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20 2 (151)
1. Coevolutionary escalation led to differentially adapted paralogs of an insect's Na,K-ATPase optimizing resistance to host plant toxins.
Mol Ecol
2023 Jun 9
Herbertz M, Dalla S, Wagschal V
2. Testing for adaptive changes linked to range expansion following a single introduction of the fall webworm.
Mol Ecol
2023 Jun 5
Dai JX, Cao LJ, Chen JC
3. Phenotypic and genomic dissection of colour pattern variation in a reef fish radiation.
Mol Ecol
2023 Jun 20
Coulmance F, Akkaynak D, Le Poul Y
4. Suboptimal environmental conditions prolong phage epidemics in bacterial populations.
Mol Ecol
2023 Jun 19
Goehlich H, Roth O, Sieber M
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