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20 2 (151)
1. Integrative biological analyses of responses to food deprivation reveal resilience mechanisms in sea urchin larvae.
Mol Ecol
2023 Aug 30
Li N, Griffith AW, Manahan DT.
2. Stony coral tissue loss disease intervention with amoxicillin leads to a reversal of disease-modulated gene expression pathways.
Mol Ecol
2023 Aug 30
Studivan MS, Eckert RJ, Shilling E
3. Global genomic signature reveals the evolution of fall armyworm in the Eastern hemisphere.
Mol Ecol
2023 Aug 28
Zhang L, Li Z, Peng Y
4. Novel insights into symbiont population structure: Globe-trotting avian feather mites contradict the specialist-generalist variation hypothesis.
Mol Ecol
2023 Aug 27
Matthews AE, Boves TJ, Sweet AD
5. Can demographic histories explain long-term isolation and recent pulses of asymmetric gene flow between highly divergent grey fox lineages?
Mol Ecol
2023 Aug 26
Preckler-Quisquater S, Kierepka EM, Reding DM
6. Evolutionary dynamics of Euphorbia carniolica suggest a complex Plio-Pleistocene history of understorey species of deciduous forest in southeastern Europe.
Mol Ecol
2023 Aug 26
Kirschner P, Záveská E, Hülber K
7. Quantifying adaptive evolution and the effects of natural selection across the Norway spruce genome.
Mol Ecol
2023 Aug 25
Wang X, Ingvarsson PK.
8. Different trematode parasites in the same snail host: Species-specific or shared microbiota?
Mol Ecol
2023 Aug 24
Salloum PM, Jorge F, Poulin R.
9. Genomic approaches to mitigating genetic diversity loss in declining populations.
Mol Ecol
2023 Aug 23
Bossu CM, Rodriguez M, Rayne C
10. Cool, dry nights and short heatwaves during growth result in longer telomeres in temperate songbird nestlings.
Mol Ecol
2023 Aug 22
Eastwood JR, Dupoué A, Verhulst S
11. Parallel evolution in Crassostrea oysters along the latitudinal gradient is associated with variation in multiple genes involved in adipogenesis.
Mol Ecol
2023 Aug 22
Teng W, Fu H, Li Z
12. Large X-effects are absent in torrent frogs with nascent sex chromosomes.
Mol Ecol
2023 Aug 21
Wang Z, Luo W, Ping J
13. Recent parallel speciation in Antirrhinum involved complex haplotypes and multiple adaptive characters.
Mol Ecol
2023 Aug 21
Barnbrook M, Durán-Castillo M, Critchley J
14. Sperm of more colourful males are better adapted to ovarian fluids in lake char (Salmonidae).
Mol Ecol
2023 Aug 21
Nusbaumer D, Garaud L, de Guttry C
15. Corridor-based approach with spatial cross-validation reveals scale-dependent effects of geographic distance, human footprint and canopy cover on grizzly bear genetic connectivity.
Mol Ecol
2023 Aug 21
Palm EC, Landguth EL, Holden ZA
16. Testing concordance and conflict in spatial replication of landscape genetics inferences.
Mol Ecol
2023 Aug 21
Wishingrad V, Thomson RC.
17. Holocentric repeat landscapes: From micro-evolutionary patterns to macro-evolutionary associations with karyotype evolution.
Mol Ecol
2023 Aug 14
Cornet C, Mora P, Augustijnen H
18. A comparison of genomic diversity and demographic history of the North Atlantic and Southwest Atlantic southern right whales.
Mol Ecol
2023 Aug 14
Crossman CA, Fontaine MC, Frasier TR.
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