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2021 May (62)
2021 Apr (61)
2021 Mar (62)
2021 Feb (57)
2021 Jan (63)
1. Secondary Metabolite Production Potential of Mangrove-Derived Streptomyces olivaceus.
Mar Drugs
2021 Jun 8
Hu D, Lee SM, Li K
2. Current Trend of Marine Carbohydrate-Containing Compounds with Medicinal Properties.
Mar Drugs
2021 Jun 8
Yermak IM, Davydova VN.
3. Sphingolipids of Asteroidea and Holothuroidea: Structures and Biological Activities.
Mar Drugs
2021 Jun 8
Malyarenko TV, Kicha AA, Stonik VA
4. Genome Mining for Antimicrobial Compounds in Wild Marine Animals-Associated Enterococci.
Mar Drugs
2021 Jun 6
Prichula J, Primon-Barros M, Luz RCZ
5. Spray Drying of Chitosan Acid Salts: Process Development, Scaling Up and Physicochemical Material Characterization.
Mar Drugs
2021 Jun 6
de la Paz N, Fernández M, López O
6. Malabaricane and Isomalabaricane Triterpenoids, Including Their Glycoconjugated Forms.
Mar Drugs
2021 Jun 5
Stonik VA, Kolesnikova SA.
7. In Vitro and In Silico Characterization of G-Protein Coupled Receptor (GPCR) Targets of Phlorofucofuroeckol-A and Dieckol.
Mar Drugs
2021 Jun 4
Paudel P, Seong SH, Park SE
8. Electrophysiological Evaluation of Pacific Oyster (Crassostrea gigas) Sensitivity to Saxitoxin and Tetrodotoxin.
Mar Drugs
2021 Jun 30
Boullot F, Fabioux C, Hégaret H
9. From Sea to Skin: Is There a Future for Natural Photoprotectants?
Mar Drugs
2021 Jun 30
Milito A, Castellano I, Damiani E.
10. Dermacozine N, the First Natural Linear Pentacyclic Oxazinophenazine with UV-Vis Absorption Maxima in the Near Infrared Region, along with Dermacozines O and P Isolated from the Mariana Trench Sediment Strain Dermacoccus abyssi MT 1.1(T).
Mar Drugs
2021 Jun 3
Juhasz B, Pech-Puch D, Tabudravu JN
11. Antitumor Profile of Carbon-Bridged Steroids (CBS) and Triterpenoids.
Mar Drugs
2021 Jun 3
Dembitsky VM, Gloriozova TA, Poroikov VV.
12. Salmon (Salmo salar) Side Streams as a Bioresource to Obtain Potential Antioxidant Peptides after Applying Pressurized Liquid Extraction (PLE).
Mar Drugs
2021 Jun 3
de la Fuente B, Pallarés N, Berrada H
13. Muscle Protein Hydrolysates and Amino Acid Composition in Fish.
Mar Drugs
2021 Jun 29
Ryu B, Shin KH, Kim SK.
14. Therapeutic Potential of Hemoglobin Derived from the Marine Worm Arenicola marina (M101): A Literature Review of a Breakthrough Innovation.
Mar Drugs
2021 Jun 29
Batool F, Delpy E, Zal F
15. Impact of Phlorotannin Extracts from Fucus vesiculosus on Human Gut Microbiota.
Mar Drugs
2021 Jun 29
Catarino MD, Marçal C, Bonifácio-Lopes T
16. Untargeted Metabolomics Approach for the Discovery of Environment-Related Pyran-2-ones Chemodiversity in a Marine-Sourced Penicillium restrictum.
Mar Drugs
2021 Jun 29
Le VT, Bertrand S, Robiou du Pont T
17. Marine Alkaloids: Compounds with In Vivo Activity and Chemical Synthesis.
Mar Drugs
2021 Jun 28
Munekata PES, Pateiro M, Conte-Junior CA
18. Exploitation of Marine Molecules to Manage Alzheimer's Disease.
Mar Drugs
2021 Jun 28
Silva M, Seijas P, Otero P.
19. Research Progress of Chitosan-Based Biomimetic Materials.
Mar Drugs
2021 Jun 27
Zhang Z, Zhang L, Li C
20. Solid-Phase Extraction Embedded Dialysis (SPEED), an Innovative Procedure for the Investigation of Microbial Specialized Metabolites.
Mar Drugs
2021 Jun 26
Mai PY, Le Goff G, Poupon E
21. Symbiotic Associations in Ascidians: Relevance for Functional Innovation and Bioactive Potential.
Mar Drugs
2021 Jun 26
Matos A, Antunes A.
22. The Negative Relationship between Fouling Organisms and the Content of Eicosapentaenoic Acid and Docosahexaenoic Acid in Cultivated Pacific Oysters, Crassostrea gigas.
Mar Drugs
2021 Jun 25
Fujibayashi M, Nishimura O, Sakamaki T.
23. Potency- and Selectivity-Enhancing Mutations of Conotoxins for Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors Can Be Predicted Using Accurate Free-Energy Calculations.
Mar Drugs
2021 Jun 25
Katz D, DiMattia MA, Sindhikara D
24. Marine Actinomycetes, New Sources of Biotechnological Products.
Mar Drugs
2021 Jun 25
Jagannathan SV, Manemann EM, Rowe SE
25. Preparation and Antioxidant Activity of Chitosan Dimers with Different Sequences.
Mar Drugs
2021 Jun 25
Hao W, Li K, Ma Y
26. Fatty Acid Production and Direct Acyl Transfer through Polar Lipids Control TAG Biosynthesis during Nitrogen Deprivation in the Halotolerant Alga Dunaliella tertiolecta.
Mar Drugs
2021 Jun 25
Avidan O, Malitsky S, Pick U.
27. Marine Antitumor Peptide Dolastatin 10: Biological Activity, Structural Modification and Synthetic Chemistry.
Mar Drugs
2021 Jun 24
Gao G, Wang Y, Hua H
28. Agelasine Diterpenoids and Cbl-b Inhibitory Ageliferins from the Coralline Demosponge Astrosclera willeyana.
Mar Drugs
2021 Jun 24
Jiang W, Wang D, Wilson BAP
29. Comparative Study of Sargassum fusiforme Polysaccharides in Regulating Cecal and Fecal Microbiota of High-Fat Diet-Fed Mice.
Mar Drugs
2021 Jun 24
Wei B, Xu QL, Zhang B
30. New Diterpenoids and Isocoumarin Derivatives from the Mangrove-Derived Fungus Hypoxylon sp.
Mar Drugs
2021 Jun 24
Hou B, Liu S, Huo R
31. Chitosan Oligosaccharide Alleviates Abnormal Glucose Metabolism without Inhibition of Hepatic Lipid Accumulation in a High-Fat Diet/Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rat Model.
Mar Drugs
2021 Jun 23
Liu SH, Chen FW, Chiang MT.
32. Bioactivity of Chitosan-Based Particles Loaded with Plant-Derived Extracts for Biomedical Applications: Emphasis on Antimicrobial Fiber-Based Systems.
Mar Drugs
2021 Jun 23
Antunes JC, Domingues JM, Miranda CS
33. Seaweed Components as Potential Modulators of the Gut Microbiota.
Mar Drugs
2021 Jun 23
Shannon E, Conlon M, Hayes M.
34. Microalgae as Sustainable Bio-Factories of Healthy Lipids: Evaluating Fatty Acid Content and Antioxidant Activity.
Mar Drugs
2021 Jun 23
Conde TA, Neves BF, Couto D
35. A Broad-Specificity Chitinase from Penicillium oxalicum k10 Exhibits Antifungal Activity and Biodegradation Properties of Chitin.
Mar Drugs
2021 Jun 23
Xie XH, Fu X, Yan XY
36. Autotrophic vs. Heterotrophic Cultivation of the Marine Diatom Cyclotella cryptica for EPA Production.
Mar Drugs
2021 Jun 23
Cupo A, Landi S, Morra S
37. MMP-9 and IL-1β as Targets for Diatoxanthin and Related Microalgal Pigments: Potential Chemopreventive and Photoprotective Agents.
Mar Drugs
2021 Jun 22
Pistelli L, Sansone C, Smerilli A
38. Diversity and Antimicrobial Activity of Vietnamese Sponge-Associated Bacteria.
Mar Drugs
2021 Jun 22
Dat TTH, Cuc NTK, Cuong PV
39. Effects of Daily Kelp (Laminaria japonica) Intake on Body Composition, Serum Lipid Levels, and Thyroid Hormone Levels in Healthy Japanese Adults: A Randomized, Double-Blind Study.
Mar Drugs
2021 Jun 22
Aoe S, Yamanaka C, Ohtoshi H
40. Microbial Oligosaccharides with Biomedical Applications.
Mar Drugs
2021 Jun 21
Xu JL, Liu ZF, Zhang XW
41. Marine Antibiotics 2020.
Mar Drugs
2021 Jun 21
Fleury Y.
42. Distribution of the Water-Soluble Astaxanthin Binding Carotenoprotein (AstaP) in Scenedesmaceae.
Mar Drugs
2021 Jun 20
Toyoshima H, Miyata A, Yoshida R
43. Okadaic Acid Exposure Induced Neural Tube Defects in Chicken (Gallus gallus) Embryos.
Mar Drugs
2021 Jun 2
Jiao Y, Wang G, Li D
44. Four New Chromones from the Endophytic Fungus Phomopsis asparagi DHS-48 Isolated from the Chinese Mangrove Plant Rhizophora mangle.
Mar Drugs
2021 Jun 19
Wei C, Sun C, Feng Z
45. Purification, Identification, Activity Evaluation, and Stability of Antioxidant Peptides from Alcalase Hydrolysate of Antarctic Krill (Euphausia superba) Proteins.
Mar Drugs
2021 Jun 17
Zhang SY, Zhao GX, Suo SK
46. Astaxanthin Protects Dendritic Cells from Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Immune Dysfunction.
Mar Drugs
2021 Jun 17
Yin Y, Xu N, Shi Y
47. Bridging Cyanobacteria to Neurodegenerative Diseases: A New Potential Source of Bioactive Compounds against Alzheimer's Disease.
Mar Drugs
2021 Jun 16
Castaneda A, Ferraz R, Vieira M
48. Agarose Stearate-Carbomer(940) as Stabilizer and Rheology Modifier for Surfactant-Free Cosmetic Formulations.
Mar Drugs
2021 Jun 16
Xiao Q, Chen G, Zhang YH
49. Marine Polysaccharides as a Versatile Biomass for the Construction of Nano Drug Delivery Systems.
Mar Drugs
2021 Jun 16
Sun Y, Ma X, Hu H.
50. Development of Marine-Derived Compounds for Cancer Therapy.
Mar Drugs
2021 Jun 15
Zuo W, Kwok HF.
51. An Overview to the Health Benefits of Seaweeds Consumption.
Mar Drugs
2021 Jun 15
Lomartire S, Marques JC, Gonçalves AMM.
52. Effects of Ingesting Fucoidan Derived from Cladosiphon okamuranus Tokida on Human NK Cells: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Parallel-Group, Placebo-Controlled Pilot Study.
Mar Drugs
2021 Jun 15
Tomori M, Nagamine T, Miyamoto T
53. Six New Diterpene Glycosides from the Soft Coral Lemnaliabournei.
Mar Drugs
2021 Jun 14
Yan X, Ouyang H, Li T
54. Characterization of Protein Hydrolysates from Fish Discards and By-Products from the North-West Spain Fishing Fleet as Potential Sources of Bioactive Peptides.
Mar Drugs
2021 Jun 13
Henriques A, Vázquez JA, Valcarcel J
55. NaCl Promotes the Efficient Formation of Haematococcus pluvialis Nonmotile Cells under Phosphorus Deficiency.
Mar Drugs
2021 Jun 13
Li F, Zhang N, Zhang Y
56. Hemolytic Activity in Relation to the Photosynthetic System in Chattonella marina and Chattonella ovata.
Mar Drugs
2021 Jun 12
Wu N, Tong M, Gou S
57. A Comparative In Vitro Evaluation of the Anti-Inflammatory Effects of a Tisochrysis lutea Extract and Fucoxanthin.
Mar Drugs
2021 Jun 11
Bigagli E, D'Ambrosio M, Cinci L
58. Chemical Diversity and Biological Activity of Secondary Metabolites from Soft Coral Genus Sinularia since 2013.
Mar Drugs
2021 Jun 11
Yan X, Liu J, Leng X
59. Antiproliferative Illudalane Sesquiterpenes from the Marine Sediment Ascomycete Aspergillus oryzae.
Mar Drugs
2021 Jun 10
Orfali R, Perveen S, Khan MF
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