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20 2 (151)
1. Genomic insights into variation in thermotolerance between hybridizing swordtail fishes.
Mol Ecol
2022 May 5
Payne C, Bovio R, Powell DL
2. The East Asian wild apples, Malus baccata (L.) Borkh and Malus hupehensis (Pamp.) Rehder., are additional contributors to the genomes of cultivated European and Chinese varieties.
Mol Ecol
2022 May 5
Chen X, Cornille A, An N
3. DNA-based networks reveal the ecological determinants of plant-herbivore interactions along environmental gradients.
Mol Ecol
2022 May 27
Pitteloud C, Defossez E, Albouy C
4. A network approach to decipher the dynamics of Lysobacteraceae plasmid gene sharing.
Mol Ecol
2022 May 20
Richard D, Roumagnac P, Pruvost O
5. Landscape genetics reveals contrasting patterns of connectivity in two newt species (Lissotriton montandoni and L. vulgaris).
Mol Ecol
2022 May 20
Antunes B, Figueiredo-Vázquez C, Dudek K
6. Nanopore sequencing of full rRNA operon improves resolution in mycobiome analysis and reveals high diversity in both human gut and environments.
Mol Ecol
2022 May 20
Lu J, Zhang X, Zhang X
7. Pathways to polar adaptation in fishes revealed by long-read sequencing.
Mol Ecol
2022 May 13
Hotaling S, Desvignes T, Sproul JS
8. Microbiomes respond predictably to built habitats on the seafloor.
Mol Ecol
2022 May 13
Hampel JJ, Moseley RD, Hamdan LJ.
9. Comparative genomics among cyst nematodes reveals distinct evolutionary histories among effector families and an irregular distribution of effector-associated promoter motifs.
Mol Ecol
2022 May 13
van Steenbrugge JJM, van den Elsen S, Holterman M
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