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2021 Mar (62)
2021 Feb (57)
2021 Jan (63)
1. Phycocyanin Ameliorates Colitis-Associated Colorectal Cancer by Regulating the Gut Microbiota and the IL-17 Signaling Pathway.
Mar Drugs
2022 Apr 9
Pan D, Huang B, Gan Y
2. One-Step Preparative Separation of Fucoxanthin from Three Edible Brown Algae by Elution-Extrusion Countercurrent Chromatography.
Mar Drugs
2022 Apr 7
Chen D, Jin Y, Hu D
3. Aromatic Acids and Leucine Derivatives Produced from the Deep-Sea Actinomycetes Streptomyceschumphonensis SCSIO15079 with Antihyperlipidemic Activities.
Mar Drugs
2022 Apr 7
Su Z, Li K, Luo X
4. The Emerging Evidence for a Protective Role of Fucoidan from Laminaria japonica in Chronic Kidney Disease-Triggered Cognitive Dysfunction.
Mar Drugs
2022 Apr 7
Ma Z, Yang Z, Feng X
5. New 3-Acyl Tetramic Acid Derivatives from the Deep-Sea-Derived Fungus Lecanicillium fusisporum.
Mar Drugs
2022 Apr 6
Xu X, Tan Y, Gao C
6. A Glimpse at Siderophores Production by Anabaena flos-aquae UTEX 1444.
Mar Drugs
2022 Apr 6
Teta R, Esposito G, Kundu K
7. Degradation of Alginate by a Newly Isolated Marine Bacterium Agarivorans sp. B2Z047.
Mar Drugs
2022 Apr 4
Sun XK, Gong Y, Shang DD
8. Valorization of Side Stream Products from Sea Cage Fattened Bluefin Tuna (Thunnus thynnus): Production and In Vitro Bioactivity Evaluation of Enriched ω-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids.
Mar Drugs
2022 Apr 30
Messina CM, Arena R, Manuguerra S
9. Anti-Photoaging Effect of Hydrolysates from Pacific Whiting Skin via MAPK/AP-1, NF-κB, TGF-β/Smad, and Nrf-2/HO-1 Signaling Pathway in UVB-Induced Human Dermal Fibroblasts.
Mar Drugs
2022 Apr 30
Han SH, Ballinger E, Choung SY
10. Algal Polysaccharides-Based Hydrogels: Extraction, Synthesis, Characterization, and Applications.
Mar Drugs
2022 Apr 29
Lin J, Jiao G, Kermanshahi-Pour A.
11. The Endo-α(1,3)-Fucoidanase Mef2 Releases Uniquely Branched Oligosaccharides from Saccharina latissima Fucoidans.
Mar Drugs
2022 Apr 29
Tran VHN, Nguyen TT, Meier S
12. Identification of Anti-TNFα VNAR Single Domain Antibodies from Whitespotted Bambooshark (Chiloscyllium plagiosum).
Mar Drugs
2022 Apr 29
Zhao L, Chen M, Wang X
13. Marine Microbial Diversity as Source of Bioactive Compounds.
Mar Drugs
2022 Apr 29
Shaaban KA.
14. Wide Range Applications of Spirulina: From Earth to Space Missions.
Mar Drugs
2022 Apr 28
Fais G, Manca A, Bolognesi F
15. Discovery of Anti-MRSA Secondary Metabolites from a Marine-Derived Fungus Aspergillus fumigatus.
Mar Drugs
2022 Apr 28
Zhang R, Wang H, Chen B
16. Exploring the Mangrove Fruit: From the Phytochemicals to Functional Food Development and the Current Progress in the Middle East.
Mar Drugs
2022 Apr 28
Budiyanto F, Alhomaidi EA, Mohammed AE
17. Antimicrobial Diterpene Alkaloids from an Agelas citrina Sponge Collected in the Yucatán Peninsula.
Mar Drugs
2022 Apr 28
Pech-Puch D, Forero AM, Fuentes-Monteverde JC
18. Physicochemical Characterization of Fucoidans from Sargassum henslowianum C.Agardh and Their Antithrombotic Activity In Vitro.
Mar Drugs
2022 Apr 28
Lin P, Chen S, Liao M
19. Preclinical Development of Seriniquinones as Selective Dermcidin Modulators for the Treatment of Melanoma.
Mar Drugs
2022 Apr 28
Hirata AS, La Clair JJ, Jimenez PC
20. Computationally Assisted Structural Elucidation of Cembranoids from the Soft Coral Sarcophyton tortuosum.
Mar Drugs
2022 Apr 27
Chao CH, Lin KH, Huang CY
21. Extraction and Identification of Three New Urechis unicinctus Visceral Peptides and Their Antioxidant Activity.
Mar Drugs
2022 Apr 27
Li J, Lu J, Asakiya C
22. Evaluation of Antiviral Effect against SARS-CoV-2 Propagation by Crude Polysaccharides from Seaweed and Abalone Viscera In Vitro.
Mar Drugs
2022 Apr 27
Kang SM, Tark D, Song BM
23. Anti-Inflammatory Polyketides from an Alga-Derived Fungus Aspergillus ochraceopetaliformis SCSIO 41020.
Mar Drugs
2022 Apr 27
Chen C, Ren X, Tao H
24. Genome Mining of α-Pyrone Natural Products from Ascidian-Derived Fungus Amphichordafelina SYSU-MS7908.
Mar Drugs
2022 Apr 27
Yuan S, Chen L, Wu Q
25. Natural Polyether Ionophores and Their Pharmacological Profile.
Mar Drugs
2022 Apr 26
Dembitsky VM.
26. Transcriptomic Insights into the Diversity and Evolution of Myxozoa (Cnidaria, Endocnidozoa) Toxin-like Proteins.
Mar Drugs
2022 Apr 26
Xiao B, Guo Q, Zhai Y
27. Responsible Research and Innovation Framework, the Nagoya Protocol and Other European Blue Biotechnology Strategies and Regulations: Gaps Analysis and Recommendations for Increased Knowledge in the Marine Biotechnology Community.
Mar Drugs
2022 Apr 26
Schneider XT, Stroil BK, Tourapi C
28. Multi-Step Enzymatic Production and Purification of 2-Keto-3-Deoxy-Galactonate from Red-Macroalgae-Derived Agarose.
Mar Drugs
2022 Apr 25
Yu S, Park SY, Kim DH
29. Fluorescent Labeling of Polymannuronic Acid and Its Distribution in Mice by Tail Vein Injection.
Mar Drugs
2022 Apr 25
Song S, Wei Q, Wang K
30. Emerging Trends in Genetic Engineering of Microalgae for Commercial Applications.
Mar Drugs
2022 Apr 24
Grama SB, Liu Z, Li J.
31. Comprehensive Genomic Analysis of Marine Strain Streptomyces sp. 891, an Excellent Producer of Chrysomycin A with Therapeutic Potential.
Mar Drugs
2022 Apr 24
Hu X, Tang Y, Liu Y
32. Theragra chalcogramma Hydrolysates, Rich in Gly-Leu-Pro-Ser-Tyr-Thr, Exerts Anti-Photoaging Potential via Targeting MAPK and NF-κB Pathways in SD Rats.
Mar Drugs
2022 Apr 24
Xu D, Zhao M, Lin H
33. Aqueous Extract of Sea Squirt (Halocynthia roretzi) with Potent Activity against Human Cancer Cells Acts Synergistically with Doxorubicin.
Mar Drugs
2022 Apr 23
Zhu Y, Han S, Li J
34. Novel α-Amylase Inhibitor Hemi-Pyocyanin Produced by Microbial Conversion of Chitinous Discards.
Mar Drugs
2022 Apr 23
Nguyen TH, Wang SL, Nguyen AD
35. Pathophysiological Responses to Conotoxin Modulation of Voltage-Gated Ion Currents.
Mar Drugs
2022 Apr 23
Tosti E, Boni R, Gallo A.
36. Discovery and Photoisomerization of New Pyrrolosesquiterpenoids Glaciapyrroles D and E, from Deep-Sea Sediment Streptomyces sp.
Mar Drugs
2022 Apr 22
Ko K, Kim SH, Park S
37. A Systematic Review on Marine Algae-Derived Fucoxanthin: An Update of Pharmacological Insights.
Mar Drugs
2022 Apr 22
Mohibbullah M, Haque MN, Sohag AAM
38. Ishophloroglucin A, Isolated from Ishige okamurae, Alleviates Dexamethasone-Induced Muscle Atrophy through Muscle Protein Metabolism In Vivo.
Mar Drugs
2022 Apr 22
Yang HW, Oh S, Chung DM
39. Preparation of Doxorubicin-Loaded Carboxymethyl-β-Cyclodextrin/Chitosan Nanoparticles with Antioxidant, Antitumor Activities and pH-Sensitive Release.
Mar Drugs
2022 Apr 21
Mi Y, Zhang J, Tan W
40. Lulworthinone: In Vitro Mode of Action Investigation of an Antibacterial Dimeric Naphthopyrone Isolated from a Marine Fungus.
Mar Drugs
2022 Apr 21
Juskewitz E, Mishchenko E, Dubey VK
41. Overexpressing CrePAPS Polyadenylate Activity Enhances Protein Translation and Accumulation in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii.
Mar Drugs
2022 Apr 21
Wang Q, Zhuang J, Ni S
42. Citromycin Isolated from the Antarctic Marine-Derived Fungi, Sporothrix sp., Inhibits Ovarian Cancer Cell Invasion via Suppression of ERK Signaling.
Mar Drugs
2022 Apr 20
Choi HY, Ahn JH, Kwon H
43. Alzheimer's Disease and Toxins Produced by Marine Dinoflagellates: An Issue to Explore.
Mar Drugs
2022 Apr 2
Botelho MJ, Milinovic J, Bandarra NM
44. Marine Migrastatics: A Comprehensive 2022 Update.
Mar Drugs
2022 Apr 19
Vasarri M, Barletta E, Degl'Innocenti D.
45. Evaluation of a Thermophilic, Psychrostable, and Heavy Metal-Resistant Red Sea Brine Pool Esterase.
Mar Drugs
2022 Apr 19
Ahmed SF, Abdallah RZ, Siam R.
46. Development of a High-Performance Thin-Layer Chromatography Method for the Quantification of Alkyl Glycerolipids and Alkenyl Glycerolipids from Shark and Chimera Oils and Tissues.
Mar Drugs
2022 Apr 18
Papin M, Guimaraes C, Pierre-Aue B
47. Phytoplankton Toxins and Their Potential Therapeutic Applications: A Journey toward the Quest for Potent Pharmaceuticals.
Mar Drugs
2022 Apr 18
Pradhan B, Ki JS.
48. Sinuhirtone A, An Uncommon 17,19-Dinorxeniaphyllanoid, and Nine Related New Terpenoids from the Hainan Soft Coral Sinularia hirta.
Mar Drugs
2022 Apr 18
Chen ZH, Lu SQ, Han GY
49. Discovery of New Secondary Metabolites from Marine Bacteria Hahella Based on an Omics Strategy.
Mar Drugs
2022 Apr 18
He S, Li P, Wang J
50. A Survey on the Distribution of Ovothiol and ovoA Gene Expression in Different Tissues and Cells: A Comparative Analysis in Sea Urchins and Mussels.
Mar Drugs
2022 Apr 15
Murano C, Zuccarotto A, Leone S
51. Jellyfish from Fisheries By-Catches as a Sustainable Source of High-Value Compounds with Biotechnological Applications.
Mar Drugs
2022 Apr 14
D'Ambra I, Merquiol L.
52. Astaxanthin Confers a Significant Attenuation of Hippocampal Neuronal Loss Induced by Severe Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury in Gerbils by Reducing Oxidative Stress.
Mar Drugs
2022 Apr 14
Park JH, Lee TK, Kim DW
53. Cytotoxic Alkylynols of the Sponge Cribrochalina vasculum: Structure, Synthetic Analogs and SAR Studies.
Mar Drugs
2022 Apr 13
Kovalerchik D, Zovko A, Hååg P
54. Evaluation of the Potential of Lipid-Extracted Chlorella vulgaris Residue for Yarrowia lipolytica Growth at Different pH Levels.
Mar Drugs
2022 Apr 13
Delfau-Bonnet G, Imatoukene N, Clément T
55. Effect of Extraction Temperature on Pressurized Liquid Extraction of Bioactive Compounds from Fucus vesiculosus.
Mar Drugs
2022 Apr 12
Getachew AT, Holdt SL, Meyer AS
56. Protective Effects of Marine Alkaloid Neolamellarin A Derivatives against Glutamate Induced PC12 Cell Apoptosis.
Mar Drugs
2022 Apr 12
Zhang K, Guan X, Zhang X
57. The Effects of Freshwater Clam (Corbicula fluminea) Extract on Serum Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha (TNF-α) in Prediabetic Patients in Taiwan.
Mar Drugs
2022 Apr 10
Huang TH, Ke CH, Chen CC
58. Theragra chalcogramma Hydrolysate, Rich in Gly-Leu-Pro-Ser-Tyr-Thr, Alleviates Photoaging via Modulating Deposition of Collagen Fibers and Restoration of Extracellular Components Matrix in SD Rats.
Mar Drugs
2022 Apr 1
Xu D, Li C, Zhao M.
59. Evaluating Age and Growth Relationship to Ciguatoxicity in Five Coral Reef Fish Species from French Polynesia.
Mar Drugs
2022 Apr 1
Darius HT, Paillon C, Mou-Tham G
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