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2023 Mar (1)
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2021 Aug (58)
2021 Jul (62)
2021 Jun (59)
2021 May (62)
2021 Apr (61)
2021 Mar (62)
2021 Feb (57)
2021 Jan (63)
1. Sonneradon A Extends Lifespan of Caenorhabditis elegans by Modulating Mitochondrial and IIS Signaling Pathways.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jan 8
Jiang S, Jiang CP, Cao P
2. Influence of the Structural Features of Carrageenans from Red Algae of the Far Eastern Seas on Their Antiviral Properties.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jan 8
Krylova NV, Kravchenko AO, Iunikhina OV
3. Bioactive Marine Xanthones: A Review.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jan 8
Soares JX, Loureiro DRP, Dias AL
4. Bioprospecting of Less-Polar Fractions of Ericaria crinita and Ericaria amentacea: Developmental Toxicity and Antioxidant Activity.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jan 6
Radman S, Čižmek L, Babić S
5. A Promising Potential of Brown Algae Sargassum polycystum as Irreversible Hydrocolloid Impression Material.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jan 6
Hamrun N, Talib B, Ruslin M
6. Characterization of an Insoluble and Soluble Form of Melanin Produced by Streptomyces cavourensis SV 21, a Sea Cucumber Associated Bacterium.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jan 6
Wibowo JT, Kellermann MY, Petersen LE
7. Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles by the Cyanobacteria Synechocystis sp.: Characterization, Antimicrobial and Diabetic Wound-Healing Actions.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jan 6
Younis NS, Mohamed ME, El Semary NA.
8. Antithrombotic Activity of Heparinoid G2 and Its Derivatives from the Clam Coelomactra antiquata.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jan 5
Chen G, Zeng R, Wang X
9. Computer-Aided Drug Design (CADD) to De-Orphanize Marine Molecules: Finding Potential Therapeutic Agents for Neurodegenerative and Cardiovascular Diseases.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jan 5
Llorach-Pares L, Nonell-Canals A, Avila C
10. Unveiling the Chemical Diversity of the Deep-Sea Sponge Characella pachastrelloides.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jan 5
Afoullouss S, Sanchez AR, Jennings LK
11. Mono- and Dimeric Xanthones with Anti-Glioma and Anti-Inflammatory Activities from the Ascidian-Derived Fungus Diaporthe sp. SYSU-MS4722.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jan 5
Chen S, Guo H, Jiang M
12. Interactions of Nereistoxin and Its Analogs with Vertebrate Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors and Molluscan ACh Binding Proteins.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jan 4
Kem WR, Andrud K, Bruno G
13. Pigment Composition of Nine Brown Algae from the Iberian Northwestern Coastline: Influence of the Extraction Solvent.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jan 31
Garcia-Perez P, Lourenço-Lopes C, Silva A
14. Blue Whiting (Micromesistius poutassou) Protein Hydrolysates Increase GLP-1 Secretion and Proglucagon Production in STC-1 Cells Whilst Maintaining Caco-2/HT29-MTX Co-Culture Integrity.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jan 31
Heffernan S, Nunn L, Harnedy-Rothwell PA
15. Molecular Details of Actinomycin D-Treated MRSA Revealed via High-Dimensional Data.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jan 31
Xia X, Liu J, Huang L
16. A Novel Gelatinase from Marine Flocculibacter collagenilyticus SM1988: Characterization and Potential Application in Collagen Oligopeptide-Rich Hydrolysate Preparation.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jan 3
Li J, Cheng JH, Teng ZJ
17. An Updated Review of Tetrodotoxin and Its Peculiarities.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jan 3
Katikou P, Gokbulut C, Kosker AR
18. Algal-Derived Halogenated Sesquiterpenes from Laurencia dendroidea as Lead Compounds in Schistosomiasis Environmental Control.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jan 29
Dos Santos GS, Miyasato PA, Stein EM
19. A Novel Peptide Derived from Arca inflata Induces Apoptosis in Colorectal Cancer Cells through Mitochondria and the p38 MAPK Pathway.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jan 29
Li C, Zhang S, Zhu J
20. (-)-Agelasidine A Induces Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress-Dependent Apoptosis in Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jan 29
Lu IT, Lin SC, Chu YC
21. Understanding Interaction Patterns within Deep-Sea Microbial Communities and Their Potential Applications.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jan 28
Nawaz MZ, Subin Sasidharan R, Alghamdi HA
22. A Dunaliella salina Extract Counteracts Skin Aging under Intense Solar Irradiation Thanks to Its Antiglycation and Anti-Inflammatory Properties.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jan 27
Havas F, Krispin S, Cohen M
23. Biomedical Potential of the Neglected Molluscivorous and Vermivorous Conus Species.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jan 27
Zhao Y, Antunes A.
24. Efficient Isolation of Mycosporine-Like Amino Acids from Marine Red Algae by Fast Centrifugal Partition Chromatography.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jan 27
Zwerger M, Schwaiger S, Ganzera M.
25. Production of Lectins from Marine Algae: Current Status, Challenges, and Opportunities for Non-Destructive Extraction.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jan 26
Maliki IM, Misson M, Teoh PL
26. Chitosan-Based Films with 2-Aminothiophene Derivative: Formulation, Characterization and Potential Antifungal Activity.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jan 26
Oliveira VDS, Cruz MMD, Bezerra GS
27. Therapeutic Potential and Nutraceutical Profiling of North Bornean Seaweeds: A Review.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jan 25
Shah MD, Venmathi Maran BA, Shaleh SRM
28. An Electrospun Scaffold Loaded with an Enteromorpha Polysaccharide for Accelerated Wound Healing in Diabetic Mice.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jan 24
Guo L, Guan N, Miao W
29. Effect of Fucoidan on the Mitochondrial Membrane Potential (ΔΨm) of Leukocytes from Patients with Active COVID-19 and Subjects That Recovered from SARS-CoV-2 Infection.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jan 24
Díaz-Resendiz KJG, Covantes-Rosales CE, Benítez-Trinidad AB
30. Novel Antioxidant Peptides from Crassostrea Hongkongensis Improve Photo-Oxidation in UV-Induced HaCaT Cells.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jan 24
Zhang C, Lv J, Qin X
31. Study of the Structure-Activity Relationship of an Anti-Dormant Mycobacterial Substance 3-(Phenethylamino)Demethyl(oxy)aaptamine to Create a Probe Molecule for Detecting Its Target Protein.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jan 24
Sumii Y, Kamiya K, Nakamura T
32. Conceptual DFT-Based Computational Peptidology, Pharmacokinetics Study and ADMET Report of the Veraguamides A-G Family of Marine Natural Drugs.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jan 24
Flores-Holguín N, Ortega-Castro J, Frau J
33. Chitosan Oligosaccharides Alleviate Colitis by Regulating Intestinal Microbiota and PPARγ/SIRT1-Mediated NF-κB Pathway.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jan 24
Guo C, Zhang Y, Ling T
34. Characterization and Biocompatibility Properties In Vitro of Gel Beads Based on the Pectin and κ-Carrageenan.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jan 22
Popov S, Paderin N, Khramova D
35. Anti-Larval and Anti-Algal Natural Products from Marine Microorganisms as Sources of Anti-Biofilm Agents.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jan 21
Wang KL, Dou ZR, Gong GF
36. Biological Activity and Stability of Aeruginosamides from Cyanobacteria.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jan 21
Cegłowska M, Kwiecień P, Szubert K
37. Regulatory Effects of Functional Soluble Dietary Fiber from Saccharina japonica Byproduct on the Liver of Obese Mice with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jan 21
Zhang L, Wang X, He Y
38. Seaweed Extracts: A Promising Source of Antibiofilm Agents with Distinct Mechanisms of Action against Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jan 21
Rima M, Trognon J, Latapie L
39. Effect of Different Initial Fermentation pH on Exopolysaccharides Produced by Pseudoalteromonas agarivorans Hao 2018 and Identification of Key Genes Involved in Exopolysaccharide Synthesis via Transcriptome Analysis.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jan 20
Ju Y, Shan K, Liu W
40. Induction of Defense Gene Expression and the Resistance of Date Palm to Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. Albedinis in Response to Alginate Extracted from Bifurcaria bifurcata.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jan 20
Bouissil S, Guérin C, Roche J
41. Metabolites Produced by a New Lactiplantibacillus plantarum Strain BF1-13 Isolated from Deep Seawater of Izu-Akazawa Protect the Intestinal Epithelial Barrier from the Dysfunction Induced by Hydrogen Peroxide.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jan 20
Diao X, Yamada K, Shibata Y
42. Marine Microbial Fibrinolytic Enzymes: An Overview of Source, Production, Biochemical Properties and Thrombolytic Activity.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jan 2
Barzkar N, Jahromi ST, Vianello F.
43. Development of Immediate Release Tablets Containing Calcium Lactate Synthetized from Black Sea Mussel Shells.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jan 2
Mititelu M, Moroșan E, Nicoară AC
44. Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Activities of N-2-Hydroxypropyltrimethyl Ammonium Chitosan Derivatives Bearing Amino Acid Schiff Bases.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jan 19
Cui J, Ji X, Mi Y
45. Anti-Quorum-Sensing Activity of Tryptophan-Containing Cyclic Dipeptides.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jan 19
Wang Y, Zheng Q, Li L
46. Cryptic Metabolites from Marine-Derived Microorganisms Using OSMAC and Epigenetic Approaches.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jan 18
Pinedo-Rivilla C, Aleu J, Durán-Patrón R.
47. Design, Semisynthesis, Insecticidal and Antibacterial Activities of a Series of Marine-Derived Geodin Derivatives and Their Preliminary Structure-Activity Relationships.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jan 18
Chao R, Said G, Zhang Q
48. Ecotoxicological Impact of the Marine Toxin Palytoxin on the Micro-Crustacean Artemia franciscana.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jan 18
Cavion F, Pelin M, Ponti C
49. Ligiamycins A and B, Decalin-Amino-Maleimides from the Co-Culture of Streptomyces sp. and Achromobacter sp. Isolated from the Marine Wharf Roach, Ligia exotica.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jan 18
Lim HJ, An JS, Bae ES
50. New Trichothecenes Isolated from the Marine Algicolous Fungus Trichoderma brevicompactum.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jan 18
Safwan S, Wang SW, Hsiao G
51. New Secondary Metabolites from the Marine-Derived Fungus Talaromyces mangshanicus BTBU20211089.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jan 18
Zhang K, Zhang X, Lin R
52. New Tripeptide Derivatives Asperripeptides A-C from Vietnamese Mangrove-Derived Fungus Aspergillus terreus LM.5.2.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jan 17
Girich EV, Rasin AB, Popov RS
53. Isoquinoline Alkaloids as Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase Inhibitors from a Deep-Sea-Derived Fungus Aspergillus puniceus.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jan 17
Liu CM, Yao FH, Lu XH
54. FGFC1 Exhibits Anti-Cancer Activity via Inhibiting NF-κB Signaling Pathway in EGFR-Mutant NSCLC Cells.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jan 17
Feng J, Li S, Zhang B
55. Actinoporin-like Proteins Are Widely Distributed in the Phylum Porifera.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jan 15
Sandoval K, McCormack GP.
56. Marine Organisms as Alkaloid Biosynthesizers of Potential Anti-Alzheimer Agents.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jan 15
Lima E, Medeiros J.
57. Isolation and Characterization of a Yellow Xanthophyll Pigment-Producing Marine Bacterium, Erythrobacter sp. SDW2 Strain, in Coastal Seawater.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jan 14
Jeong SW, Yang JE, Choi YJ.
58. Chevalones H-M: Six New α-Pyrone Meroterpenoids from the Gorgonian Coral-Derived Fungus Aspergillus hiratsukae SCSIO 7S2001.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jan 14
Chen XY, Zeng Q, Chen YC
59. New Deoxyenhygrolides from Plesiocystis pacifica Provide Insights into Butenolide Core Biosynthesis.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jan 14
Hug JJ, Kjaerulff L, Garcia R
60. Lipid Indexes and Quality Evaluation of Omega-3 Rich Oil from the Waste of Japanese Spanish Mackerel Extracted by Supercritical CO(2).
Mar Drugs
2022 Jan 13
Roy VC, Park JS, Ho TC
61. The Microstructure, Antibacterial and Antitumor Activities of Chitosan Oligosaccharides and Derivatives.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jan 13
Yu D, Feng J, You H
62. Crypthecodinium cohnii Growth and Omega Fatty Acid Production in Mediums Supplemented with Extract from Recycled Biomass.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jan 12
Didrihsone E, Dubencovs K, Grube M
63. Secondary Metabolites from Marine-Derived Fungi and Actinobacteria as Potential Sources of Novel Colorectal Cancer Drugs.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jan 12
Julianti E, Abrian IA, Wibowo MS
64. Cloning and Characterization of a Novel Alginate Lyase from Paenibacillus sp. LJ-23.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jan 12
Wang M, Chen L, Lou Z
65. Variations in the Composition, Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Activities of Cystoseira compressa during Seasonal Growth.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jan 11
Čagalj M, Skroza D, Razola-Díaz MDC
66. Insights into Cytotoxic Behavior of Lepadins and Structure Elucidation of the New Alkaloid Lepadin L from the Mediterranean Ascidian Clavelina lepadiformis.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jan 11
Casertano M, Genovese M, Paoli P
67. Extremophilic Fungi from Marine Environments: Underexplored Sources of Antitumor, Anti-Infective and Other Biologically Active Agents.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jan 10
Giddings LA, Newman DJ.
68. Marine Collagen: A Promising Biomaterial for Wound Healing, Skin Anti-Aging, and Bone Regeneration.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jan 10
Geahchan S, Baharlouei P, Rahman A.
69. Anticancer Effects of New Ceramides Isolated from the Red Sea Red Algae Hypnea musciformis in a Model of Ehrlich Ascites Carcinoma: LC-HRMS Analysis Profile and Molecular Modeling.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jan 10
Elhady SS, Habib ES, Abdelhameed RFA
70. Streptoglycerides E-H, Unsaturated Polyketides from the Marine-Derived Bacterium Streptomyces specialis and Their Anti-Inflammatory Activity.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jan 1
Shin HJ, Heo CS, Anh CV
71. Bacillimidazoles A-F, Imidazolium-Containing Compounds Isolated from a Marine Bacillus.
Mar Drugs
2022 Jan 1
Yan JX, Wu Q, Helfrich EJN
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