, Kang JS, Lee HS
43. Exploring the Antibiotic Production Potential of Heterotrophic Bacterial Communities Isolated from the Marine Sponges Crateromorpha meyeri, Pseudaxinella reticulata, Farrea similaris, and Caulophacus arcticus through Synergistic Metabolomic and Genomic Analyses.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jul 20
Tareen S, Schupp PJ, Iqbal N
44. Identification, Characteristics and Function of Phosphoglucomutase (PGM) in the Agar Biosynthesis and Carbon Flux in the Agarophyte Gracilariopsis lemaneiformis (Rhodophyta).
Mar Drugs
2022 Jul 2
Chen Q, Yu X, Liu S
45. Connection of Isolated Stereoclusters by Combining (13)C-RCSA, RDC, and J-Based Configurational Analyses and Structural Revision of a Tetraprenyltoluquinol Chromane Meroterpenoid from Sargassum muticum.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jul 18
Fuentes-Monteverde JCC, Nath N, Forero AM
46. First Characterization of Ostreopsis cf. ovata (Dinophyceae) and Detection of Ovatoxins during a Multispecific and Toxic Ostreopsis Bloom on French Atlantic Coast.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jul 18
Chomérat N, Antajan E, Auby I
47. Chitin and Chitosan: Prospective Biomedical Applications in Drug Delivery, Cancer Treatment, and Wound Healing.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jul 17
Baharlouei P, Rahman A.
48. Functional Characterization, Antimicrobial Effects, and Potential Antibacterial Mechanisms of NpHM4, a Derived Peptide of Nautilus pompilius Hemocyanin.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jul 16
Yuan C, Zheng X, Liu K
49. Sulfated Polysaccharide Extracted from the Green Algae Codium bernabei: Physicochemical Characterization and Antioxidant, Anticoagulant and Antitumor Activity.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jul 15
Figueroa FA, Abdala-Díaz RT, Pérez C
50. Glucose Uptake and Oxidative Stress in Caco-2 Cells: Health Benefits from Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jul 14
Morresi C, Vasarri M, Bellachioma L
51. New Insights into Xanthophylls and Lipidomic Profile Changes Induced by Glucose Supplementation in the Marine Diatom Nitzschia laevis.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jul 14
Mao X, Wang X, Ge M
52. Structural Characterization of Maitotoxins Produced by Toxic Gambierdiscus Species.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jul 12
Murray JS, Finch SC, Mudge EM
53. Epoxinnamide: An Epoxy Cinnamoyl-Containing Nonribosomal Peptide from an Intertidal Mudflat-Derived Streptomyces sp.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jul 12
Kang S, Han J, Jang SC
54. A Series of New Pyrrole Alkaloids with ALR2 Inhibitory Activities from the Sponge Stylissa massa.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jul 12
Wang Q, Gao C, Wei Z
55. Dual Role of Chitin as the Double Edged Sword in Controlling the NLRP3 Inflammasome Driven Gastrointestinal and Gynaecological Tumours.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jul 11
Dhanjal CR, Lingamsetty R, Pareddy A
56. Asperopiperazines A and B: Antimicrobial and Cytotoxic Dipeptides from a Tunicate-Derived Fungus Aspergillus sp. DY001.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jul 10
Youssef DTA, Shaala LA, Genta-Jouve G.
57. Antioxidant Efficacy of a Spirulina Liquid Extract on Oxidative Stress Status and Metabolic Disturbances in Subjects with Metabolic Syndrome.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jul 1
Koite NLN, Sanogo NI, Lépine O
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