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2023 Mar (1)
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2021 Aug (58)
2021 Jul (62)
2021 Jun (59)
2021 May (62)
2021 Apr (61)
2021 Mar (62)
2021 Feb (57)
2021 Jan (63)
1. Integrated Omics Strategy Reveals Cyclic Lipopeptides Empedopeptins from Massilia sp. YMA4 and Their Biosynthetic Pathway.
Mar Drugs
2021 Apr 9
Ho ST, Ho YN, Lin C
2. Synthesis of Marine Natural Products and Molecules Inspired by Marine Substances.
Mar Drugs
2021 Apr 8
Manzo E.
3. Accelerated Solvent Extraction and Pulsed Electric Fields for Valorization of Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and Sole (Dover sole) By-Products: Protein Content, Molecular Weight Distribution and Antioxidant Potential of the Extracts.
Mar Drugs
2021 Apr 7
Wang M, Zhou J, Collado MC
4. Isomalabaricane Triterpenes from the Marine Sponge Rhabdastrella sp.
Mar Drugs
2021 Apr 6
Lai KH, Huang ZH, El-Shazly M
5. Cellular Signal Transductions and Their Inhibitors Derived from Deep-Sea Organisms.
Mar Drugs
2021 Apr 5
Wang L, Umezawa K.
6. Seasonal Variation of the Proximate Composition, Mineral Content, Fatty Acid Profiles and Other Phytochemical Constituents of Selected Brown Macroalgae.
Mar Drugs
2021 Apr 4
Garcia-Vaquero M, Rajauria G, Miranda M
7. Shrimp Oil Extracted from Shrimp Processing By-Product Is a Rich Source of Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Astaxanthin-Esters, and Reveals Potential Anti-Adipogenic Effects in 3T3-L1 Adipocytes.
Mar Drugs
2021 Apr 30
Phadtare I, Vaidya H, Hawboldt K
8. Probing the Anti-Cancer Potency of Sulfated Galactans on Cholangiocarcinoma Cells Using Synchrotron FTIR Microspectroscopy, Molecular Docking, and In Vitro Studies.
Mar Drugs
2021 Apr 30
Boonsri B, Choowongkomon K, Kuaprasert B
9. Glycosaminoglycans from Litopenaeus vannamei Inhibit the Alzheimer's Disease β Secretase, BACE1.
Mar Drugs
2021 Apr 3
Mycroft-West CJ, Devlin AJ, Cooper LC
10. Molecular Mechanisms of Astaxanthin as a Potential Neurotherapeutic Agent.
Mar Drugs
2021 Apr 3
Bahbah EI, Ghozy S, Attia MS
11. Diversity of Conopeptides and Conoenzymes from the Venom Duct of the Marine Cone Snail Conus bayani as Determined from Transcriptomic and Proteomic Analyses.
Mar Drugs
2021 Apr 3
Rajaian Pushpabai R, Wilson Alphonse CR, Mani R
12. Influence of Dietary Lipids and Environmental Salinity on the n-3 Long-Chain Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids Biosynthesis Capacity of the Marine Teleost Solea senegalensis.
Mar Drugs
2021 Apr 29
Marrero M, Monroig Ó, Betancor M
13. Optimising the DPPH Assay for Cell-Free Marine Microorganism Supernatants.
Mar Drugs
2021 Apr 29
Gang Y, Eom TY, Marasinghe SD
14. Marine Microbial-Derived Antibiotics and Biosurfactants as Potential New Agents against Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections.
Mar Drugs
2021 Apr 29
Zhang S, Liang X, Gadd GM
15. Synthesis-Driven Stereochemical Assignment of Marine Polycyclic Ether Natural Products.
Mar Drugs
2021 Apr 29
Fuwa H.
16. A Lymphoid Organ Specific Anti-Lipopolysaccharide Factor from Litopenaeus vannamei Exhibits Strong Antimicrobial Activities.
Mar Drugs
2021 Apr 28
Sun M, Li S, Lv X
17. Compounds Identified from Marine Mangrove Plant (Avicennia alba) as Potential Antiviral Drug Candidates Against WDSV, an In-Silico Approach.
Mar Drugs
2021 Apr 28
Aljahdali MO, Molla MHR, Ahammad F.
18. The Marine Natural Product Furospinulosin 1 Induces Apoptosis in MDA-MB-231 Triple Negative Breast Cancer Cell Spheroids, But Not in Cells Grown Traditionally with Longer Treatment.
Mar Drugs
2021 Apr 28
Guzmán EA, Pitts TP, Winder PL
19. Anti-Alzheimer's Molecules Derived from Marine Life: Understanding Molecular Mechanisms and Therapeutic Potential.
Mar Drugs
2021 Apr 28
Kabir MT, Uddin MS, Jeandet P
20. Screening of In-Vitro Anti-Inflammatory and Antioxidant Activity of Sargassum ilicifolium Crude Lipid Extracts from Different Coastal Areas in Indonesia.
Mar Drugs
2021 Apr 28
Saraswati, Giriwono PE, Iskandriati D
21. Bioactive Compounds from Marine Sponges: Fundamentals and Applications.
Mar Drugs
2021 Apr 27
Varijakzhan D, Loh JY, Yap WS
22. OVAT Analysis and Response Surface Methodology Based on Nutrient Sources for Optimization of Pigment Production in the Marine-Derived Fungus Talaromyces albobiverticillius 30548 Submerged Fermentation.
Mar Drugs
2021 Apr 27
Venkatachalam M, Shum-Chéong-Sing A, Caro Y
23. Total Synthesis and Structural Reassignment of Laingolide A.
Mar Drugs
2021 Apr 27
Wu F, Zhang T, Yu J
24. Antitumor Effects of a Sesquiterpene Derivative from Marine Sponge in Human Breast Cancer Cells.
Mar Drugs
2021 Apr 26
Bai LY, Su JH, Chiu CF
25. Environmental Impact on Seaweed Phenolic Production and Activity: An Important Step for Compound Exploitation.
Mar Drugs
2021 Apr 26
Lomartire S, Cotas J, Pacheco D
26. Dieckol and Its Derivatives as Potential Inhibitors of SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein (UK Strain: VUI 202012/01): A Computational Study.
Mar Drugs
2021 Apr 25
Aatif M, Muteeb G, Alsultan A
27. Biotechnological and Ecological Potential of Micromonospora provocatoris sp. nov., a Gifted Strain Isolated from the Challenger Deep of the Mariana Trench.
Mar Drugs
2021 Apr 25
Abdel-Mageed WM, Al-Wahaibi LH, Lehri B
28. Cyanobacteria-From the Oceans to the Potential Biotechnological and Biomedical Applications.
Mar Drugs
2021 Apr 24
Khalifa SAM, Shedid ES, Saied EM
29. Sulfated and Sulfur-Containing Steroids and Their Pharmacological Profile.
Mar Drugs
2021 Apr 24
Pounina TA, Gloriozova TA, Savidov N
30. Fucoidan from Laminaria japonica Inhibits Expression of GLUT9 and URAT1 via PI3K/Akt, JNK and NF-κB Pathways in Uric Acid-Exposed HK-2 Cells.
Mar Drugs
2021 Apr 23
Zhang Y, Tan X, Lin Z
31. Expression of Anti-Lipopolysaccharide Factor Isoform 3 in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Showing High Antimicrobial Activity.
Mar Drugs
2021 Apr 23
Li A, Huang R, Wang C
32. Echinochrome A Treatment Alleviates Fibrosis and Inflammation in Bleomycin-Induced Scleroderma.
Mar Drugs
2021 Apr 23
Park GT, Yoon JW, Yoo SB
33. The Kinetics of Chitosan Degradation in Organic Acid Solutions.
Mar Drugs
2021 Apr 22
Sikorski D, Gzyra-Jagieła K, Draczyński Z.
34. Bioprospecting of Less-Polar Constituents from Endemic Brown Macroalga Fucus virsoides J. Agardh from the Adriatic Sea and Targeted Antioxidant Effects In Vitro and In Vivo (Zebrafish Model).
Mar Drugs
2021 Apr 22
Jerković I, Cikoš AM, Babić S
35. The Prospective Use of Brazilian Marine Macroalgae in Schistosomiasis Control.
Mar Drugs
2021 Apr 22
Stein EM, Tajú SG, Miyasato PA
36. Omega-3-Rich Oils from Marine Side Streams and Their Potential Application in Food.
Mar Drugs
2021 Apr 21
Pateiro M, Domínguez R, Varzakas T
37. Antimicrobial and Antibiofilm Activities of the Fungal Metabolites Isolated from the Marine Endophytes Epicoccum nigrum M13 and Alternaria alternata 13A.
Mar Drugs
2021 Apr 20
Qader MM, Hamed AA, Soldatou S
38. Electrochromic Properties and Electrochemical Behavior of Marennine, a Bioactive Blue-Green Pigment Produced by the Marine Diatom Haslea ostrearia.
Mar Drugs
2021 Apr 19
Francezon N, Herbaut M, Bardeau JF
39. Two Benthic Diatoms, Nanofrustulum shiloi and Striatella unipunctata, Encapsulated in Alginate Beads, Influence the Reproductive Efficiency of Paracentrotus lividus by Modulating the Gene Expression.
Mar Drugs
2021 Apr 17
Glaviano F, Ruocco N, Somma E
40. Svalbamides A and B, Pyrrolidinone-Bearing Lipodipeptides from Arctic Paenibacillus sp.
Mar Drugs
2021 Apr 17
Du YE, Bae ES, Lim Y
41. Rapid Sorting of Fucoxanthin-Producing Phaeodactylum tricornutum Mutants by Flow Cytometry.
Mar Drugs
2021 Apr 17
Fan Y, Ding XT, Wang LJ
42. Anti-Food Allergic Compounds from Penicillium griseofulvum MCCC 3A00225, a Deep-Sea-Derived Fungus.
Mar Drugs
2021 Apr 16
Xing CP, Chen D, Xie CL
43. Marine-Source Quorum Quenching Enzyme YtnP to Improve Hygiene Quality in Dental Units.
Mar Drugs
2021 Apr 16
Sun X, Hill P, Liu J
44. Chemical and Antioxidant Characteristics of Skin-Derived Collagen Obtained by Acid-Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Bigeye Tuna (Thunnus obesus).
Mar Drugs
2021 Apr 16
Devita L, Nurilmala M, Lioe HN
45. Biosynthesis of Long-Chain Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids in Marine Gammarids: Molecular Cloning and Functional Characterisation of Three Fatty Acyl Elongases.
Mar Drugs
2021 Apr 16
Ribes-Navarro A, Navarro JC, Hontoria F
46. Symbioses of Cyanobacteria in Marine Environments: Ecological Insights and Biotechnological Perspectives.
Mar Drugs
2021 Apr 16
Mutalipassi M, Riccio G, Mazzella V
47. Antifungal and Larvicidal Activities of Phlorotannins from Brown Seaweeds.
Mar Drugs
2021 Apr 16
Negara BFSP, Sohn JH, Kim JS
48. Rapid Hemostatic Biomaterial from a Natural Bath Sponge Skeleton.
Mar Drugs
2021 Apr 15
Wang Q, Chen J, Wang D
49. Enhancement of Xanthophyll Synthesis in Porphyra/Pyropia Species (Rhodophyta, Bangiales) by Controlled Abiotic Factors: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.
Mar Drugs
2021 Apr 15
Piña F, Contreras-Porcia L.
50. Inhibition of SARS-CoV-2 Virus Entry by the Crude Polysaccharides of Seaweeds and Abalone Viscera In Vitro.
Mar Drugs
2021 Apr 15
Yim SK, Kim K, Kim IH
51. Synthesis and Bioactivities of Marine Pyran-Isoindolone Derivatives as Potential Antithrombotic Agents.
Mar Drugs
2021 Apr 15
Wang Y, Chen H, Sheng R
52. Transcriptome Analysis Reveals Possible Immunomodulatory Activity Mechanism of Chlorella sp. Exopolysaccharides on RAW264.7 Macrophages.
Mar Drugs
2021 Apr 14
Wu S, Liu H, Li S
53. In Vitro Bioactivity of Astaxanthin and Peptides from Hydrolisates of Shrimp (Parapenaeus longirostris) By-Products: From the Extraction Process to Biological Effect Evaluation, as Pilot Actions for the Strategy "From Waste to Profit".
Mar Drugs
2021 Apr 13
Messina CM, Manuguerra S, Arena R
54. Effect of Oversulfation on the Composition, Structure, and In Vitro Anti-Lung Cancer Activity of Fucoidans Extracted from Sargassum aquifolium.
Mar Drugs
2021 Apr 12
Hsiao HH, Wu TC, Tsai YH
55. Magnificines A and B, Antimicrobial Marine Alkaloids Featuring a Tetrahydrooxazolo[3,2-a]azepine-2,5(3H,6H)-dione Backbone from the Red Sea Sponge Negombata magnifica.
Mar Drugs
2021 Apr 12
Youssef DTA, Asfour HZ, Genta-Jouve G
56. In Vitro Prebiotic and Anti-Colon Cancer Activities of Agar-Derived Sugars from Red Seaweeds.
Mar Drugs
2021 Apr 12
Yun EJ, Yu S, Kim YA
57. Antimicrobials from Seaweeds for Food Applications.
Mar Drugs
2021 Apr 11
Cabral EM, Oliveira M, Mondala JRM
58. Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of a Depolymerized Glycosaminoglycan from Holothuria fuscopunctata, a Novel Anticoagulant Candidate, in Rats by Bioanalytical Methods.
Mar Drugs
2021 Apr 11
Liu S, Zhang T, Sun H
59. Estrogenic Effects of Extracts and Isolated Compounds from Belowground and Aerial Parts of Spartina anglica.
Mar Drugs
2021 Apr 11
Lee S, Kim GJ, Kwon H
60. Development of Antioxidant Protein Extracts from Gilthead Sea Bream (Sparus aurata) Side Streams Assisted by Pressurized Liquid Extraction (PLE).
Mar Drugs
2021 Apr 1
de la Fuente B, Pallarés N, Berrada H
61. Characterization of ACE Inhibitory Peptides Prepared from Pyropia pseudolinearis Protein.
Mar Drugs
2021 Apr 1
Kumagai Y, Toji K, Katsukura S
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