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20 2 (151)
1. Demographic fluctuations and selection during host-parasite co-evolution interactively increase genetic diversity.
Mol Ecol
2023 Mar 30
Le Pennec G, Retel C, Kowallik V
2. Overruled by nature: A plastic response to environmental change disconnects a gene and its trait.
Mol Ecol
2023 Mar 21
Besnier F, Skaala Ø, Wennevik V
3. Long-term and rapid evolution in powdery mildew fungi.
Mol Ecol
2023 Mar 2
Kusch S, Qian J, Loos A
4. Australian soil microbiome: A first sightseeing regional prediction driven by cycles of soil temperature and pedogenic variations.
Mol Ecol
2023 Mar 2
Pino V, Fajardo M, McBratney A
5. Sweepstakes reproduction facilitates rapid adaptation in highly fecund populations.
Mol Ecol
2023 Mar 10
Eldon B, Stephan W.
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