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20 2 (151)
1. Sexual interference revealed by joint study of male and female pollination success in chestnut.
Mol Ecol
2022 Dec 9
Larue C, Klein EK, Petit RJ.
2. Living with chronic infection: Persistent immunomodulation during avirulent haemoparasitic infection in a wild rodent.
Mol Ecol
2022 Dec 8
Taylor CH, Friberg IM, Jackson JA
3. Metabarcoding of trap nests reveals differential impact of urbanization on cavity-nesting bee and wasp communities.
Mol Ecol
2022 Dec 8
Dürrbaum E, Fornoff F, Scherber C
4. Metabolic reprogramming of Helicoverpa armigera larvae by HearNPV facilitates viral replication and host immune suppression.
Mol Ecol
2022 Dec 8
Tian Z, Zhu L, Michaud JP
5. Genomic data and common garden experiments reveal climate-driven selection on ecophysiological traits in two Mediterranean oaks.
Mol Ecol
2022 Dec 8
Ramírez-Valiente JA, Solé-Medina A, Robledo-Arnuncio JJ
6. Sunspot activity influences tree growth: Molecular evidence and ecological implications.
Mol Ecol
2022 Dec 7
Molina-Montenegro MA, Egas C, Ballesteros G
7. Symbiont-specific responses to environmental cues in a threesome lichen symbiosis.
Mol Ecol
2022 Dec 7
Almer J, Resl P, Gudmundsson H
8. Geographical distance, host evolutionary history and diet drive gut microbiome diversity of fish across the Yellow River.
Mol Ecol
2022 Dec 7
Pan B, Han X, Yu K
9. Expression of subunits of an insecticide target receptor varies across tissues, life stages, castes, and species of social bees.
Mol Ecol
2022 Dec 7
Witwicka A, López-Osorio F, Patterson V
10. Rapid bacterial and fungal successional dynamics in first year after chaparral wildfire.
Mol Ecol
2022 Dec 29
Pulido-Chavez MF, Randolph JWJ, Zalman C
11. Atypical life cycle does not lead to inbreeding or selfing in parasites despite clonemate accumulation in intermediate hosts.
Mol Ecol
2022 Dec 29
Keeney DB, Cobb SA, Jadin RC
12. The for gene as one of the drivers of foraging variations in a parasitic wasp.
Mol Ecol
2022 Dec 26
Gallot A, Desouhant E, Lhuillier V
13. Duplicate genes as sources for rapid adaptive evolution of sperm under environmental pollution in tree sparrow.
Mol Ecol
2022 Dec 25
Wang S, Zhang Y, Yang W
14. Long-wavelength-sensitive (lws) opsin gene expression, foraging and visual communication in coral reef fishes.
Mol Ecol
2022 Dec 22
Stieb SM, Cortesi F, Jardim de Queiroz L
15. The role of plastic and evolved DNA methylation in parallel adaptation of threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus).
Mol Ecol
2022 Dec 22
Hu J, Barrett RDH.
16. Direct and indirect genetic effects of a social supergene.
Mol Ecol
2022 Dec 21
Arsenault SV, Riba-Grognuz O, Shoemaker D
17. Exploring the phycosphere of Emiliania huxleyi: From bloom dynamics to microbiome assembly experiments.
Mol Ecol
2022 Dec 20
Câmara Dos Reis M, Romac S, Le Gall F
18. From high masked to high realized genetic load in inbred Scandinavian wolves.
Mol Ecol
2022 Dec 2
Smeds L, Ellegren H.
19. Riverscape community genomics: A comparative analytical approach to identify common drivers of spatial structure.
Mol Ecol
2022 Dec 2
Zbinden ZD, Douglas MR, Chafin TK
20. Phylogenomic inference and demographic model selection suggest peripatric separation of the cryptic steppe ant species Plagiolepis pyrenaica stat. rev.
Mol Ecol
2022 Dec 19
Kirschner P, Seifert B, Kröll J; STEPPE Consortium; Schlick-Steiner BC
21. Characterizing nutritional phenotypes using experimental nutrigenomics: Is there nutrient-specificity to different types of dietary stress?
Mol Ecol
2022 Dec 18
Jones CLC, Shafer ABA, Frost PC.
22. Rapid shifts in thermal reaction norms and tolerance of brooded coral larvae following parental heat acclimation.
Mol Ecol
2022 Dec 18
Jiang L, Liu CY, Cui G
23. Genetic analysis reveals the putative native range and widespread double-clonal reproduction in the invasive longhorn crazy ant.
Mol Ecol
2022 Dec 17
Tseng SP, Darras H, Hsu PW
24. Speciation without gene-flow in hybridizing deer.
Mol Ecol
2022 Dec 14
Kessler C, Wootton E, Shafer ABA.
25. Grassland ecosystem type drives AM fungal diversity and functional guild distribution in North American grasslands.
Mol Ecol
2022 Dec 14
Kasanke CP, Zhao Q, Alfaro T
26. Stepping up to genome scan allows stock differentiation in the worldwide distributed blue shark Prionace glauca.
Mol Ecol
2022 Dec 13
Nikolic N, Devloo-Delva F, Bailleul D
27. Cryptic recessive lethality of a supergene controlling social organization in ants.
Mol Ecol
2022 Dec 11
Blacher P, De Gasperin O, Grasso G
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