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20 2 (151)
1. Temporal change in floral availability leads to periods of resource limitation and affects diet specificity in a generalist pollinator.
Mol Ecol
2022 Oct 6
Lowe A, Jones L, Brennan G
2. Metabarcoding for biodiversity inventory blind spots: A test case using the beetle fauna of an insular cloud forest.
Mol Ecol
2022 Oct 5
Arjona Y, Arribas P, Salces-Castellano A
3. Globally-distributed microbial eukaryotes exhibit endemism at deep-sea hydrothermal vents.
Mol Ecol
2022 Oct 27
Hu SK, Smith AR, Anderson RE
4. Microbiomes associated with avian malaria survival differ between susceptible Hawaiian honeycreepers and sympatric malaria-resistant introduced birds.
Mol Ecol
2022 Oct 24
Navine AK, Paxton KL, Paxton EH
5. Phylogenetic diversity only weakly mitigates climate-change-driven biodiversity loss in insect communities.
Mol Ecol
2022 Oct 22
Li Z, Linard B, Vogler AP
6. Incipiently social carpenter bees (Xylocopa) host distinctive gut bacterial communities and display geographical structure as revealed by full-length PacBio 16S rRNA sequencing.
Mol Ecol
2022 Oct 14
Handy MY, Sbardellati DL, Yu M
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