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20 2 (151)
1. Evaluating the genetic consequences of population subdivision as it unfolds and how to best mitigate them: a rare story about koalas.
Mol Ecol
2023 Feb 9
Frère CH, O'Reilly GD, Strickland K
2. Genomic architecture underlying morphological and physiological adaptation to high elevation in a songbird.
Mol Ecol
2023 Feb 7
Lu CW, Huang ST, Cheng SJ
3. Tracking population structure and phenology through time using ancient genomes from waterlogged white oak wood.
Mol Ecol
2023 Feb 7
Wagner S, Seguin-Orlando A, Leplé JC
4. Contrasting seasonal patterns in diet and dung-associated invertebrates of feral cattle and horses in a rewilding area.
Mol Ecol
2023 Feb 6
Thomassen EE, Sigsgaard EE, Jensen MR
5. Host phylogeny and functional traits differentiate gut microbiomes in a diverse natural community of small mammals.
Mol Ecol
2023 Feb 5
Brown BRP, Goheen JR, Newsome SD
6. Ecological network structure in response to community assembly processes over evolutionary time.
Mol Ecol
2023 Feb 4
Graham NR, Krehenwinkel H, Lim JY
7. Rapid adaptation of recombining populations on tunable fitness landscapes.
Mol Ecol
2023 Feb 28
Li J, Amado A, Bank C.
8. Organellar DNA continues to provide a rich source of information in the genomics era.
Mol Ecol
2023 Feb 2
Blair C.
9. Environment and shipping drive environmental DNA beta-diversity among commercial ports.
Mol Ecol
2023 Feb 16
Andrés J, Czechowski P, Grey E
10. Transmission mode and dispersal traits correlate with host specificity in mammalian gut microbes.
Mol Ecol
2023 Feb 14
Mazel F, Guisan A, Parfrey LW.
11. Multiple mutations in the Nav1.4 sodium channel of New Guinean toxic birds provide auto-resistance to deadly batrachotoxin.
Mol Ecol
2023 Feb 13
Bodawatta KH(#), Hu H(#), Schalk F
12. Host phylogeny and ecological associations best explain Wolbachia host shifts in scale insects.
Mol Ecol
2023 Feb 13
Sanaei E, Albery GF, Yeoh YK
13. Models and molecular mechanisms for trade-offs in the context of metabolism.
Mol Ecol
2023 Feb 11
Hashemi S, Laitinen R, Nikoloski Z.
14. Towards exhaustive community ecology via DNA metabarcoding.
Mol Ecol
2023 Feb 10
Ficetola GF, Taberlet P.
15. The mechanism of promoting rhizosphere nutrient turnover for arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi attribute to recruited functional bacterial assembly.
Mol Ecol
2023 Feb 10
Xu Y, Chen Z, Li X
16. Telomerase as a possible key to bypass reproductive cost.
Mol Ecol
2023 Feb 1
Čapková Frydrychová R.
17. Microbial species from multiple maternal body sites shape the developing giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) cub gut microbiome.
Mol Ecol
2023 Feb 1
Guo W, Ren K, Ning R
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