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2021 Jan (63)
1. The Potential Protective Effect and Possible Mechanism of Peptides from Oyster (Crassostrea hongkongensis) Hydrolysate on Triptolide-Induced Testis Injury in Male Mice.
Mar Drugs
2021 Oct 9
Zhang X, Peng Z, Zheng H
2. ARTP Mutagenesis of Schizochytrium sp. PKU#Mn4 and Clethodim-Based Mutant Screening for Enhanced Docosahexaenoic Acid Accumulation.
Mar Drugs
2021 Oct 7
Liu L, Bai M, Zhang S
3. Potential Biomedical Applications of Collagen Filaments derived from the Marine Demosponges Ircinia oros (Schmidt, 1864) and Sarcotragus foetidus (Schmidt, 1862).
Mar Drugs
2021 Oct 6
Pozzolini M, Tassara E, Dodero A
4. Voltage-Gated Sodium Channels: A Prominent Target of Marine Toxins.
Mar Drugs
2021 Oct 5
Mackieh R, Abou-Nader R, Wehbe R
5. Brown Algae Carbohydrates: Structures, Pharmaceutical Properties, and Research Challenges.
Mar Drugs
2021 Oct 31
Li Y, Zheng Y, Zhang Y
6. Jellyfish Bioprospecting in the Mediterranean Sea: Antioxidant and Lysozyme-Like Activities from Aurelia coerulea (Cnidaria, Scyphozoa) Extracts.
Mar Drugs
2021 Oct 31
Stabili L, Rizzo L, Caprioli R
7. Antibacterial Meroterpenoids, Merochlorins G-J from the Marine Bacterium Streptomyces sp.
Mar Drugs
2021 Oct 30
Ryu MJ, Hillman PF, Lee J
8. Optimisation of Healthy-Lipid Content and Oxidative Stability during Oil Extraction from Squid (Illex argentinus) Viscera by Green Processing.
Mar Drugs
2021 Oct 30
Rodríguez A, Trigo M, Aubourg SP
9. Pretreatment Techniques and Green Extraction Technologies for Agar from Gracilaria lemaneiformis.
Mar Drugs
2021 Oct 30
Xiao Q, Wang X, Zhang J
10. Extraction, Isolation and Characterization of Mycosporine-like Amino Acids from Four Species of Red Macroalgae.
Mar Drugs
2021 Oct 28
Sun Y, Han X, Hu Z
11. Oyster-Derived Tyr-Ala (YA) Peptide Prevents Lipopolysaccharide/D-Galactosamine-Induced Acute Liver Failure by Suppressing Inflammatory, Apoptotic, Ferroptotic, and Pyroptotic Signals.
Mar Drugs
2021 Oct 28
Siregar AS, Nyiramana MM, Kim EJ
12. Pseudoalteromone A, a Ubiquinone Derivative from Marine Pseudoalteromonas spp., Suppresses Melanogenesis.
Mar Drugs
2021 Oct 28
Lim SJ, Min DJ, Kim S
13. Cytotoxic Indole-Diterpenoids from the Marine-Derived Fungus Penicillium sp. KFD28.
Mar Drugs
2021 Oct 28
Dai LT, Yang L, Kong FD
14. Ecological and Pharmacological Activities of Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs) from the Indonesian Marine Sponge Lamellodysidea herbacea.
Mar Drugs
2021 Oct 27
Faisal MR, Kellermann MY, Rohde S
15. Advances in Phenazines over the Past Decade: Review of Their Pharmacological Activities, Mechanisms of Action, Biosynthetic Pathways and Synthetic Strategies.
Mar Drugs
2021 Oct 27
Yan J, Liu W, Cai J
16. Hidden Diversity in an Antarctic Algal Forest: Metabolomic Profiling Linked to Patterns of Genetic Diversification in the Antarctic Red Alga Plocamium sp.
Mar Drugs
2021 Oct 27
Shilling AJ, Heiser S, Amsler CD
17. Cytoprotective Peptides from Blue Mussel Protein Hydrolysates: Identification and Mechanism Investigation in Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells Injury.
Mar Drugs
2021 Oct 27
Suryaningtyas IT, Ahn CB, Je JY.
18. Marine Sulfated Polysaccharides: Preventive and Therapeutic Effects on Metabolic Syndrome: A Review.
Mar Drugs
2021 Oct 27
Li Y, Qin J, Cheng Y
19. Wound Healing Metabolites from Peters' Elephant-Nose Fish Oil: An In Vivo Investigation Supported by In Vitro and In Silico Studies.
Mar Drugs
2021 Oct 26
Alsenani F, Ashour AM, Alzubaidi MA
20. The Critical Studies of Fucoxanthin Research Trends from 1928 to June 2021: A Bibliometric Review.
Mar Drugs
2021 Oct 26
Khaw YS, Yusoff FM, Tan HT
21. Structure-Activity Relationships of Holothuroid's Triterpene Glycosides and Some In Silico Insights Obtained by Molecular Dynamics Study on the Mechanisms of Their Membranolytic Action.
Mar Drugs
2021 Oct 25
Zelepuga EA, Silchenko AS, Avilov SA
22. Development of a Fast Liquid Chromatography Coupled to Mass Spectrometry Method (LC-MS/MS) to Determine Fourteen Lipophilic Shellfish Toxins Based on Fused-Core Technology: In-House Validation.
Mar Drugs
2021 Oct 24
Rossignoli AE, Mariño C, Martín H
23. Bacillus spp. Inhibit Edwardsiella tarda Quorum-Sensing and Fish Infection.
Mar Drugs
2021 Oct 23
Santos RA, Monteiro M, Rangel F
24. Actinomycin V Induces Apoptosis Associated with Mitochondrial and PI3K/AKT Pathways in Human CRC Cells.
Mar Drugs
2021 Oct 22
Jiang S, Zhang E, Ruan H
25. Phloroglucinol-Gold and -Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles: Antibiofilm and Antivirulence Activities towards Pseudomonasaeruginosa PAO1.
Mar Drugs
2021 Oct 22
Khan F, Kang MG, Jo DM
26. Characteristics of Two Crustins from Alvinocaris longirostris in Hydrothermal Vents.
Mar Drugs
2021 Oct 22
Guo LL, Wang SL, Zhu FC
27. Preparation and Characterization of Thermally Stable Collagens from the Scales of Lizardfish (Synodus macrops).
Mar Drugs
2021 Oct 21
Chen J, Wang G, Li Y.
28. Expression and Characterization of a Novel Cold-Adapted Chitosanase from Marine Renibacterium sp. Suitable for Chitooligosaccharides Preparation.
Mar Drugs
2021 Oct 21
Zhang LL, Jiang XH, Xiao XF
29. Characterization of Marine Organism Extracellular Matrix-Anchored Extracellular Vesicles and Their Biological Effect on the Alleviation of Pro-Inflammatory Cytokines.
Mar Drugs
2021 Oct 21
Jo SH, Kim SH, Kim C
30. Ethanol Extraction of Polar Lipids from Nannochloropsis oceanica for Food, Feed, and Biotechnology Applications Evaluated Using Lipidomic Approaches.
Mar Drugs
2021 Oct 21
Melo T, Figueiredo ARP, da Costa E
31. Functional Feeds to Tackle Meagre (Argyrosomus regius) Stress: Physiological Responses under Acute Stressful Handling Conditions.
Mar Drugs
2021 Oct 21
Monteiro M, Sousa C, Coutinho F
32. Mitosis Inhibitors Induce Massive Accumulation of Phytoene in the Microalga Dunaliella salina.
Mar Drugs
2021 Oct 21
Xu Y, Harvey PJ.
33. Halophilic Carotenoids and Breast Cancer: From Salt Marshes to Biomedicine.
Mar Drugs
2021 Oct 21
Giani M, Montoyo-Pujol YG, Peiró G
34. Fucoidan and Derived Oligo-Fucoses: Structural Features with Relevance in Competitive Inhibition of Gastrointestinal Norovirus Binding.
Mar Drugs
2021 Oct 21
Hanisch FG, Aydogan C, Schroten H.
35. C-phycoerythrin from Phormidium persicinum Prevents Acute Kidney Injury by Attenuating Oxidative and Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress.
Mar Drugs
2021 Oct 20
Blas-Valdivia V, Rojas-Franco P, Serrano-Contreras JI
36. Discovery of GOT1 Inhibitors from a Marine-Derived Aspergillus terreus That Act against Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma.
Mar Drugs
2021 Oct 20
Yan S, Qi C, Song W
37. ω-3 DPA Protected Neurons from Neuroinflammation by Balancing Microglia M1/M2 Polarizations through Inhibiting NF-κB/MAPK p38 Signaling and Activating Neuron-BDNF-PI3K/AKT Pathways.
Mar Drugs
2021 Oct 20
Liu B, Zhang Y, Yang Z
38. Purification and Characterization of a Novel Alginate Lyase from a Marine Streptomyces Species Isolated from Seaweed.
Mar Drugs
2021 Oct 20
Nguyen TNT, Chataway T, Araujo R
39. Marine-Derived Compounds for the Potential Treatment of Glucocorticoid Resistance in Severe Asthma.
Mar Drugs
2021 Oct 20
Ghiciuc CM, Vicovan AG, Stafie CS
40. Heterocornols from the Sponge-Derived Fungus Pestalotiopsis heterocornis with Anti-Inflammatory Activity.
Mar Drugs
2021 Oct 20
Lei H, Bi X, Lin X
41. Synthesis and Bioactivity of Ancorinoside B, a Marine Diglycosyl Tetramic Acid.
Mar Drugs
2021 Oct 19
Soliga KJ, Bär SI, Oberhuber N
42. Study on the Mechanism of the Blood-Glucose-Lowering Effect of Collagen Peptides from Sturgeon By-Products.
Mar Drugs
2021 Oct 19
Sasaoka Y, Takagi T, Michiba S
43. Investigation of Marine-Derived Natural Products as Raf Kinase Inhibitory Protein (RKIP)-Binding Ligands.
Mar Drugs
2021 Oct 18
Parate S, Kumar V, Hong JC
44. Application of Networking Approaches to Assess the Chemical Diversity, Biogeography, and Pharmaceutical Potential of Verongiida Natural Products.
Mar Drugs
2021 Oct 18
Lever J, Brkljača R, Rix C
45. Chemical Constituents of the Deep-Sea-Derived Penicillium solitum.
Mar Drugs
2021 Oct 17
He ZH, Wu J, Xu L
46. Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile Dampens Cell Migration of Human Neuroblastoma Cells.
Mar Drugs
2021 Oct 15
Vasarri M, Leri M, Barletta E
47. Nutritional Value and Biofunctionalities of Two Edible Green Seaweeds (Ulva lactuca and Caulerpa racemosa) from Indonesia by Subcritical Water Hydrolysis.
Mar Drugs
2021 Oct 15
Pangestuti R, Haq M, Rahmadi P
48. In Vitro Anti-Orthohantavirus Activity of the High-and Low-Molecular-Weight Fractions of Fucoidan from the Brown Alga Fucus evanescens.
Mar Drugs
2021 Oct 15
Krylova NV, Silchenko AS, Pott AB
49. Laminarin, a Major Polysaccharide in Stramenopiles.
Mar Drugs
2021 Oct 15
Chen J, Yang J, Du H
50. Research Progress in Anti-Inflammatory Bioactive Substances Derived from Marine Microorganisms, Sponges, Algae, and Corals.
Mar Drugs
2021 Oct 14
Li CQ, Ma QY, Gao XZ
51. 3-D Culture of Marine Sponge Cells for Production of Bioactive Compounds.
Mar Drugs
2021 Oct 14
Urban-Gedamke E, Conkling M, McCarthy PJ
52. Valorization of the Red Algae Gelidium sesquipedale by Extracting a Broad Spectrum of Minor Compounds Using Green Approaches.
Mar Drugs
2021 Oct 14
Castejón N, Parailloux M, Izdebska A
53. Microalgae as Sustainable Biofactories to Produce High-Value Lipids: Biodiversity, Exploitation, and Biotechnological Applications.
Mar Drugs
2021 Oct 14
Fernandes T, Cordeiro N.
54. Chondracanthus teedei var. lusitanicus: The Nutraceutical Potential of an Unexploited Marine Resource.
Mar Drugs
2021 Oct 14
Pacheco D, Cotas J, Domingues A
55. Saliniquinone Derivatives, Saliniquinones G-I and Heraclemycin E, from the Marine Animal-Derived Nocardiopsis aegyptia HDN19-252.
Mar Drugs
2021 Oct 14
Zhou L, Chen X, Sun C
56. Thraustochytrids of Mangrove Habitats from Andaman Islands: Species Diversity, PUFA Profiles and Biotechnological Potential.
Mar Drugs
2021 Oct 14
Kalidasan K, Vinithkumar NV, Peter DM
57. Changing Trends in Paralytic Shellfish Poisonings Reflect Increasing Sea Surface Temperatures and Practices of Indigenous and Recreational Harvesters in British Columbia, Canada.
Mar Drugs
2021 Oct 14
McIntyre L, Miller A, Kosatsky T.
58. Identifying Potential Antioxidant Properties from the Viscera of Sea Snails (Turbo cornutus).
Mar Drugs
2021 Oct 13
Kang N, Kim EA, Kim J
59. Targeted Isolation of a Cytotoxic Cyclic Hexadepsipeptide from the Mesophotic Zone Sponge-Associated Fungus Cymostachys sp. NBUF082.
Mar Drugs
2021 Oct 11
Yuan Y, Li T, Wang T
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