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2021 Mar (62)
2021 Feb (57)
2021 Jan (63)
1. New Prenylated Indole Homodimeric and Pteridine Alkaloids from the Marine-Derived Fungus Aspergillus austroafricanus Y32-2.
Mar Drugs
2021 Feb 9
Li P, Zhang M, Li H
2. New from Old: Thorectandrin Alkaloids in a Southern Australian Marine Sponge, Thorectandra choanoides (CMB-01889).
Mar Drugs
2021 Feb 9
Khushi S, Salim AA, Elbanna AH
3. Lipophilic Toxins in Wild Bivalves from the Southern Gulf of California, Mexico.
Mar Drugs
2021 Feb 9
Leyva-Valencia I, Hernández-Castro JE, Band-Schmidt CJ
4. Lipid Inhibitory Effect of (-)-loliolide Isolated from Sargassum horneri in 3T3-L1 Adipocytes: Inhibitory Mechanism of Adipose-Specific Proteins.
Mar Drugs
2021 Feb 8
Lee HG, Kim HS, Je JG
5. Tedaniophorbasins A and B-Novel Fluorescent Pteridine Alkaloids Incorporating a Thiomorpholine from the Sponge Tedaniophorbas ceratosis.
Mar Drugs
2021 Feb 7
Hiranrat A, Holland DC, Mahabusarakam W
6. Antiviral Potential of Algal Metabolites-A Comprehensive Review.
Mar Drugs
2021 Feb 6
Pagarete A, Ramos AS, Puntervoll P
7. Fucoxanthin@Polyvinylpyrrolidone Nanoparticles Promoted Oxidative Stress-Induced Cell Death in Caco-2 Human Colon Cancer Cells.
Mar Drugs
2021 Feb 5
Sui Y, Gu Y, Lu Y
8. Marine Antimicrobial Peptide TP4 Exerts Anticancer Effects on Human Synovial Sarcoma Cells via Calcium Overload, Reactive Oxygen Species Production and Mitochondrial Hyperpolarization.
Mar Drugs
2021 Feb 5
Su BC, Hung GY, Tu YC
9. Effects of Ethanol Extracts from Grateloupia elliptica, a Red Seaweed, and Its Chlorophyll Derivative on 3T3-L1 Adipocytes: Suppression of Lipid Accumulation through Downregulation of Adipogenic Protein Expression.
Mar Drugs
2021 Feb 4
Lee HG, Lu YA, Je JG
10. Isoquinolinequinone Derivatives from a Marine Sponge (Haliclona sp.) Regulate Inflammation in In Vitro System of Intestine.
Mar Drugs
2021 Feb 4
Kim YN, Ji YK, Kim NH
11. The Application of Seaweed Polysaccharides and Their Derived Products with Potential for the Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease.
Mar Drugs
2021 Feb 4
Bauer S, Jin W, Zhang F
12. Metabolites of Marine Sediment-Derived Fungi: Actual Trends of Biological Activity Studies.
Mar Drugs
2021 Feb 4
Yurchenko AN, Girich EV, Yurchenko EA.
13. Adding Zooplankton to the OSMAC Toolkit: Effect of Grazing Stress on the Metabolic Profile and Bioactivity of a Diatom.
Mar Drugs
2021 Feb 3
Osvik RD, Ingebrigtsen RA, Norrbin MF
14. Cytoprotective Role of Edible Seahorse (Hippocampus abdominalis)-Derived Peptides in H(2)O(2)-Induced Oxidative Stress in Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells.
Mar Drugs
2021 Feb 3
Oh Y, Ahn CB, Je JY.
15. Unravelling the Dermatological Potential of the Brown Seaweed Carpomitra costata.
Mar Drugs
2021 Feb 28
Susano P, Silva J, Alves C
16. Metabolites from Marine Sponges and Their Potential to Treat Malarial Protozoan Parasites Infection: A Systematic Review.
Mar Drugs
2021 Feb 28
Aguiar ACC, Parisi JR, Granito RN
17. 8-Hydroxybriaranes from Octocoral Briareum stechei (Briareidae) (Kükenthal, 1908).
Mar Drugs
2021 Feb 28
Huynh TH, Chien SY, Tanaka J
18. Exopolysaccharide from Porphyridium cruentum (purpureum) is Not Toxic and Stimulates Immune Response against Vibriosis: The Assessment Using Zebrafish and White Shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei.
Mar Drugs
2021 Feb 28
Risjani Y, Mutmainnah N, Manurung P
19. Ecklonia cava Attenuates PM(2.5)-Induced Cognitive Decline through Mitochondrial Activation and Anti-Inflammatory Effect.
Mar Drugs
2021 Feb 27
Park SK, Kang JY, Kim JM
20. Fucoxanthin Suppresses Osteoclastogenesis via Modulation of MAP Kinase and Nrf2 Signaling.
Mar Drugs
2021 Feb 27
Ha YJ, Choi YS, Oh YR
21. Biotechnological Production of the Sunscreen Pigment Scytonemin in Cyanobacteria: Progress and Strategy.
Mar Drugs
2021 Feb 27
Gao X, Jing X, Liu X
22. Cembranoids from Octocoral Lobophytum crassum (von Marenzeller, 1886).
Mar Drugs
2021 Feb 27
Yeh YT, Lin SC, Lee GH
23. Protective Effect of Tuna Bioactive Peptide on Dextran Sulfate Sodium-Induced Colitis in Mice.
Mar Drugs
2021 Feb 26
Xiang XW, Zhou XL, Wang R
24. Echinoderms Metabolites: Structure, Functions, and Biomedical Perspectives.
Mar Drugs
2021 Feb 26
Kalinin VI.
25. The Seaweed Diet in Prevention and Treatment of the Neurodegenerative Diseases.
Mar Drugs
2021 Feb 26
Pereira L, Valado A.
26. Oceanapiside, a Marine Natural Product, Targets the Sphingolipid Pathway of Fluconazole-Resistant Candida glabrata.
Mar Drugs
2021 Feb 26
Dalisay DS, Rogers EW, Molinski TF.
27. Targeted Isolation of Xenicane Diterpenoids from Taiwanese Soft Coral Asterospicularia laurae.
Mar Drugs
2021 Feb 25
Lin YC, Chen YJ, Chen SR
28. Secondary Metabolites from the Marine Sponges of the Genus Petrosia: A Literature Review of 43 Years of Research.
Mar Drugs
2021 Feb 25
Lee YJ, Cho Y, Tran HNK.
29. Characterization of Molecular Species and Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Purified Phospholipids from Antarctic Krill Oil.
Mar Drugs
2021 Feb 25
Zhou L, Wu X, Yang F
30. Lyophilization Serves as an Effective Strategy for Drug Development of the α9α10 Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor Antagonist α-Conotoxin GeXIVA[1,2].
Mar Drugs
2021 Feb 25
Li Z, Han X, Hong X
31. Computational Assessment of Chito-Oligosaccharides Interactions with Plasma Proteins.
Mar Drugs
2021 Feb 24
Roman DL, Ostafe V, Isvoran A.
32. Cysteine [2,4] Disulfide Bond as a New Modifiable Site of α-Conotoxin TxIB.
Mar Drugs
2021 Feb 22
Zhang B, Ren M, Xiong Y
33. α-Conotoxins and α-Cobratoxin Promote, while Lipoxygenase and Cyclooxygenase Inhibitors Suppress the Proliferation of Glioma C6 Cells.
Mar Drugs
2021 Feb 21
Terpinskaya TI, Osipov AV, Kryukova EV
34. PNSA, a Novel C-Terminal Inhibitor of HSP90, Reverses Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition and Suppresses Metastasis of Breast Cancer Cells In Vitro.
Mar Drugs
2021 Feb 20
Zhang A, Qi X, Du F
35. The Bioactive Potential of Trawl Discard: Case Study from a Crinoid Bed Off Blanes (North-Western Mediterranean).
Mar Drugs
2021 Feb 2
García-de-Vinuesa A, Demestre M, Carreño A
36. Polyhydroxy p-Terphenyls from a Mangrove Endophytic Fungus Aspergillus candidus LDJ-5.
Mar Drugs
2021 Feb 2
Zhou G, Zhang X, Shah M
37. Distribution of Tetrodotoxin in Pacific Oysters (Crassostrea gigas).
Mar Drugs
2021 Feb 2
Dhanji-Rapkova M, Turner AD, Baker-Austin C
38. Influences of Molecular Weights on Physicochemical and Biological Properties of Collagen-Alginate Scaffolds.
Mar Drugs
2021 Feb 2
Ho TC, Park JS, Kim SY
39. Anti-Infective and Antiviral Activity of Valinomycin and Its Analogues from a Sea Cucumber-Associated Bacterium, Streptomyces sp. SV 21.
Mar Drugs
2021 Feb 2
Wibowo JT, Kellermann MY, Köck M
40. Recent Advances in Small Peptides of Marine Origin in Cancer Therapy.
Mar Drugs
2021 Feb 19
Zhang QT, Liu ZD, Wang Z
41. Fish Waste: From Problem to Valuable Resource.
Mar Drugs
2021 Feb 19
Coppola D, Lauritano C, Palma Esposito F
42. Microalgae n-3 PUFAs Production and Use in Food and Feed Industries.
Mar Drugs
2021 Feb 18
Remize M, Brunel Y, Silva JL
43. Cytoprotective Potential of Fucoxanthin in Oxidative Stress-Induced Age-Related Macular Degeneration and Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cell Senescence In Vivo and In Vitro.
Mar Drugs
2021 Feb 18
Chen SJ, Lin TB, Peng HY
44. Comparative Evaluation of Different Chitosan Species and Derivatives as Candidate Biomaterials for Oxygen-Loaded Nanodroplet Formulations to Treat Chronic Wounds.
Mar Drugs
2021 Feb 15
Argenziano M, Bressan B, Luganini A
45. Using Bacillus subtilis as a Host Cell to Express an Antimicrobial Peptide from the Marine Chordate Ciona intestinalis.
Mar Drugs
2021 Feb 12
Lee BC, Tsai JC, Lin CY
46. Chitin Degradation Machinery and Secondary Metabolite Profiles in the Marine Bacterium Pseudoalteromonas rubra S4059.
Mar Drugs
2021 Feb 12
Wang X, Isbrandt T, Strube ML
47. Biobased Solvents for Pressurized Liquid Extraction of Nannochloropsis gaditana Omega-3 Lipids.
Mar Drugs
2021 Feb 12
Blanco-Llamero C, Señoráns FJ.
48. Antimicrobial Activity of Chitosan Oligosaccharides with Special Attention to Antiparasitic Potential.
Mar Drugs
2021 Feb 12
Silva NSD, Araújo NK, Daniele-Silva A
49. Bio-Guided Isolation of Antimalarial Metabolites from the Coculture of Two Red Sea Sponge-Derived Actinokineospora and Rhodococcus spp.
Mar Drugs
2021 Feb 12
Alhadrami HA, Thissera B, Hassan MHA
50. Subcutaneous ω-Conotoxins Alleviate Mechanical Pain in Rodent Models of Acute Peripheral Neuropathy.
Mar Drugs
2021 Feb 11
Hasan MM, Starobova H, Mueller A
51. A New Micromonospora Strain with Antibiotic Activity Isolated from the Microbiome of a Mid-Atlantic Deep-Sea Sponge.
Mar Drugs
2021 Feb 11
Back CR, Stennett HL, Williams SE
52. New Hopes for Drugs against COVID-19 Come from the Sea.
Mar Drugs
2021 Feb 11
Taglialatela-Scafati O.
53. Comparative Metabologenomics Analysis of Polar Actinomycetes.
Mar Drugs
2021 Feb 10
Soldatou S, Eldjárn GH, Ramsay A
54. Haloferax mediterranei Cells as C50 Carotenoid Factories.
Mar Drugs
2021 Feb 10
Giani M, Montero-Lobato Z, Garbayo I
55. A New, Quick, and Simple Protocol to Evaluate Microalgae Polysaccharide Composition.
Mar Drugs
2021 Feb 10
Decamp A, Michelo O, Rabbat C
56. A Comparative Study on the Flocculation of Silica and China Clay with Chitosan and Synthetic Polyelectrolytes.
Mar Drugs
2021 Feb 10
Borchert KBL, Steinbach C, Schwarz S
57. Preventive Effect of Depolymerized Sulfated Galactans from Eucheuma serra on Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli-Caused Diarrhea via Modulating Intestinal Flora in Mice.
Mar Drugs
2021 Feb 1
Ma Y, Zhang Q, Liu W
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