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2021 May (62)
2021 Apr (61)
2021 Mar (62)
2021 Feb (57)
2021 Jan (63)
1. First Insights into the Repertoire of Secretory Lectins in Rotifers.
Mar Drugs
2022 Feb 9
Gerdol M.
2. Predicting Antifouling Activity and Acetylcholinesterase Inhibition of Marine-Derived Compounds Using a Computer-Aided Drug Design Approach.
Mar Drugs
2022 Feb 8
Gaudêncio SP, Pereira F.
3. Micrococcin P1 and P2 from Epibiotic Bacteria Associated with Isolates of Moorea producens from Kenya.
Mar Drugs
2022 Feb 7
Dzeha T, Hall MJ, Burgess JG.
4. Supercritical Fluid Extraction of Fucoxanthin from the Diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum and Biogas Production through Anaerobic Digestion.
Mar Drugs
2022 Feb 7
Ruiz-Domínguez MC, Salinas F, Medina E
5. Biochemical Characterization and Cold-Adaption Mechanism of a PL-17 Family Alginate Lyase Aly23 from Marine Bacterium Pseudoalteromonas sp. ASY5 and Its Application for Oligosaccharides Production.
Mar Drugs
2022 Feb 6
Tang X, Jiao C, Wei Y
6. Sdy-1 Executes Antitumor Activity in HepG2 and HeLa Cancer Cells by Inhibiting the Wnt/β-Catenin Signaling Pathway.
Mar Drugs
2022 Feb 5
Sun M, Zhou D, Wu J
7. Effective Synthesis and Antifouling Activity of Dolastatin 16 Derivatives.
Mar Drugs
2022 Feb 4
Casalme LO, Katayama K, Hayakawa Y
8. Mitigative Effects of PFF-A Isolated from Ecklonia cava on Pigmentation in a Zebrafish Model and Melanogenesis in B16F10 Cells.
Mar Drugs
2022 Feb 4
Je JG, Jiang Y, Heo JH
9. Lipophilic Toxins in Chile: History, Producers and Impacts.
Mar Drugs
2022 Feb 4
Díaz PA, Álvarez G, Pizarro G
10. Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Orally Administered Monostroma nitidum Rhamnan Sulfate against Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Damage to Mouse Organs and Vascular Endothelium.
Mar Drugs
2022 Feb 3
Terasawa M, Hiramoto K, Uchida R
11. The Tetrahydrofuran Motif in Polyketide Marine Drugs.
Mar Drugs
2022 Feb 3
Fernández-Peña L, Díez-Poza C, González-Andrés P
12. Anti-Osteoclastogenic and Antibacterial Effects of Chlorinated Polyketides from the Beibu Gulf Coral-Derived Fungus Aspergillus unguis GXIMD 02505.
Mar Drugs
2022 Feb 28
Zhang Y, Li Z, Huang B
13. Sesquiterpene and Sorbicillinoid Glycosides from the Endophytic Fungus Trichoderma longibrachiatum EN-586 Derived from the Marine Red Alga Laurencia obtusa.
Mar Drugs
2022 Feb 28
Wang Y, Li XM, Yang SQ
14. Immunomodulatory and Antitumoral Activity of Gold Nanoparticles Synthesized by Red Algae Aqueous Extracts.
Mar Drugs
2022 Feb 28
González-Ballesteros N, Diego-González L, Lastra-Valdor M
15. Aurasperone A Inhibits SARS CoV-2 In Vitro: An Integrated In Vitro and In Silico Study.
Mar Drugs
2022 Feb 28
ElNaggar MH, Abdelwahab GM, Kutkat O
16. Fucoidan (Undaria pinnatifida)/Polydopamine Composite-Modified Surface Promotes Osteogenic Potential of Periodontal Ligament Stem Cells.
Mar Drugs
2022 Feb 28
Kwack KH, Ji JY, Park B
17. Structural and Molecular Characterization of Squalene Synthase Belonging to the Marine Thraustochytrid Species Aurantiochytrium limacinum Using Bioinformatics Approach.
Mar Drugs
2022 Feb 28
Vyas S, Bettiga M, Rova U
18. Preparation, Identification, Molecular Docking Study and Protective Function on HUVECs of Novel ACE Inhibitory Peptides from Protein Hydrolysate of Skipjack Tuna Muscle.
Mar Drugs
2022 Feb 27
Zheng SL, Luo QB, Suo SK
19. Preparation and Characterization of Nano-Selenium Decorated by Chondroitin Sulfate Derived from Shark Cartilage and Investigation on Its Antioxidant Activity.
Mar Drugs
2022 Feb 26
Chen J, Chen X, Li J
20. Marginal Impact of Brown Seaweed Ascophyllum nodosum and Fucus vesiculosus Extract on Metabolic and Inflammatory Response in Overweight and Obese Prediabetic Subjects.
Mar Drugs
2022 Feb 26
Vodouhè M, Marois J, Guay V
21. Coelastrella terrestris for Adonixanthin Production: Physiological Characterization and Evaluation of Secondary Carotenoid Productivity.
Mar Drugs
2022 Feb 26
Doppler P, Kriechbaum R, Käfer M
22. Optimization and Validation of a High Throughput UHPLC-MS/MS Method for Determination of the EU Regulated Lipophilic Marine Toxins and Occurrence in Fresh and Processed Shellfish.
Mar Drugs
2022 Feb 26
D'Amore T, Lo Magro S, Vita V
23. Mechanism of Action and Therapeutic Potential of the β-Hairpin Antimicrobial Peptide Capitellacin from the Marine Polychaeta Capitella teleta.
Mar Drugs
2022 Feb 25
Safronova VN, Panteleev PV, Sukhanov SV
24. Biochemical Properties of a New Polysaccharide Lyase Family 25 Ulvan Lyase TsUly25B from Marine Bacterium Thalassomonas sp. LD5.
Mar Drugs
2022 Feb 25
Wang D, Li Y, Han L
25. Recent Achievements in Total Synthesis for Integral Structural Revisions of Marine Natural Products.
Mar Drugs
2022 Feb 25
Ha MW, Kim J, Paek SM.
26. Collagens from Marine Organisms towards Biomedical Applications.
Mar Drugs
2022 Feb 25
Rahman A, Silva TH.
27. Chemical Composition and In Vitro Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Activities of the Marine Cyanolichen Lichina pygmaea Volatile Compounds.
Mar Drugs
2022 Feb 25
Sanad H, Belattmania Z, Nafis A
28. First Identification of 12β-Deoxygonyautoxin 5 (12α-Gonyautoxinol 5) in the Cyanobacterium Dolichospermum circinale (TA04) and 12β-Deoxysaxitoxin (12α-Saxitoxinol) in D. circinale (TA04) and the Dinoflagellate Alexandrium pacificum (Group IV) (120518KureAC).
Mar Drugs
2022 Feb 25
Akamatsu M, Hirozumi R, Cho Y
29. Disulfated Ophiuroid Type Steroids from the Far Eastern Starfish Pteraster marsippus and Their Cytotoxic Activity on the Models of 2D and 3D Cultures.
Mar Drugs
2022 Feb 24
Kicha AA, Kalinovsky AI, Malyarenko TV
30. Neoechinulin A as a Promising SARS-CoV-2 M(pro) Inhibitor: In Vitro and In Silico Study Showing the Ability of Simulations in Discerning Active from Inactive Enzyme Inhibitors.
Mar Drugs
2022 Feb 24
Alhadrami HA, Burgio G, Thissera B
31. Looking Back at My Years in Marine Natural Products Chemistry.
Mar Drugs
2022 Feb 24
Proksch P.
32. Identification and Characterization of Three Chitinases with Potential in Direct Conversion of Crystalline Chitin into N,N'-diacetylchitobiose.
Mar Drugs
2022 Feb 24
Ren XB, Dang YR, Liu SS
33. Amycolachromones A-F, Isolated from a Streptomycin-Resistant Strain of the Deep-Sea Marine Actinomycete Amycolatopsis sp. WP1.
Mar Drugs
2022 Feb 24
Chen J, Chen J, Wang S
34. Effects of Structural and Compositional Changes of Nanochloropsis oceania after Enzyme Treatment on EPA-Rich Lipids Extraction.
Mar Drugs
2022 Feb 23
Zhao K, Zhang M, Tian H
35. A Novel Alginate Lyase: Identification, Characterization, and Potential Application in Alginate Trisaccharide Preparation.
Mar Drugs
2022 Feb 23
Xue Z, Sun XM, Chen C
36. Synthesis of Marine Cyclopeptide Galaxamide Analogues as Potential Anticancer Agents.
Mar Drugs
2022 Feb 22
Li D, Liao X, Zhong S
37. Enhancing Stability and Mucoadhesive Properties of Chitosan Nanoparticles by Surface Modification with Sodium Alginate and Polyethylene Glycol for Potential Oral Mucosa Vaccine Delivery.
Mar Drugs
2022 Feb 22
Amin MK, Boateng JS.
38. Characterization of the Dual Functions of LvCrustinVII from Litopenaeus vannamei as Antimicrobial Peptide and Opsonin.
Mar Drugs
2022 Feb 22
Hu J, Li S, Lv Q
39. Computational Design of High-Affinity Blockers for Sodium Channel Na(V)1.2 from μ-Conotoxin KIIIA.
Mar Drugs
2022 Feb 21
Meng G, Kuyucak S.
40. Impact of Co-Culture on the Metabolism of Marine Microorganisms.
Mar Drugs
2022 Feb 21
Caudal F, Tapissier-Bontemps N, Edrada-Ebel RA.
41. Deoxyvasicinone with Anti-Melanogenic Activity from Marine-Derived Streptomyces sp. CNQ-617.
Mar Drugs
2022 Feb 21
Lee SE, Kim MJ, Hillman PF
42. Possible Functional Roles of Patellamides in the Ascidian-Prochloron Symbiosis.
Mar Drugs
2022 Feb 2
Baur P, Kühl M, Comba P
43. EPA-Enriched Phospholipids Alleviate Renal Interstitial Fibrosis in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats by Regulating TGF-β Signaling Pathways.
Mar Drugs
2022 Feb 19
Shi HH, Zhang LY, Chen LP
44. Diverse Secondary Metabolites from the Coral-Derived Fungus Aspergillus hiratsukae SCSIO 5Bn(1)003.
Mar Drugs
2022 Feb 18
Zeng Q, Chen Y, Wang J
45. Chitosan and Hyaluronic Acid Nanoparticles as Vehicles of Epoetin Beta for Subconjunctival Ocular Delivery.
Mar Drugs
2022 Feb 18
Silva B, Gonçalves LM, Braz BS
46. Expression of the Antimicrobial Peptide Piscidin 1 and Neuropeptides in Fish Gill and Skin: A Potential Participation in Neuro-Immune Interaction.
Mar Drugs
2022 Feb 17
Zaccone G, Capillo G, Fernandes JMO
47. In Silico Screening of Bioactive Compounds of Representative Seaweeds to Inhibit SARS-CoV-2 ACE2-Bound Omicron B.1.1.529 Spike Protein Trimer.
Mar Drugs
2022 Feb 17
Bharathi M, Sivamaruthi BS, Kesika P
48. A Tale of Toxin Promiscuity: The Versatile Pharmacological Effects of Hcr 1b-2 Sea Anemone Peptide on Voltage-Gated Ion Channels.
Mar Drugs
2022 Feb 17
Pinheiro-Junior EL, Kalina R, Gladkikh I
49. A Novel α4/7-Conotoxin QuIA Selectively Inhibits α3β2 and α6/α3β4 Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor Subtypes with High Efficacy.
Mar Drugs
2022 Feb 17
Wang L, Wu X, Zhu X
50. Comparative Venomics of the Cryptic Cone Snail Species Virroconus ebraeus and Virroconus judaeus.
Mar Drugs
2022 Feb 17
Pardos-Blas JR, Tenorio MJ, Galindo JCG
51. Secondary Metabolites from Marine Sponges of the Genus Oceanapia: Chemistry and Biological Activities.
Mar Drugs
2022 Feb 16
Xu MJ, Zhong LJ, Chen JK
52. An Overview of Potential Seaweed-Derived Bioactive Compounds for Pharmaceutical Applications.
Mar Drugs
2022 Feb 15
Lomartire S, Gonçalves AMM.
53. Quantitation Overcoming Matrix Effects of Lipophilic Toxins in Mytilus galloprovincialis by Liquid Chromatography-Full Scan High Resolution Mass Spectrometry Analysis (LC-HR-MS).
Mar Drugs
2022 Feb 15
Costa CQV, Afonso II, Lage S
54. AsKC11, a Kunitz Peptide from Anemonia sulcata, Is a Novel Activator of G Protein-Coupled Inward-Rectifier Potassium Channels.
Mar Drugs
2022 Feb 15
An D, Pinheiro-Junior EL, Béress L
55. Biotechnological Enhancement of Probiotics through Co-Cultivation with Algae: Future or a Trend?
Mar Drugs
2022 Feb 15
Perković L, Djedović E, Vujović T
56. Chemical Review of Gorgostane-Type Steroids Isolated from Marine Organisms and Their (13)C-NMR Spectroscopic Data Characteristics.
Mar Drugs
2022 Feb 14
Abdelkarem FM, Abouelela ME, Kamel MR
57. Inhibitory Effects of Nitrogenous Metabolites from a Marine-Derived Streptomyces bacillaris on Isocitrate Lyase of Candida albicans.
Mar Drugs
2022 Feb 13
Chung B, Hwang JY, Park SC
58. Citreobenzofuran D-F and Phomenone A-B: Five Novel Sesquiterpenoids from the Mangrove-Derived Fungus Penicillium sp. HDN13-494.
Mar Drugs
2022 Feb 13
Wu Q, Chang Y, Che Q
59. Chitosan/Alginate Nanoparticles for the Enhanced Oral Antithrombotic Activity of Clam Heparinoid from the Clam Coelomactra antiquata.
Mar Drugs
2022 Feb 12
Chen GL, Cai HY, Chen JP
60. Aerophobin-1 from the Marine Sponge Aplysina aerophoba Modulates Osteogenesis in Zebrafish Larvae.
Mar Drugs
2022 Feb 11
Carnovali M, Ciavatta ML, Mollo E
61. Cytotoxic Compounds from Alcyoniidae: An Overview of the Last 30 Years.
Mar Drugs
2022 Feb 11
Cerri F, Saliu F, Maggioni D
62. Anti-Allergic Effect of 3,4-Dihydroxybenzaldehyde Isolated from Polysiphonia morrowii in IgE/BSA-Stimulated Mast Cells and a Passive Cutaneous Anaphylaxis Mouse Model.
Mar Drugs
2022 Feb 10
Kim EA, Han EJ, Kim J
63. Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Agents from the Sea: A Molecular Treasure for New Potential Drugs.
Mar Drugs
2022 Feb 10
Vasarri M, Degl'Innocenti D.
64. Virucidal and Immunostimulating Activities of Monogalactosyl Diacylglyceride from Coccomyxa sp. KJ, a Green Microalga, against Murine Norovirus and Feline Calicivirus.
Mar Drugs
2022 Feb 10
Hayashi K, Komatsu S, Kuno H
65. Kinetic and Stoichiometric Modeling-Based Analysis of Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) Production Potential by Crypthecodinium cohnii from Glycerol, Glucose and Ethanol.
Mar Drugs
2022 Feb 1
Berzins K, Muiznieks R, Baumanis MR
66. Xishaeleganins A-D, Sesquiterpenoid Hydroquinones from Xisha Marine Sponge Dactylospongia elegans.
Mar Drugs
2022 Feb 1
Chen B, Zhao Q, Gu YC
67. Fucoidan Isolated from Sargassum confusum Suppresses Inflammatory Responses and Oxidative Stress in TNF-α/IFN-γ- Stimulated HaCaT Keratinocytes by Activating Nrf2/HO-1 Signaling Pathway.
Mar Drugs
2022 Feb 1
Jayasinghe AMK, Kirindage KGIS, Fernando IPS
68. Sulfated Polysaccharides from Seaweed Strandings as Renewable Source for Potential Antivirals against Herpes simplex Virus 1.
Mar Drugs
2022 Feb 1
Pliego-Cortés H, Hardouin K, Bedoux G
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