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2023 Mar (1)
2023 Jan (15)
2022 Dec (68)
2022 Nov (70)
2022 Oct (61)
2022 Sep (64)
2022 Aug (66)
2022 Jul (57)
2022 Jun (65)
2022 May (66)
2022 Apr (59)
2022 Mar (68)
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2021 Aug (58)
2021 Jul (62)
2021 Jun (59)
2021 May (62)
2021 Apr (61)
2021 Mar (62)
2021 Feb (57)
2021 Jan (63)
1. Fungal Bergamotane Sesquiterpenoids-Potential Metabolites: Sources, Bioactivities, and Biosynthesis.
Mar Drugs
2022 Dec 8
Khayat MT, Mohammad KA, Omar AM
2. The Anti-Photoaging Activity of Peptides from Pinctada martensii Meat.
Mar Drugs
2022 Dec 8
Wei M, Qiu H, Zhou J
3. Exploring Micromonospora as Phocoenamicins Producers.
Mar Drugs
2022 Dec 7
Kokkini M, González Heredia C, Oves-Costales D
4. Sulfur-Containing Metabolites from Marine and Terrestrial Fungal Sources: Origin, Structures, and Bioactivities.
Mar Drugs
2022 Dec 7
Liu Z, Li M, Wang S
5. Anti-Infective Secondary Metabolites of the Marine Cyanobacterium Lyngbya Morphotype between 1979 and 2022.
Mar Drugs
2022 Dec 7
Youssef DTA, Mufti SJ, Badiab AA
6. Enhancing Bioproducts in Seaweeds via Sustainable Aquaculture: Antioxidant and Sun-Protection Compounds.
Mar Drugs
2022 Dec 7
Ashkenazi DY, Figueroa FL, Korbee N
7. Eckmaxol Isolated from Ecklonia maxima Attenuates Particulate-Matter-Induced Inflammation in MH-S Lung Macrophage.
Mar Drugs
2022 Dec 7
Nagahawatta DP, Liyanage NM, Jayawardhana HHACK
8. Polypharmacological Cell-Penetrating Peptides from Venomous Marine Animals Based on Immunomodulating, Antimicrobial, and Anticancer Properties.
Mar Drugs
2022 Dec 4
Hemmati S, Rasekhi Kazerooni H.
9. Xestospongia muta Fraction-7 and Linoleic Acid: Effects on SR-BI Gene Expression and HDL Cholesterol Uptake.
Mar Drugs
2022 Dec 4
Azemi NA, Azemi AK, Abu-Bakar L
10. Polysaccharide from Edible Alga Enteromorpha clathrata Improves Ulcerative Colitis in Association with Increased Abundance of Parabacteroides spp. in the Gut Microbiota of Dextran Sulfate Sodium-Fed Mice.
Mar Drugs
2022 Dec 4
Ma M, Fu T, Wang Y
11. Effect of the Marine Polyketide Plocabulin on Tumor Progression.
Mar Drugs
2022 Dec 31
Turrini E, Maffei F, Fimognari C.
12. Recent Advances in Biologically Active Coumarins from Marine Sources: Synthesis and Evaluation.
Mar Drugs
2022 Dec 31
Fernández-Peña L, Matos MJ, López E.
13. Bio-Guided Optimization of Cystoseira abies-marina Cosmeceuticals Extraction by Advanced Technologies.
Mar Drugs
2022 Dec 31
Rosa GP, Peixoto AF, Barreto MC
14. FTIR Characterization of Sulfated Polysaccharides Obtained from Macrocystis integrifolia Algae and Verification of Their Antiangiogenic and Immunomodulatory Potency In Vitro and In Vivo.
Mar Drugs
2022 Dec 31
Soto-Vásquez MR, Alvarado-García PAA, Youssef FS
15. Effect of Phlorotannins from Brown Algae Costaria costata on α-N-Acetylgalactosaminidase Produced by Duodenal Adenocarcinoma and Melanoma Cells.
Mar Drugs
2022 Dec 30
Bakunina I, Imbs T, Likhatskaya G
16. New Chlorinated Metabolites and Antiproliferative Polyketone from the Mangrove Sediments-Derived Fungus Mollisia sp. SCSIO41409.
Mar Drugs
2022 Dec 30
Cai J, Wang X, Gan X
17. News and Updates from 2022 on Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Properties of Marine Products.
Mar Drugs
2022 Dec 29
Vasarri M, Degl'Innocenti D.
18. A Review on a Hidden Gem: Phycoerythrin from Blue-Green Algae.
Mar Drugs
2022 Dec 29
Tan HT, Yusoff FM, Khaw YS
19. The Soft Coral Sarcophyton trocheliophorum: A Warehouse of Terpenoids with Structural and Pharmacological Diversity.
Mar Drugs
2022 Dec 29
Yang QB, Wu Q, Chen JK
20. Diversity of Bacterial Secondary Metabolite Biosynthetic Gene Clusters in Three Vietnamese Sponges.
Mar Drugs
2022 Dec 29
Dat TTH, Steinert G, Cuc NTK
21. Two New Alkaloids and a New Butenolide Derivative from the Beibu Gulf Sponge-Derived Fungus Penicillium sp. SCSIO 41413.
Mar Drugs
2022 Dec 29
Ye Y, Liang J, She J
22. Description and Genomic Characterization of Oceaniferula flavus sp. nov., a Novel Potential Polysaccharide-Degrading Candidate of the Difficult-to-Cultivate Phylum Verrucomicrobiota Isolated from Seaweed.
Mar Drugs
2022 Dec 29
Ye MQ, Jin CB, Liu XJ
23. Seaweed as a Natural Source against Phytopathogenic Bacteria.
Mar Drugs
2022 Dec 28
Vicente TFL, Félix C, Félix R
24. Recent Advancement in Anticancer Compounds from Marine Organisms: Approval, Use and Bioinformatic Approaches to Predict New Targets.
Mar Drugs
2022 Dec 28
Santaniello G, Nebbioso A, Altucci L
25. Therapeutic Potency of Ovothiol A on Ethanol-Induced Gastric Ulcers in Wistar Rats.
Mar Drugs
2022 Dec 28
Salaheldin AT, Shehata MR, Sakr HI
26. Benzyl Alcohol/Salicylaldehyde-Type Polyketide Metabolites of Fungi: Sources, Biosynthesis, Biological Activities, and Synthesis.
Mar Drugs
2022 Dec 27
Štiblariková M, Lásiková A, Gracza T.
27. Fatty Acids of Echinoderms: Diversity, Current Applications and Future Opportunities.
Mar Drugs
2022 Dec 27
Zhukova NV.
28. Biological Secondary Metabolites from the Lumnitzera littorea-Derived Fungus Penicillium oxalicum HLLG-13.
Mar Drugs
2022 Dec 27
Wang Y, Chen W, Xu Z
29. Gold Nanoparticles Synthesized by an Aqueous Extract of Codium tomentosum as Potential Antitumoral Enhancers of Gemcitabine.
Mar Drugs
2022 Dec 27
González-Ballesteros N, Maietta I, Rey-Méndez R
30. Chemical Characterization and Immunomodulatory Activity of Fucoidan from Sargassum hemiphyllum.
Mar Drugs
2022 Dec 26
Li R, Zhou QL, Chen ST
31. Construction of Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Overexpression Strain of Schizochytrium sp. H016 to Improve Docosahexaenoic Acid Production.
Mar Drugs
2022 Dec 26
Feng Y, Zhu Y, Bao Z
32. Nitrogen Sources Affect the Long-Chain Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids Content in Thraustochytrium sp. RT2316-16.
Mar Drugs
2022 Dec 25
Valdebenito D, Urrutia S, Leyton A
33. Fuc-S-A New Ultrasonic Degraded Sulfated α-l-Fucooligosaccharide-Alleviates DSS-Inflicted Colitis through Reshaping Gut Microbiota and Modulating Host-Microbe Tryptophan Metabolism.
Mar Drugs
2022 Dec 25
Xiao H, Feng J, Peng J
34. Advances in Algin and Alginate-Hybrid Materials for Drug Delivery and Tissue Engineering.
Mar Drugs
2022 Dec 24
He Q, Tong T, Yu C
35. Isolation, Characterization and Immunomodulatory Activity Evaluation of Chrysolaminarin from the Filamentous Microalga Tribonema aequale.
Mar Drugs
2022 Dec 24
Wang F, Yang R, Guo Y
36. Alginates Combined with Natural Polymers as Valuable Drug Delivery Platforms.
Mar Drugs
2022 Dec 23
Kruk K, Winnicka K.
37. Exploring Oceans for Curative Compounds: Potential New Antimicrobial and Anti-Virulence Molecules against Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
Mar Drugs
2022 Dec 23
Coppola D, Buonocore C, Palisse M
38. Fine-Dust-Induced Skin Inflammation: Low-Molecular-Weight Fucoidan Protects Keratinocytes and Underlying Fibroblasts in an Integrated Culture Model.
Mar Drugs
2022 Dec 23
Kirindage KGIS, Jayasinghe AMK, Cho N
39. Spatial Structure of Lectin from the Mussel Mytilus trossulus: In-Sights from Molecular Modelling and Practical Proof.
Mar Drugs
2022 Dec 23
Filshtein AP, Chikalovets IV, Mizgina TO
40. Novel Sesquiterpene and Diterpene Aminoglycosides from the Deep-Sea-Sediment Fungus Trichoderma sp. SCSIOW21.
Mar Drugs
2022 Dec 22
Li H, Liu X, Hu Z
41. A Hotspot of TTX Contamination in the Adriatic Sea: Study on the Origin and Causative Factors.
Mar Drugs
2022 Dec 22
Bacchiocchi S, Campacci D, Siracusa M
42. Identification and Characterization of a New Cold-Adapted and Alkaline Alginate Lyase TsAly7A from Thalassomonas sp. LD5 Produces Alginate Oligosaccharides with High Degree of Polymerization.
Mar Drugs
2022 Dec 22
Yin C, Sun J, Wang H
43. Molecular Diversity and Biochemical Content in Two Invasive Alien Species: Looking for Chemical Similarities and Bioactivities.
Mar Drugs
2022 Dec 22
Vega J, Catalá TS, García-Márquez J
44. Alkyl Glycerol Ethers as Adaptogens.
Mar Drugs
2022 Dec 21
Sultanov R, Ermolenko E, Poleshchuk T
45. Characterization of New Gambierones Produced by Gambierdiscus balechii 1123M1M10.
Mar Drugs
2022 Dec 21
Liu X, Ma Y, Wu J
46. Bioassay-Guided Fractionation Leads to the Detection of Cholic Acid Generated by the Rare Thalassomonas sp.
Mar Drugs
2022 Dec 20
Pheiffer F, Schneider YK, Hansen EH
47. Planococcus maritimu ML1206 Strain Enhances Stress Resistance and Extends the Lifespan in Caenorhabditis elegans via FOXO/DAF-16.
Mar Drugs
2022 Dec 20
Wu JS, Lin CG, Jin CL
48. Cosmetic Application of Cyanobacteria Extracts with a Sustainable Vision to Skincare: Role in the Antioxidant and Antiaging Process.
Mar Drugs
2022 Dec 2
Morone J, Lopes G, Morais J
49. Macroalgae Specialized Metabolites: Evidence for Their Anti-Inflammatory Health Benefits.
Mar Drugs
2022 Dec 19
Rocha DHA, Pinto DCGA, Silva AMS.
50. Structural Characterization and Spatial Mapping of Tetrodotoxins in Australian Polyclads.
Mar Drugs
2022 Dec 19
McNab JM, Briggs MT, Williamson JE
51. Complexes of Cu-Polysaccharide of a Marine Red Microalga Produce Spikes with Antimicrobial Activity.
Mar Drugs
2022 Dec 19
Yehuda N, Gheber LA, Kushmaro A
52. Polyphenolic Compounds Isolated from Marine Algae Attenuate the Replication of SARS-CoV-2 in the Host Cell through a Multi-Target Approach of 3CL(pro) and PL(pro).
Mar Drugs
2022 Dec 19
Nagahawatta DP, Liyanage NM, Je JG
53. Antidiabetic Properties of Chitosan and Its Derivatives.
Mar Drugs
2022 Dec 17
Tzeng HP, Liu SH, Chiang MT.
54. Fillet Fish Fortified with Algal Extracts of Codium tomentosum and Actinotrichia fragilis, as a Potential Antibacterial and Antioxidant Food Supplement.
Mar Drugs
2022 Dec 17
Hafez MSMAE, Rashedy SH, Abdelmotilib NM
55. Chitosan-Based Carbon Dots with Applied Aspects: New Frontiers of International Interest in a Material of Marine Origin.
Mar Drugs
2022 Dec 16
Villalba-Rodríguez AM, González-González RB, Martínez-Ruiz M
56. A Novel κ-Carrageenase from Marine Bacterium Rhodopirellula sallentina SM41: Heterologous Expression, Biochemical Characterization and Salt-Tolerance Mechanism Investigation.
Mar Drugs
2022 Dec 16
Zhang YH, Chen YY, Zhuang XY
57. Functional Properties of Dunaliella salina and Its Positive Effect on Probiotics.
Mar Drugs
2022 Dec 15
Hyrslova I, Krausova G, Mrvikova I
58. New Dibenzo-α-pyrone Derivatives with α-Glucosidase Inhibitory Activities from the Marine-Derived Fungus Alternaria alternata.
Mar Drugs
2022 Dec 14
Zhang J, Zhang B, Cai L
59. Characterization and Optimization of Culture Conditions for Aurantiochytrium sp. SC145 Isolated from Sand Cay (Son Ca) Island, Vietnam, and Antioxidative and Neuroprotective Activities of Its Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Mixture.
Mar Drugs
2022 Dec 14
Hien HTM, Thom LT, Ha NC
60. Dieckol Isolated from Eisenia bicyclis Ameliorates Wrinkling and Improves Skin Hydration via MAPK/AP-1 and TGF-β/Smad Signaling Pathways in UVB-Irradiated Hairless Mice.
Mar Drugs
2022 Dec 14
Kim JM, Chung KS, Yoon YS
61. Anticancer Activity of Mannose-Specific Lectin, BPL2, from Marine Green Alga Bryopsis plumosa.
Mar Drugs
2022 Dec 13
Lee JH, Lee SB, Kim H
62. A Molecular Modeling Investigation of the Therapeutic Potential of Marine Compounds as DPP-4 Inhibitors.
Mar Drugs
2022 Dec 13
Antony P, Baby B, Aleissaee HM
63. Brown Macroalgae (Phaeophyceae): A Valuable Reservoir of Antimicrobial Compounds on Northern Coast of Spain.
Mar Drugs
2022 Dec 12
Rubiño S, Peteiro C, Aymerich T
64. Conus regius-Derived Conotoxins: Novel Therapeutic Opportunities from a Marine Organism.
Mar Drugs
2022 Dec 10
Margiotta F, Micheli L, Ciampi C
65. Biological Properties and Health-Promoting Functions of Laminarin: A Comprehensive Review of Preclinical and Clinical Studies.
Mar Drugs
2022 Dec 10
Karuppusamy S, Rajauria G, Fitzpatrick S
66. Marine Polyphenol Phlorotannins as a Natural Sleep Aid for Treatment of Insomnia: A Review of Sedative-Hypnotic Effects and Mechanism of Action.
Mar Drugs
2022 Dec 10
Kim S, Kim D, Um MY
67. Marine Compounds and Cancer: Updates 2022.
Mar Drugs
2022 Dec 1
Dyshlovoy SA, Honecker F.
68. Marine-Derived Actinomycetes: Biodegradation of Plastics and Formation of PHA Bioplastics-A Circular Bioeconomy Approach.
Mar Drugs
2022 Dec 1
Oliveira J, Almeida PL, Sobral RG
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