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1. Identifying luteolin as a potential drug for treating lung adenocarcinoma with COVID-19 affection based on integration analysis of pharmacology and transcriptome.
Curr Med Chem
2023 Sep 8
Peng P, Li N, Zhang N
2. Pharmacological activities of turmerones.
Curr Med Chem
2023 Sep 7
Niknejad A, Hosseini Y, Najafi Arab Z
3. Antiviral Compounds to Address Influenza Pandemics: An Update from 2016-2022.
Curr Med Chem
2023 Sep 7
Romeo R, Legnani L, Chiacchio MA
4. Construction of RNA Methylation Modification-immune-related lncRNA Molecular Subtypes and Prognostic Scoring System in Lung Adenocarcinoma.
Curr Med Chem
2023 Sep 6
Wang J, Shu J.
5. A Review on Graphene Analytical Sensors for Biomarker-based Detection of Cancer.
Curr Med Chem
2023 Sep 12
Gopinath SCB, Ramanathan S, More M
6. Alkaloids as Additional Weapons in the Fight against Breast Cancer: A review.
Curr Med Chem
2023 Sep 11
Chahat, Jha KT, Bhatia R
7. The Potential of Leucomethylene Blue in Methemoglobinemia Treatment: A New Hope for Patients with G6PD?
Curr Med Chem
2023 Sep 11
Emadi E, Alamdari DH, Sahebkar A.
8. Blood-based microRNAs as Potential Diagnostic biomarkers for Melanoma: A Meta-analysis.
Curr Med Chem
2023 May 9
Aalami AH, Abdeahad H, Mokhtari A
9. Metabolic reprogramming of immune cells following vaccination: from metabolites to personalized vaccinology.
Curr Med Chem
2023 May 9
Mussap M, Puddu M, Fanos V.
10. Recent Updates on Interaction Studies and Drug Delivery of Antimalarials with Serum Albumin proteins.
Curr Med Chem
2023 May 9
Azeem K, Irfan I, Rashid Q
11. The chemoprotective potentials of alpha-lipoic acid against cisplatin-induced ototoxicity: A systematic review.
Curr Med Chem
2023 May 9
Al-Awsi GRL, Arshed U, Arif A
12. Therapeutic Effects of Statins: Promising drug for Topical and Transdermal Administration.
Curr Med Chem
2023 May 8
Zahedipour F, Hosseini SA, Reiner Ž
13. Performance of Green Desymmetrization Methods toward Bioactive Cephalostatin Analogues.
Curr Med Chem
2023 May 8
Nawasreh M, Tahtamouni L.
14. A Review on the Efficacy and Safety of Intrathecal Administration of Novel Medications for Leptomeningeal Metastases in Solid Cancers.
Curr Med Chem
2023 May 8
Jafari F, Nodeh MM, Hosseinjani H
15. Advances in Drug Therapy for Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumour.
Curr Med Chem
2023 May 5
Liu J, Li J, Zhu Y
16. Multiple Protein Biomarkers and Different Treatment Strategies for Colorectal Carcinoma: A Comprehensive Prospective.
Curr Med Chem
2023 May 5
Chakraborty B, Agarwal S, Kori S
17. Therapeutic potential of decoys for prostate cancers: A review of recent updates.
Curr Med Chem
2023 May 5
Rezaei S, Mahjoubin-Tehran M, Iratni R
18. Resveratrol inhibits restenosis through suppressing proliferation, migration and trans-differentiation of vascular adventitia fibroblasts via activating SIRT1.
Curr Med Chem
2023 May 5
Li M, Luo L, Xiong Y
19. Phytochemicals as substances that affect astrogliosis and their implications for the management of neurodegenerative diseases.
Curr Med Chem
2023 May 4
Forouzanfar F, Pourbagher-Shahri AM, Vafaee F
20. Recent Discovery of Peptidomimetics for the Treatment of Coronavirus (COVID-19), Human coronavirus, and Enteroviruses.
Curr Med Chem
2023 May 4
De SK.
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